Clear Thoughts, Sound Mind, & Hopeful Renewal



Clear Thoughts, Sound Mind, & Hopeful Renewal is a blog and podcast about various topics.


  • Quiet & Small among us Podcast


    Its a little late going up!The quiet &  small among usComments are welcome!

  • My First Post and Abbreviated Podcast


    Welcome or Bem-vindo! I decided to start a blog and podcast. I'm excited about this new adventure. I'm a shy and quiet man but I think that it's way overdue that I come out of the woods. Don't you? I have thoughts that maybe interesting to you. Maybe I can get you to slowdown and take a moment to laugh or smile or both. I have alot to say but sometimes I don't know how to say it. I have a speech impediment. My speech is slurred and I have difficulties pronouncing words. Most of the time I laugh but I cringe sometimesbecause people can come off as being very rude when I'm told they can't understand me. What about you? Life is like a speech impediment isn't it. We are so busy like honey bees. We buzz around with so much to do that sometimes it consumes our minds and sucks the love and kindness out of our hearts. But watchout for the stingers if we have to wait in traffic just so an old man takes his time to cross the street safely. Or watchout if we have to slowdown and wait for th