Bron's Phlog




  • Get Off Info Overwhelm Highway


    Are you experiencing info overwhelm?

  • Why I Live Where I Live


    A little bit about who I am and why I live where I live.

  • An Attitude Of Gratitude


    Good morning, this is Bronwyn Clee. With my first attempt at my phone blogging to express my daily gratitudes. I like to express my gratitudes on a daily basis whether it's writing them down, speaking them out loud or now through this amazing functionality of IPadio. My gratitudes today for no. 1 being alive. I'm very grateful to be alive, to be breathing and to be immersed in my whole life experience. No. 2, I'm very grateful to have awoken before the sun - my most favorite delicious time of the day. No. 3, I'm very grateful for my yummy Thai Jasmine tea. Number 4 I'm grateful for the birds and no 5 I'm grateful for the love of my life.

  • Bronwyn's phlog - 1st phonecast


    This is testing iPadio(?) for the 3rd time the date is the 3rd of August. Testing testing testing.