St Timothy Lutheran Church, Elca Podcast (sermons)



This podcast is made available from St Timothy Lutheran Church, ELCA. Omaha, NE


  • Worship on March 29


    Worship today includes music, prayers, and readings  and we hear from Judas Iscariot, another of our "Voices from the Passion". Readings include John 6:63-17, Matthew 26:14-25, and Mark 14:32, 41-46. Our thanks to David Ebke for his portrayal of Judas for our worship.

  • Worship on March 22


    St. Timothy's Lenten worship includes music, readings, a monologue from Pontius Pilate, and time for prayer together. We are grateful to Chaz Williamson for his preparation to share one of the "Voices of The Passion". 

  • Third Sunday in Lent


    Pastor David deFreese's sermon is based on John 4:5-30, 39-42. Jesus crosses boundaries in this passage that tells of his encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.  Jesus doesn't judge her, even though he knows her story; he invites her into relationship with God, the Creator. And, she is the one who hears Jesus announce "I am He."

  • Second Sunday in Lent


    Pastor Kathy's message from Sunday, March 8. Her message is based on John 3:1-17. Nicodemus has questions for Jesus.  Jesus uses the image of birth to teach him how new life comes into our lives through Christ.  Birth is always water and spirit-and that's true for being born anew to a living hope for Nicodemus and for us, too. "God became one of us in this person, Jesus Christ.  God lives in the messiness of our lives, in our brokeness and our strengths"   "You must be born from above--not a command, but an invitation:  it's love and delight that Jesus invites us to receive--a gift.

  • First Sunday in Lent


    Pastor Kathy's Sermon today is based on the Reading from Matthew 4: 1-11, the passage that recounts Jesus' Temptation.  She invites us to reflect upon the ideas of Obedience, Solitude, and Community.  As the tempter comes to Jesus to give him false choices, we know that the church-of all settings- should be a place where we can be honest about our failings and to seek how we can hear more clearly to be brought back into community.

  • Transfiguration Sunday


    Pastor David deFreese's sermon for Transfiguration Sunday. His message is based on Matthew 17:1-9, 14-15, 18.  "High, Holy, Healing"--the sermon outline! If we listen, we will get the rhythm and it will move us. 

  • 6th Sunday after Epiphany


    Pastor Juliet Focken, assistant to the Nebraska Synod, shared her message based on Matthew 5:21-37. What it takes to be righteous, isn't following the "letter of the law", but to be in tune with God's vision that all are loved.  Jesus' call extends the Jewish law of the day to pay attention to what builds up the body of believers and to encourage one another.  Pastor Juliet explores what the Eighth Commandment, "Do not bear false witness" calls us to do: you'll learn a new Greek word and how small things can be what trips up others. "We're called to find the best in others; to lift up what others can't see; to take away those things that are keeping others from seeing the reality and truth of what God is."  

  • You Are The Salt of The Earth


    Pastor Kathy's message for the 5th Sunday After Epiphany is based on Matthew 5:13-20.  This passage follows Jesus' message we know as "The Beatitudes" .Salt preserves and enhances food. As we explore this description Jesus gave to his followers, "salt of the earth" we are invited to consider just what we are called to preserve, to enhance. What is the most important question for the church in these days? And think about how the passage from Isaiah 58:1-9 resonates with us today. 

  • Presentation of Our Lord


    Pastor Kathy's Sermon reflects on the meaning of Candlemas-a tradition of celebrating Jesus as the light of the world- "God prepares people to receive Jesus", just as Simeon and Anna are ready to behold and hope through the work of the Holy Spirit. We, too, can carry the light of Christ and know that God is at work around and among us to shape people to expect something different and to look for it. Just as we declare at baptism: "Let your Light so shine before others that they can see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

  • Second Sunday After Epiphany


    Pastor Kathy's Sermon for today is based on John1:29-42. She reminds us that we are "called to be witnesses" do as John in this passage declares in verse 34..."..I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God."  We too are called to "use our voices, our hearts to share where we have seen God's work in our world."   Her message closed with a reminder of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s leadership and witness to Jesus' call to offer a vision of a world of justice and harmony. We invite you to watch this brief video remembrance of Dr. King and the movement he fostered for civil rights.

  • Baptism of our Lord


    Based on Matthew 3:13-17;  Today's message is about grace, God's love and gifts given to us through Jesus who is declared Beloved. God acted, God created, God cared, God came, God died, God rose, God loves! God is the primary actor and you and I can respond with Praise and Purpose. You are beloved of God and, through the gift, we can shine the light of Christ to a darkened world. Pastor David deFreese's message fromSunday, January 11. 

  • The Twelfth Day of Christmas


    Pastor Kathy shares a message from her father-in-law, Pastor Oscar Johnson from his notes from 1985. Discover the power of the second story of Christmas. 

  • Fourth Sunday of Advent


    Pastor Kathy's Sermon

  • Third Sunday in Advent


    Pastor Kathy's Sermon

  • Homily December 11


    An Advent message from our member, Lukas Peterson. "Joy".  Kevin Walters brings to life "The Magnificat" from our Holden Evening service.  

  • Second Sunday of Advent


    Pastor David deFreese sermon

  • First Sunday of Advent


    What do we need to do to "Keep Awake"? Pastor Kathy's message is based on the gospel for today, Matthew 24:36-44.

  • November 24 sermon


    Pastor Kathy, on this Christ the King Sunday, has a message from Jesus from the cross:  "Father, Forgive them." Based on Luke 23:33-43, Jesus' words both convict and bless us. "Jesus, Remember Me."

  • 5th Sunday after Epiphany


    Pastor Kathy's Sermon

  • 4th Sunday after Epiphany


    Pastor David deFreese's sermon

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