White Jamaican Healer, Master Of Duality



In Jamaican Language (Dialect) Listeners Call (347) 934-0767 Live Distance Healings, Guided Meditations, Didgeridoo, Psychic Intro, Enlightenment, Past Lives, and more.White Jamaican Healer, Master of Duality and Kyat Practitioner has a Great Gift to bring to you; Enlightenment by the use of Conscious Conversation.Kyat is originally an organization of Philosophers and Healing Arts Practitioners from the deep jungles of the Caribbean islands. Kept a Secret over the ages by a deep philosophical principal of rejection of Western technology and goods. Most traditions passed down orally from master to student for generations stemming back before slavery. Because of slavery and the dishonor that was brought to Native peoples of the Caribbean islands and Africa it was deemed necessary to keep this knowledge a secret. Kyat as a group has been on a decline for many years because of the Westernization of the Caribbean Islands. The local people have been fallowing more western values and losing the their “old ways”. This created a lack or void of new students to fallow the deep Philosophies of Kyat. With this lack of students a western Causation local was allowed into the group. The first and only westerner to his knowledge to come into the group. Healings:?Kyat Energy Treatment, Special Emperor Quality non-physical medicine from the Caribbean Kyat Healing Arts is designed for Emperors, Kings, Shaman, Psychics, and Healers; Not the Peasant class. Readings:Psychic Stone Readings, Psychic Pulse Readings, andPsychic PartiesSpeakings:Events, Meditations, Master of Ceremonies "MC", Talks, Presentations, Public Speaker, Ceremonies, Weddings, Funerals, Classes, and Workshops“Kyat is a secret group of Caribbean healers that I was privileged to be part of. As the only Caucasian allowed into this organization I had access to privileged information that is not been shared with the Western world. Recent


  • update on life with the White Jamaican Healer

    29/12/2014 Duration: 24min

    update on life with the White Jamaican Healer

  • What a Family Healing is like and a List of Recent Manifestations

    16/12/2014 Duration: 01h07s

    Healers Weekend (a Family Healing) and a List of ManifestationsWhat a Family Healing is like and a Recent List of ManifestationsWhat happened this past weekend at an event where I healed an entire Family.  14 treatments in 2 days, wow what an Healing.  My experiences, what a Family Healing is like, details of the process.Friday Party, Dinner with a ShowHouse CleansingHouse SaltingSaturday Healing all daySunday Healing all dayFull Family evaluation with writeupSpirt Guide Training (in evening with willing participants)Guided meditation     (in evening with willing participants)Individual and Group TrainingBasically RemBrandt has full range to do whatever he sees necessary to heal the entire family the best way he can over the weekend. And make recommendations of what can be done next to facilitate the healing process.Plus you get a writeup (written report) of his findings, evaluations, observations, recommendations, psychic read, family dynamic, and thoughts.

  • Nashville Tennessee and Manifesting Your Destiny

    12/12/2014 Duration: 39min

    Nashville Tennessee and Manifesting Your DestinyThe Universe is speaking, and it is coming to fruition that our family will soon be able to move to Tennessee and Build my business down south where the money is green and good.  Join me and hear the story about how the Law of Attraction is a powerful tool that you too can implement and live the life of your dreams.  You do NOT want to miss this show.

  • Growing up in the Caribbean, island stories of Consciousness and Rum

    11/12/2014 Duration: 41min

    Growing up in the Caribbean, island stories of Consciousness and RumBeautiful Stories of awareness, spirituality, and Caribbean Life.  What was life like growing up in Paradise.  The island people, culture, people from around the world, pirates, and island stories. Real life Rum Diaries.  The subcultures that exist, and class system.

  • Special Guest Jeff Ostrom on Environmental Awareness Part 1

    10/12/2014 Duration: 01h58min

    Special Guest Jeff Ostrom on Environmental Awareness and Consciousness ConversationJeff Ostrom is an Environmental Activist, seeker of sustainable living, and actualizer of potential. He has worked locally on environmental activism as well as nation wide.  Ostrom Loves higher level conversation on subjects of consciousness, wellbeing, and the Healing Arts.  He is also one of RemBrandt’s Students and working on becoming Certified as a Kyat Healing Arts Practitioner.  “Be the Change you Want to See” Ostrom would say