Awakening Birth

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:01:42
  • More information



Your guide to pregnancy and gentle birth. Host Deborah Flowers is both a Registered Nurse and a Certified Professional Midwife at The Farm Community, internationally known as the home of Spiritual Midwifery. Co-host Ibu Robin Lim was recognized as the 2011 CNN Hero of the Year for her work as the founder of the Bumi Sehat Clinic Birth Center and Clinic in Bali, Indonesia. Topics for Season 1 include Choosing a Care Provider, the Safety of Home Birth, Prenatal Care Not Prenatal Scare, and Birth as the Power to Heal. Listen as Deborah and Robin share personal stories, insights, and guidance to help you achieve the birth you desire.


  • Birth Stories: Birth as the Power to Heal

    02/11/2016 Duration: 08min

    In this podcast, a mother describes her first birth at a hospital in New Zealand, followed by her second birth nearly 10 years later at the Bumi Sehat Clinic in Bali, Indonesia with midwife Ibu Robin Lim.In this story we learn that when a woman gives birth in an atmosphere where she feels loved and supported, birth can be, not just a beautiful and magical event, but that it also has the power to heal.

  • Delayed Cord Clamping - Are their vampires in the birth room?

    02/11/2016 Duration: 45min

    Up to 1/3 of the baby’s blood is still present in the cord immediately after birth, a vital fluid that has been converted into a commodity and commercial product. Are their vampires in the hospital?In this podcast, hosts and midwives Deborah Flowers and Ibu Robin Lim discuss the new standard of care, in which clamping or cutting the cord is delayed from 30 minutes to as long as three days, a traditional practice known as "Lotus Birth."

  • Prenatal Care, Not Prenatal Scare

    01/11/2016 Duration: 54min

    So often, at some point during a woman’s pregnancy, a health-care professional or well meaning friend, will provide information that puts unnecessary fear into the heart and mind of a mother-to-be.“A woman may be told she is:     Too Old - Too Young - Too Small - Too Big…Women have babies!”Pamela Hunt, CPM, The Farm Midwifery CenterIn this episode, midwives Deborah Flowers, RN/CPM and Ibu Robin Lim, CPM, describe the many ways fear is used to intimidate or influence pregnant women to abandon natural child birth in favor of more technical intervention, as well as submit to a battery of tests that may or may not be in the mother or baby’s best interest.Prenatal Care, not Prenatal Scare!

  • Is home birth safe? Midwives Ibu Robin Lim and Deborah Flowers provide answers.

    01/11/2016 Duration: 23min

    Our podcast "Is Home Birth Safe?" is in celebration of International Day of the Midwife, and in response to a recent opinion piece published by the New York Times questioning the safety of home birth and the training of Certified Professional Midwives. It is important that we speak out whenever the safety and sanctity of home birth is attacked.

  • Meet Midwife Deborah Flowers, RN/CPM, founder of Awakening Birth

    01/11/2016 Duration: 46min

    Deborah Flowers, RN CPM, is the co-founder of the Awakening Birth podcast and its corresponding web site, www.awakeningbirth.orgIn this podcast, Deborah is interviewed by midwife Ibu Robin Lim. Deborah describes her first experience giving birth, as well as her path to becoming a midwife. She shares several  memorable births stories, with insights and lessons learned. Deborah also describes the Belize project, her experience of working with Mayan Mopan women, and lives that were saved because of the training they received.In addition to serving as a midwife, Deborah also teaches and does training’s in neonatal resuscitation,  breast feeding, cultural competency, and more, The Farm Midwifery Workshops.Visit her web site

  • Choosing a Care Provider for Your Birth

    01/11/2016 Duration: 26min

    Before you make a decision about where to give birth, it is important to look at all your options, and think about which one is best suited to help you achieve the experience you desire and the safest outcome for you and your baby.More at our web site:

  • Meet midwife Ibu Robin Lim, founder of Awakening Birth and CNN Hero of the year

    01/11/2016 Duration: 36min

    Ibu Robin Lim, CPM, is the founder of Bumi Sehat, a free clinic and birth center in Bali, Indonesia.In 2011 she was recognized as the CNN Hero of the Year, and has received many other honors and awards.She is the author of several books, including After the Baby’s Birth…A Woman’s Way to Wellness, and The Geometry of Splitting Souls.In this podcast, Robin is interviewed by Awakening birth co-founder Deborah Flowers when she was visiting roing and the bumi Sehat Clinic in Bali, Indonesia.