Science Gallery Podcast



Each month, we will post a 15-minute interview or story from the gallery - sometimes they'll be on the theme of an upcoming show, and sometimes they'll be about things we just really like.


  • Interview with Slovenian artist Janez Janša

    30/05/2018 Duration: 20min

    In this episode: Science Gallery Dublin mediator Joan Somers Donnelly meets Slovenian artist Janez Janša, whose exhibit in our current exhibition FAKE explores ideas around copying, acting, identity and reconstruction.

  • Science Gallery is 10: When Cultures Collide

    13/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this special episode, we take an excerpt from the live audio of a work performed at our tenth birthday party which saw Irish musician Daithí and Guardian audio producer Max Sanderson produce and perform a podcast over the course of twelve hours.

  • Episode 13: Memory

    14/03/2016 Duration: 11min

    Memory is complex. Every time you recall something, you’re pulling information from different regions of your brain, all combining to reconstruct what happened and how you felt about it. But when you recall something, you’re not replaying the original recording. Each time you recall it, that memory is altered — moulded by how you’re feeling or what you’re doing at the time. This happens without us knowing it. With Richard Roche (NUI, Maynooth) and Aine Kelly (Trinity College Dublin). You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music Editing and Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher.  Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.  Image from Hysteria.

  • Bonus Episode 1: Students' Golden Record

    28/01/2016 Duration: 04min

    Inspired by the HOME\SICK exhibition and Voyager's Golden Record, Science Gallery Dublin asked Transition Year students what sounds would they sent to space to communicate with alien civilisations. This is what they created.

  • Episode 12: The Man Who Touched His Own Heart

    12/11/2015 Duration: 21min

    What's left to learn about the bacteria on our bodies and in our homes, the ants in our backyard, the cats in our neighbourhood, and the mites on our faces? Yes... mites. On our faces. Rob Dunn is a biologist and writer in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University. He works on large-scale biology, filled with unknowns. He's also the author of The Man Who Touched His Own Heart. You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music Editing and Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.

  • Episode 11: Dublin Maker

    24/08/2015 Duration: 09min

    From paper planes to crafty circuits, Dublin Maker is a mix of 'hack, craft, and make'. Community-driven and part of Festival of Curiosity, it brings together makers of all ages - from tech enthusiasts to crafters, engineers to artists - to share their work. This year, 10,000 people visited Trinity College to soak up the open-source atmosphere, and here's a taste of what happened. You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music by Twink, the toy piano band. Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.

  • Episode 10: Lights, Camera, Science!

    30/07/2015 Duration: 09min

    Who is your favourite scientist in a movie? Are they eccentric mathematicians? Immoral geneticists? From ridiculous clichés to well-written protagonists, we asked scientists and science communicators to choose their favourite screen scientists. Featuring comedian Robin Ince, geneticist Aoife McLysaght, astrophysicist Joseph Roche, educator Diane McSweeney, and physicist Jessamyn Fairfield. You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music by Pye Corner Audio. Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.

  • Episode 9: Creative Entrepreneurs

    13/05/2015 Duration: 18min

    Design, technology, business and art often intersect in exciting ways. Marie Redmond explains the value of art and creativity, and the economic potential of creative entrepreneurs - people who have invested in their own talent and creativity in order to carve a career that meets their artistic vision. Nicholas Felton combines personal data and graphic design, as he discusses data visualisation and how he led the design of the Facebook timeline. You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music by Listening Center. Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.

  • Episode 8: FYI, FBI.

    28/03/2015 Duration: 14min

    How do you turn an FBI interrogation into an art project? In 2002, when artist Hasan Elahi was returning to the US after an exhibition overseas, he was met and questioned by the FBI. Hasan had accidentally ended up on a terrorist watch list, and it took months of interviews and polygraph tests to prove that he wasn't a threat to national security. This episode of the podcast features an interview with Hasan, and audio from a special LIFELOGGING event with Orla Barry (The Green Room, Newstalk). You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music by greyghost. Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.

  • Episode 7: Brain For Business

    17/02/2015 Duration: 11min

    The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. Brain For Business is a new series of events at Science Gallery that explores the latest findings from neuroscience and psychology and applies them to the world of business and entrepreneurship. Hosted by Jess Kelly from Newstalk, the first installment featured neuroscientist Shane O'Mara in conversation with Stephen McIntyre, MD of Twitter Ireland. Music by Concretism. Sound Design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and Presented by Shaun O'Boyle.

  • Episode 6: TEDxDublin 2014

    13/01/2015 Duration: 24min

    In September 2014, Science Gallery presented TEDxDublin, the epic day of 'ideas worth spreading', at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre in Dublin. The theme was 'New Landscapes', and this is what happened... You can listen to the podcast on this page, or subscribe on iTunes. Music by Blameful Isles. Sound design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and presented by Shaun O'Boyle. 

  • Episode 5: Fail, Fail Again, and FAIL BETTER

    22/04/2014 Duration: 15min

    This episode of the podcast marks the end of FAIL BETTER, an exhibition that has deconstructed, embraced, and sometimes celebrated failure. Featuring FAIL BETTER researcher Tessa Delahanty, this installment takes a look at the complex and inspiring role of failure in the life and work of Olympian Sonia O'Sullivan and adventurer Mark Pollock. You can listen to the podcast here on this page, or subscribe on iTunes.  Music by Concretism and Whistler&Hustler. Sound design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and presented by Shaun O'Boyle. 

  • Episode 4: Equations, Infinity, and The Simpsons

    29/10/2013 Duration: 06min

    This time on the podcast, Shaun spoke with author Simon Singh about his latest book The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets. Simon visited Science Gallery to share some stories from the book, and to explain how complex equations and mathematical problems found themselves cleverly embedded in one of the greatest television series of all time. You can listen to the podcast here, or subscribe on iTunes. Music by Podington Bear. Produced and presented by Shaun O'Boyle. 

  • Episode 3: Psychics, séances, and cold reading

    23/08/2013 Duration: 12min

    This episode of the podcast features world-famous mentalist Keith Barry, who took an evening out from his Olympia show, The Dark Side, to host an event at Science Gallery and ask how and why psychics convince us they can read our minds. Also taking on the tricky topic of psychics is illusionist and escapologist Paul Gleeson, who was the researcher on ILLUSION. You can listen to the podcast here on this page, or subscribe on iTunes.  Music by Uncertain. Sound design by Maurice Kelliher. Produced and presented by Shaun O'Boyle. 

  • Episode 2: Probability, chance, and RISK LAB

    17/06/2013 Duration: 19min

    This installment of the Science Gallery podcast is all about the maths and psychology of risk and chance. Shaun spoke with RISK LAB Curator David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at Cambridge, and to RISK LAB researcher, Science Gallery's Jessica Stanley about our complex relationship with probability. Listen here or subscribe on iTunes.    Music by Lullatone. Produced and presented by Shaun O'Boyle.   

  • Episode 1: Waves, cycles, and OSCILLATOR

    14/01/2013 Duration: 15min

    For the return of the Science Gallery podcast, Shaun from the Science Gallery events team spoke with Douglas Repetto. Douglas is one of the curators of OSCILLATOR, which takes a look at the waves, rhythms, cycles and vibrations all around us. Douglas is an artist based at Columbia University in New York, and he brings some interesting insights into systems and the human drive to discover and understand patterns. Listen here or subscribe on iTunes. Music by Lullatone. Produced and presented by Shaun O'Boyle.