This Jewish Life - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe



Rabbi Yaakov Wolbes Torah Lectures


  • Five Fascinating Questions

    03/06/2024 Duration: 55min

    Questions can be unsettling. Questions can cause dissonance. Questions can be painful. But questions can also be illuminating. They can open up new portals of insight and perspective. Questions are a central part of Torah study. Much of the Talmud is written in a question and answer format. The Passover seder is marked by the […]

  • The Infinity of Torah

    13/05/2024 Duration: 01h10min

    The Torah is effectively infinite. It is longer than the land and broader than the seas. God is infinite and unfathomable; He gave us His Torah in order for us to connect with Him. Torah is, in fact, accessible to us, but we never arrive at the end point of Torah. It’s infinite. Moreover, the […]

  • On Elevator Pitches for God with Bruce Licht and Ron Kardos

    03/04/2024 Duration: 54min

    Many (most?) people believe in God. Believers accept the reality that the world, the universe, finite existence is the handiwork of an infinite God. Why do people believe? What evidence do believers have? These are some of the questions that my dear friends, Ron Kardos and Bruce Licht, sought to have answered. They conceived of […]

  • The Profound Purim Secret with Rabbi Shmuly Botnick

    21/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    TORCH Fundraiser — support the This Jewish Life Podcast Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED. Please support the This Jewish Life Podcast right now at The website for the Fundraiser is Click and donate to […]

  • The Peerless Brilliance of Biblical Hebrew + TORCH Fundraiser

    12/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    TORCH Fundraiser — support the This Jewish Life Podcast Our organization, TORCH, does only one fundraiser a year, and that is happening right now at This is a matching campaign and every donation will be DOUBLED. Please support the This Jewish Life Podcast right now at The website for the Fundraiser is Click and donate to […]

  • On Visiting Wartime Israel with Dr. Alan Kritz

    19/02/2024 Duration: 01h19min

    Our nation is at war. Our brothers and sisters are in combat in Gaza, displaced from their homes in the north and the south of Israel, traumatized from the atrocities of October 7th, and of course there are 100 plus hostages still in Gaza. Our nation is experiencing pain and challenge the likes of which […]

  • Celebrating A New Wolbe Baby Boy

    14/01/2024 Duration: 55min

    Our family was blessed with a new baby boy this past Sunday evening. With the help of the almighty, he will be joining the covenant of Abraham and receive his Bris tomorrow morning, Monday the 15th of January, in the Young Israel of Houston. In this special, celebratory podcast, I share what I said on […]

  • On the Spiritual Awakening in Israel with Rabbi Eliezer and Malky Wolbe

    27/12/2023 Duration: 53min

    When our nation experiences tragedy, we gravitate back to God. That is how we process pain and suffering. The Jewish people – especially our brothers and sisters in Israel – are exhibiting this response with resplendent nobility and strength of character. During the ongoing war, the Jewish spirit is being awakened. Jewish faith is being ignited […]

  • On the Front Lines in Gaza with Yoshi Rosenbluth

    11/12/2023 Duration: 01h38min

    My dear friend and long time podcast listener Yoshi Rosenbluth spent a month in Gaza as a fighter in the IDF. In this very special podcast, he tells us what things are like on the ground from a soldier’s perspective. If you want an insider’s look into the battlefront in Gaza, this podcast is for […]

  • On the Pulse of Wartime Israel with Blake Cohen

    04/12/2023 Duration: 02h28min

    In the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, the terror organization that has governed Gaza since 2007, there is a very big divide between Jews living in the land of Israel and those of us in the Diaspora. While Jews worldwide may empathize with their Israeli brethren and rally and pray for their cause, the […]

  • On Altruistic Kidney Donations with Rabbi Moshe Gewirtz

    27/11/2023 Duration: 01h25min

    Kidneys serve many vital functions. Their primary function is to filter the blood from any toxins or contaminants. Thankfully, the Almighty sends (most of) us to this world with two working kidneys. We have a bit of nephrological redundancy. People who suffer from kidney failure, God forbid, are greatly imperiled. In this podcast, I welcome […]

  • On Parenting in Difficult Times with the PodParents

    20/11/2023 Duration: 46min

    Few sequels live up to the high standards set by the original. Podfather Part 2 is an exception to the rule. In this special episode covering a variety of parenting subjects, we hear from both PodParents. My father and my mother – Avi and Faige Wolbe – both joined me in the TORCH Centre to […]

  • Discussing Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe on the Chinuch Today Podcast

    06/11/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    The Hebrew word for education is “Chinuch”. Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield is the Head of School of Yeshiva Torat Emet, the school in Houston, Texas that we send our children to, and is the host of the Chinuch Today podcast. In his podcasts, he interviews teachers and educators about Jewish education. He asked my brother and […]

  • The Profound Mystery of Cheshvan with Rabbi Shmuly Botnick

    30/10/2023 Duration: 01h43min

    Rabbi Shmuly Botnick returns to the podcast with his most mind-bending and dynamic contribution hitherto. In this exhilarating roller-coaster of a podcast, Rabbi Botnick weaves the generation of Enosh, the Flood, the placement of Moshe into the water, his retrieval by Pharaoh’s daughter, his complaint to God about the initial efforts to save the nation, […]

  • The Transcendent Power of a Unified Front

    23/10/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    It is not exactly clear what the participants in the Tower of Babel wanted. We know they wanted to ascend to heaven and to make a name for themselves, but what precisely they wanted is more of a mystery. The Midrash talks about it, the Talmud does as well – and in this podcast we […]

  • On Parenting with the Podfather, Avi Wolbe

    16/10/2023 Duration: 51min

    Parents are sent home with newborn babies without an instruction manual. They are expected to raise their child(ren) to become productive, responsible, and successful adults. As Jews, we have an added responsibility to raise our children as good Jews. Parents face a monumental task. This was always nightmarishly difficult, but with the rapidly-changing world that […]

  • The Joy of Sukkos

    27/09/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    The festival of Sukkos is called “the time of our joy.” The entire festival is associated with joy. Sitting in the Sukkah is joyous, shaking the Lulav is joyous, the traditional celebratory festivities are known as the “Joy of the Drawing.” Why are these days so intimately associated with joy? In this special podcast, we […]

  • Repentance Conundrums

    20/09/2023 Duration: 54min

    The days spanning from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur are known as the Ten Days of Repentance. Over the course of these days, we have extra prayers and supplications, and make an extra effort to improve and correct our ways, culminating of course, with the greatest day of them all, Yom Kippur. But repentance is […]

  • Rosh Hashana Opportunities

    13/09/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Rosh Hashana is a day of repentance. But unlike Yom Kippur, there is nary a mention of sin in all the ceremonies, prayers, and liturgies of Rosh Hashanah. What is the nature of repentance decoupled from acknowledgment of sin? When we study the sources related to Rosh Hashanah, we discover several fascinating opportunities that differentiate […]

  • Rosh Hashana Roundtable with the TORCH Podcasters

    11/09/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    Rosh Hashanah is the beginning. It is the beginning of the High Holidays. It is the beginning of the 10 days of repentance. It marks the beginning of humanity. On this day, Adam was created. Rosh Hashana marks the beginning of God’s Dominion and Kingship over the world, because a king absent a nation is […]

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