Steve The Plumber: The Show



A show hosted by Steve the Plumber. What else do you need to know?


  • S2 E12 - Luther of the House Took Took

    23/08/2019 Duration: 20min

    Another week, another episode of Steve the Plumber: The Show The Radio Show!   Hooray!    

  • S2 E11 - Gongo Bawango

    10/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    This episode was released on time. 

  • S2 E10 - Mix Brainstream

    02/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Dear the Internet, What is this? Another episode of the hit podcast, Steve the Plumber: the Show, the Radio show!? Uh, no thanks! I'm good!  Love,  Howard  

  • S2 E9 - Grandpa Joe

    25/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    This is not a podcast. It is an experience. A podcast experience. Okay, I lied. It is a podcast! April fools.

  • S2 E8 - Brickx Mainstream

    18/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Noises will be teleported from whatever device you may be listening to this with and will go into your ears! It's magic! (podcast magic) This week, our guest is Famed Country star, Brickx Mainstream! 

  • S2 E7 - Savage Jake

    12/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Listen, I know I've been phoning in these descriptions, but I'm under a lot of stress. It's very hard to make money as a full-time podcast description writer. I'm doing this for the experience! So back off! Also, because it's my job, here is an episode of scott the plummer...a show 

  • S2 E6 - Bob Ambulance

    03/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Yes, this is an episode of Steve the Plumber, SO STOP ASKING! 

  • S2 E5 - Blup Poopington

    14/03/2019 Duration: 19min

    It has been exactly one week since we released the last episode. 

  • S2 E4 - Li'lBilly

    31/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    epsidede of scott the plumbum . lisen too it if not illl getcha

  • S2 E3 - Michael Smichaelson...?

    27/01/2019 Duration: 18min

    This is chaos. 2019, though intended to be a year of peace and tranquility in the Steve the Plumber studio, has divulged into what can only be described as pure and utter havok. Redemption was the intent, but, through all our good intentions and to no one's surprise, failure reins supreme. Apophis, the god of chaos has ascended from the depths, his massive serpentine body destroying everything in its wake. His eyes, the last thing is seen before humanity meets its doom. Is this deserved? Have the actions of the world led to this undeniably? Alas, we cannot know. All that remains is fire, and this fire burns all. This fire burns civilization, both literally and metaphorically. There is no other ending. This is our reality; our world. Congratulations, we did it. See you next week.    

  • S2 E2 - Harry Susan is back

    17/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    Harry Susan, the disco lumberjack returns for what will probably be an episode of Steve the Plumber.

  • S2 E1 - David Pickleman

    09/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    Steve the Plumber: The Show is back! After all this time, we've finally made a come back in what can only be described as a shout into the abyss pleading desperately for relevance. In this, the first episode of season two, Steve interviews a baseball player and author and boy is it something. Anywhoo, it's good to be back and I hope we didn't lose any of our 3 listeners while we were gone.  

  • 12 - Steve the Bummer

    25/09/2017 Duration: 08min

    In this episode we recorded our voices for your ears. We put our voice sounds into the sound capture box and it ate it and pooped out this episode. Enjoy. Psst. Hey. Hey you. Yes you. Come here. I have a secret for you. I am your grandmother from the future. Eat a vegetable now and again. G-ma out!

  • 11 - Boop McFlea

    02/09/2017 Duration: 19min

    Dear Employees of the Third Goat Network, It has come to my attention that there is a cereal problem in the studio. As you know, Steve the Plumber has recently rejoined our ranks as an employee of this almost bankrupt company, and he needs his cereal. He is the talent and as the gypsy who cursed us said, "the talent must have cereal. I am a gypsy and this my curse." While we don't know why or how or when or where this happened, we do know who is happened to. Us. It was us. And we also know, if the talent doesn't get cereal, we will all have to have lunch with Guy Ferrari. That would be a nightmare. I am literally shuddering just thinking about it. That guy is the worst. He is almost as bad as Gene. Whoever is eating all the cereal and leaving crumbs everywhere, please stop. It is damaging to the company. If this behavior continues, I will start firing. I bet it was Gene. Let's all be honest and say, Gene is the worst. He is smelly, and gross and no one likes him. Sorry Gene. It had to be said. This has be

  • 10 - Shübert Tommicüll

    12/05/2017 Duration: 16min


  • 9 - Clarence the Movie Reviewer

    05/05/2017 Duration: 19min

    Hello dear listeners. You've done it. You've accomplished the task that so many have dreamed of, yet so few have achieved. You, my dear sweet listener, have returned for the ninth installment of the beloved podcast Steve the Plumber: the Show, the radio show. What gags and goofs await you just around of the proverbial corner? Will this new "kooky" be up to snuff? Will the episode go off the rails and devolve into something, that is frankly unidentifiable as comedy? Only time will tell. *Spoilems* This episode contains a guest, a host, a topic, some questions, some statements, and Thomas Alva Edison. So go, my beautiful darling listener and enjoy 20 minutes of what can only be describes as an audio file. Until next week, tis I, Reginald VelJohnson. Steve the Plumber: The Show New episodes out every day! Not really, just every Thursday. Good prank. I do apologize for the unbearable cadence in which Clarence speaks. Please note that we at the Steve the Plumber: The Show, the radio show are not held account

  • 8 - Rice

    28/04/2017 Duration: 18min

    In this episode of Steve the Plumber: The Show, the radio show, the new host settles into his new job. He interviews a stand up comedian named Rice. Boy does that guy bust guts. He tells some real knee slappers. He sure knows how to tickle the funny bone. He understands comedy. He speaks funnies. Humour pours out of his mouth like vomit from the mouth of someone who is vomiting. What a funny funny man. Comedy. Other stuff happens as well. The phone line segment is back! It's back in a big way! Yup. Listen to this episode please. I really want to be podcast famous. Steve the Plumber: The Show New episodes every Thursday! Crazy guests! Hooray Huzzah Hurray Need some funnies? Get em' here! Darn tootin'

  • 7 - Charles

    20/04/2017 Duration: 16min

    New episode! New host! New guests! More new hosts! Steve the Plumber: The Show, the radio show is back baby! After last week's shocking ending, we interview Charles! This is an episode where we interview Charles. You know him, you love him, he's Charles. Who is Charles? Who knows? People seem to like him, I guess. Also, the phone line segment is in this one. You guys remember that segment that we do? It's in this episode. A guys gets a speed tatoo, Something about Cookyman. Yada yada yada. I'm going to level with you guys, Steve (the Plumber) used to do the episode descriptions and now that he's dead I have to. I'm not very good at them. The second halve of this episode is much better than the first. I hate my job. I crave the sweet embrace of death. Well, that's it. I'm going to drink myself to sleep. Boy, this episode really got away from us.

  • 6 - Arnold Schwartzanae (featuring Greg the Plumber!!)

    13/04/2017 Duration: 15min

    All hell breaks loose.

  • 5 - Evan Browne (with an E)

    06/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    In this episode I, Steve the Plumber, interview Evan Browne (with an E). Mr. Browne (with an E) is a professional cowbellist, and yet again I find myself wondering if the profession of my interviewee is real. You can find information about the cowbellist at his website. That's all from me, Steve the Plumber. Thank you for listening to my show, Steve the Plumber: The Show, the radio show. However, If you're not listening, I would like you to listen. That is all I have to say about that.

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