Clumsy Girls Guide To Greatness With ~ Carol Glover



Inspired Choices Network Do you ever feel like youre stumbling through life? Does it seem like sometimes youre the most brilliant creature on the planet, and sometimes youre a hot mess? Carol Glover


  • The Ultimate Trip with Guest Keisha Clark


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover Judgment:  it’s gotten us tied up in knots, tripping over ourselves and generally getting nowhere fast. Join me with my very special Guest and fellow show host Keisha Clark as we explore the sneaky side of judgment, and what to do when you discover it playing against you. Keisha draws upon her experiences from performing arts and various energy and bodywork modalities to facilitate change with her clients. From her many transformative adventures, Keisha has a great appreciation for the limitless capacities of Beings and Bodies to co-create, and for it never showing up the way we imagined it could have – and always better than we could have imagined.  Keisha believes that infinite possibilities of greatness exist in and for everyone and she utilizes question as her primary tool for creating greater awareness of possibilities as the basis of her work.

  • Some Things You DON’T Need to Know


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Do you tie yourself in knots until you figure something out? Do you hide under the covers waiting for the hurt to stop before you get up and join life again? Did you know that maybe there are some things you don't really need to know before moving on? Join Carol for this light-hearted look into some of the things you really don't need to know in order to be happy again. "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • What Childless Women Know About Children ~ Guest Joanne Del Core


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  My guest this week, Joanne Del Core, and I are both "childless women": Joanne has hundreds of children in her world and I have two step-sons as well as many nieces & nephews. This gives us both a unique point of view on children, parenting, grand-parenting; a point of view that could be a contribution to both the child and those whom so closely care for them. Join us as we dive in to the wisdom of childless women (rather than tip-toeing - or is that just me!). Joanne Del Core is an Emotional Intelligence Strategist who works in many capacities with educators and children to create and sustain emotionally healthy environments for children. Her work with child and family facing organizations is meant to drive training and educational initiatives to equip educators, educators in training and parents with tools and information about how to navigate and support the emotional landscape for children. These initiatives directly target anxiety, ADHD, depre

  • The Power of Releasing Judgment – Go For Launch!


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  shhhh ... it's a secret! Okay ... just for you ... it's not a secret anymore!!! My next book is HERE! I am SO grateful to be counted among the authors in this mighty book "The Power of Releasing Judgment". Join me and some of my potent co-creators for a PARTY!!! I know you wouldn't think of Judgment as being party worthy - let me tell you, releasing judgment certainly is! In The Power of Releasing Judgment, #1 bestselling authors show exceptionally powerful, pragmatic tools for changing your life for the better starting right now. Judgment serves to destroy, releasing judgment generates joy, happiness, peace, forgiveness, and freedom to choose fresh for your life. Find out more about the book (and purchase it OF COURSE!) on Amazon. "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • Desire, Enough and More with Guest Staci Barron


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Imagine the scene: a lovely, early autumn day, Carol and Staci sit at a picnic table in a park, the river lazily flows by and the geese wander about. Our conversation flowed faster than the river as we explored dreams, desires, things that challenge us and question the concept of enough. Join us we continue the conversation and get deeper into desires, enough and more! Staci Barron owns a  pottery studio at her home in the scenic village of Elora Ontario. She is a mother of  two teenage boys and is very active in her community. Staci hit a  creative wall in 2015, took a year off  from her pottery business and discovered Desire Mapping as a way to sort out how she wanted  feel in her life  and what she wanted to really make in her life. "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • How to Get What You Want – Guest Denise Christie


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Have you considered all the things you can engage to get what you want? Join Carol and her Guest Denise Christie as they dive into the big wide world of getting what you really want. Denise Christie is a Spiritual Healer, Coach, and Ayurveda Instructor. She combines her corporate Human Resources and Holistic Healing backgrounds to offer a balanced approach to personal growth and development. She helps people improve their confidence, self-image, and overall emotional well-being which leads to greater meaning and success in their lives. Find Denise at and on Facebook at Find Carol at "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • Reinvention ~ Carol Glover


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Reinvention: What is it? What drives us to it? What makes us avoid it? Join Carol for a very interesting look at Reinvention! "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • Taking Business Into The Great Unknown


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Do you feel torn between two worlds in your business? Many of my Business Energy Infusions lately speak to the idea of being called to build our businesses forward. If your target is to build a conscious or soul-based business, you are being called to redefine how business is created. Join Carol as we discuss what all of this could mean for you and what an exciting position we are in! "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • What Bugs You?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Are there people, things, words or scenarios in your life that really bug you? You know what I'm referring to: those things that get can make you stew for hours or days, the things you just don't seem to let go of easily. What is that anyway? Join Carol and explore the "what is that anyway." Come over to Facebook and share your bugs and/or come play with us live in the chatroom! "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • Watch Your Language!


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Words can be tricky, sneaky little things. Need - Want - Goal - Manipulation - I don't know. - I don't care. - I feel... Is it any wonder that when we are in the place of possibility, when limitations are gone, when judgement is gone, that we still don't seem to be able to move beyond it to reach our true desires? Join Carol as we stumble beyond the dictionary into the land of wide open possibility. "The Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness" is now a book! Find it here!

  • The Clumsy Girl’s Guide to Greatness Book Launch Party!


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  That's right - first the airwaves and now the written word - next THE WORLD! ... maybe Come help me celebrate the release of my new book, catch a glimpse of what you'll find in it and find out just what can happen when you get over judging and hiding from yourself and the rest of the world. Join me live in the chatroom and you could win a signed copy!

  • Are You Missing the Messages? Guest – Angela Donnelly


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Do you keep seeing the same numbers over and over again? How about dreams, do you remember them, do you dream about the same things? There are so many different ways we are given messages by our guides to help us in life and bring us where we need to be. Angela Donnelly, joins us again to discuss the different types of messages we receive and how to interpret them. It is a perfect day for this as November 11 pr 11/11 is a gateway day, a day of messages and a day for us to see our truth and follow our path. Angela Donnelly, is a dedicated explorer of the power that the Angels, God and the Ascended Masters can have in our lives. She uses her channeling ability, and the Tarot to help guide her clients on what to do to become happier and more fulfilled. “It takes work, but for every step we take our Guides, Angels, and God will take 10 more for us” says Angela. Connect with Angela at

  • Finding Order and Embracing Chaos


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Do you crave order in your chaotic, creative world - and fear losing the creative edge? I've had so many discussions about creativity, chaos, craving structure and resisting it too. What's a creative person to do?! Join me in this conversation and let's see what it takes to truly have it all!

  • Does The Vision Stop Possibility?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  I've come to be aware that the more concentrated my vision is, the less things show up for me. And then when I make a broad "wish" KABOOM! It shows up way better than I could have imagined. Join me this week as I explore what this is all about and if it's possible to still have a vision of what you'd like to create without shutting it down?

  • Is Your Business Questionable?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Have you ever had a conversation with your business? WHAT!!!???? Oh .... I bet you think you're the boss of your business and it's merely your servant! How's that working for you? In this show Carol will share a little bit about her - sometimes rocky - relationship with her business and how she's turning things around quickly, not just for her own business(es) but those of her clients as well!

  • Playing Chicken with God


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Are you waiting for divine timing or signals from God to tell you what to do - and NEVER hearing them?! What if you had to choose first? What if you making the first move could truly change everything? Who is really in control?! Join me to find out who blinks first!

  • Developing Your Intuition with Guest Angela Donnelly


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Angela Donnelly joins us again! This time we're going a little deeper into the realm of intuition. Intuition being an understanding of a situation or thing that is outside the realm of scientific explanation. For instance, a mother that knows their child is not telling the truth, or a business person who knows how far they can push a deal, they are both using their intuition to gauge a situation. In this show we will explore how to consciously connect (or reconnect) with our intuition. Angela Donnelly, is a dedicated explorer of the power that the Angels, God and the Ascended Masters can have in our lives. She has become close to them, and learned to talk and ask them for guidance as a Healing Collective. They have never let her down! She now uses this channeling ability, and the Tarot to help guide her clients on what to do to become happier and more fulfilled. “It takes work, but for every step we take our Guides, Angels, and God will take 10 mo

  • Living with Humans with Guest Laleh Hancock


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Remember the day you realized you just don't think like the rest of the people around you? When did you notice that some people are constantly judging everyone and everything around them and all you seem to do is judge you for how messed up you are? How sick, poor and miserable are you making yourself trying to make others healthy, wealthy & happy? Imagine something else is possible! (Never mind, you already know that; maybe you just don't know that you can make it appear.) In this show, Carol and Laleh will play with the notion of what is possible for you when you realize that you'll not likely change their reality so you may as well go ahead and create you own! Imagine being beyond happy even when no one else is choosing it! Fellow radio show host, Laleh Alemzadeh – Hancock is a seasoned executive, an entrepreneur, a transformational coach, a life-changing speaker, a certified facilitator and practitioner of various best practices and tools. For

  • Stuck in All the Right Places


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Are you refusing to look at other possibilities because you think you finally have something right? And you wonder why you're still unhappy. Are you refusing to explore what else is possible because you've invested so much in what you're doing now? I bet you think you're missing the paragraph that makes it all make sense and finally work. Join me this week as we delve into the traps we set for ourselves when we think we have things right.

  • Who Are Your Walls Protecting?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Protect yourself! Surround yourself with a white light of protection. Don't let anyone steal your energy! What if all that serves more to keep you imprisoned than to protect you from harm? What if the "bad" stuff could be good stuff too and resisting it does you more harm than good? OOPS! Drop your walls for one hour and join me as we explore who these walls are really protecting.

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