Tony Nobles Show



Talking about the two things were are not suppose to speak about, Religion and Politics. Trying to understand God revealed in Jesus and its impact on life.


  • The Explicit Gospel discision

    12/02/2013 Duration: 44min

    Talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it impacts every part of life. This week how the greatness of God magnifies the work of the cross.

  • Are we preaching the same Gospel that Jesus preached?

    13/09/2012 Duration: 30min

    With the current state if America and the failure of the chruch to change the tide of sin and destruction of socitiy, what is the American churh doing wrong? Are we even praching the same Gospel that Jesus Preached? Or have we Americanized it? And how dose the Gospel of we preach affect the why we live, minister, and write "worship" songs.

  • Prayer, Worship, and working with the poor

    08/03/2012 Duration: 30min

    How prayer and worship are two sides to the same coin but must be done it conjuction with good works and social justice.

  • Have we exchanged the worship of God for entertainment?

    01/03/2012 Duration: 30min

    In the current worship movement that has sweept the American church including the Non-denom and the Chruch plant Movement, have we exchange the Worship of God for a Growth track formula instead?

  • Open Letter to Praise Bands

    23/02/2012 Duration: 30min

    I have on the show Jason Bradford discuing our response to Blog post about worship.   A response to: Fors Clavigera – An Open letter to Praise Bands