Next Gen Personal Finance



Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) is a free blended-learning personal finance curriculum to engage and empower students to make informed financial decisions. In our podcasts we interview educators and other experts in the field of Personal Finance.


  • Celebration With the NGPF Co-Founders and Eastside College Prep Students

    06/06/2024 Duration: 42min

    In this NGPF Podcast episode, co-founders Tim Ranzetta and Jessica Endlich discuss the impactful journey of Next Gen Personal Finance, alongside testimonials from Eastside College Preparatory School alumni – Jasmine, David, and Darius. They explore NGPF's influence on financial education, curriculum evolution, and future aspirations. This conversation highlights the organization's nationwide impact and upcoming challenges in enhancing financial literacy in the U.S.  

  • Dr. Carly Urban on the State of Personal Finance Education

    23/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    In this NGPF Podcast, Dr. Carly Urban, an Associate Professor of Economics at Montana State University, discusses her research on the impact of state policies on personal finance education in U.S. high schools. Over five years, she has analyzed how schools implement financial education, revealing variations in curriculum integration and access. Dr. Urban explores the effectiveness of standalone courses versus embedded content and highlights the challenges of ensuring educational consistency. Her findings underscore the importance of robust financial literacy programs and their potential benefits for students. Tune in to gain insights into the current state and future directions of financial education in schools.

  • Dan Otter and Scott Dauenhauer, 403bwise

    17/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    In this NGPF Podcast episode, Dan Otter and Scott Dauenhauer of 403bwise discuss the challenges teachers face with 403B retirement plans, including high fees and poor investment options. The duo shares their advocacy journey to empower educators with better financial literacy and tools for improving retirement outcomes. They also explore state policies impacting financial education and offer practical advice for educators aiming to enhance their financial plans. Listen to this discussion to learn how educators can navigate and advocate for better retirement options.

  • Karen Holland, Founder of Gifting Sense

    09/05/2024 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, Karen Holland discusses her innovative platform, Gifting Sense, which equips young learners with the tools to make informed spending decisions. Karen, a former sovereign risk analyst, combines her financial expertise with her passion for education to help children understand the value of money through her "Does it Make Sense Score" calculator. The podcast explores how Gifting Sense promotes financial literacy by encouraging kids to critically assess their purchasing choices, significantly impacting their financial awareness and decision-making skills.  

  • Wisconsin Advocates on Advocating for Personal Finance

    24/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    This week’s podcast delves into the compelling story of a determined group of advocates from Wisconsin. This diverse group, including four teachers, one administrator, and a proactive student, share their multi-year efforts to embed financial literacy in the high school curriculum. Their story not only showcases the power of persistent advocacy and community engagement but also sets a model for similar educational reforms in other states. The episode offers insights into the strategies and personal commitments that drove this significant change.

  • Daniella Cardona, on Her Path to Investment Banking

    18/04/2024 Duration: 46min

    Daniella Cardona, an undocumented high school student turned Vice President at the Royal Bank of Canada, shares an inspiring journey marked by resilience and an insightful dive into financial literacy. Daniela, who moved from Colombia to the U.S. at a young age, discusses her formative experiences with money, highlighting how early challenges shaped her savvy financial instincts and career trajectory. As the conversation unfolds, Daniela reflects on her path from being a lifeguard to breaking into the competitive world of investment banking, illustrating the significant role mentors played in her development. This episode not only explores Daniela's personal story and professional ascent but also serves as a beacon of motivation for educators and students navigating the complexities of financial education and career exploration.

  • Rishi Vamdatt, Founder of Easy Peasy Finance

    03/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    Rishi, Founder of East Peasy Finance, recounts his early fascination with finance at six years old, and how it led to the creation of Easy Peasy Finance. This platform, where Rishi has produced over 700 videos, aims to demystify finance for kids and beginners through engaging and simplified content. He shares his content creation process, emphasizing the importance of making finance accessible and interesting. Rishi also touches on his entrepreneurial journey, the use of AI in financial education, his published books, and his aspiration to further financial literacy among youth. His dedication to finance, driven by passion rather than the pursuit of virality, showcases the importance of early financial education and the impact of following one's interests with commitment.

  • Sonia Castelan, Tax Professional

    27/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    Sonia Castelan, a tax professional shares her journey from struggling with personal finances to becoming an expert in tax planning and preparation. Sonia details her transition from a corporate job to running her own tax business, emphasizing the importance of tax planning for entrepreneurs and individuals alike. She offers insights into common tax misconceptions, particularly around tax refunds and business expenses, and stresses the importance of education in navigating the tax system. Sonia's story of leveraging social media to educate and engage with her community, especially the Latino community, highlights her innovative approach to making tax information accessible and understandable. The conversation also touches on the impact of studying sociology on her career, her experiences with prestigious programs like the Cornell Women's Entrepreneurship Program, and the importance of work-life balance. This episode is a rich resource for educators looking to integrate tax education into their curriculum, prov

  • JL Collins, on his new book, Pathfinders

    20/03/2024 Duration: 44min

    JL Collins, a prominent figure in the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement, discusses the essence and appeal of financial independence (FI). Collins explains FI as living below one's means to achieve freedom from traditional employment, highlighting its growing popularity due to technological advancements and societal prosperity. He shares insights from his books, emphasizing the power of investing in low-cost index funds and the importance of a community in navigating the journey toward FI. Collins provides practical advice for achieving financial independence, advocating for consistent investment in broad-market index funds and underscoring the necessity of understanding one's investment strategy. Through personal stories and expert advice, the episode inspires listeners to pursue financial independence with informed conviction and community support.

  • Nadia and Nicole, "The Wealth Twins", on Their Journey to Wall Street

    13/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    Nadia and Nicole, The Wealth Twins, share their inspiring journey of growing up in a tough neighborhood in Queens, New York, and how they overcame financial struggles to pursue successful careers on Wall Street. They discuss their mission to teach personal finance and wealth-building principles to empower others, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds. The conversation covers topics such as savings strategies, investing fundamentals, overcoming financial obstacles, the importance of financial education, and practical tips for teachers to engage students in learning about money management and retirement planning.

  • Val Chapman, Oakland School Volunteer and her Students

    06/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    In this podcast episode, Val Chapman, a finance professional, discusses mentoring elementary school students in Oakland, California. Val and her students from Franklin Elementary showcase their entrepreneurial ventures, including a comic book business, soap-making enterprise, snack business, investment portfolio, and sewing business. Through their stories, they demonstrate creativity, determination, and teamwork, highlighting the potential of early financial education. As the podcast episode  progresses, Val shares her vision of expanding the program to more schools and stresses the significance of extending financial education to high schools to equip students with vital skills for the future.

  • Jamila Souffrant, Host of the Journey To Launch Podcast

    28/02/2024 Duration: 48min

    Jamila Souffrant, founder of Journey To Launch, joins us on the NGPF Podcast to discuss achieving financial independence. In this episode, Jamila shares her journey from corporate life to financial literacy advocate, offering actionable advice for managing finances, tackling debt, and pursuing financial freedom. Perfect for educators, students, and anyone aiming to improve their financial well-being, this talk is packed with strategies for balancing financial goals with life's joys. Tune in for an inspiring blend of personal stories and practical tips to kickstart your journey to financial empowerment.

  • Paul Merriman, Investor and Educator, on Investing for the Long-Term

    21/02/2024 Duration: 40min

    This week we are joined by Paul Merriman, a nationally recognized expert on mutual funds, index investing, and asset allocation. In this conversation, Paul talks about investing with a long-term focus on retirement, the vital role of diversification in a healthy portfolio, and the concept of glide paths. Don’t miss out on this valuable conversation that will help you be more confident about Investing. 

  • Zoe Saunders, Senior Producer at Marketplace, on Financially Inclined

    16/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Zoe Saunders from Marketplace by American Public Media delves into her journey on "Financially Inclined," a podcast tailored for high school audiences that merges financial literacy with engaging storytelling. Zoe shares her experiences from producing "This Is Uncomfortable" and the discussing the importance of breaking financial taboos and empowering youth with practical financial knowledge. The episode offers a glimpse into the creative process behind podcasting, with a special focus on an episode featuring tax accountant Duke Moore, showcasing how even complex financial topics can be made accessible and entertaining. This discussion is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of finance, education, and media, promising to inspire and empower both educators and students.

  • Ron Lieber, Author and NYT Columnist, on the Recent Changes to FAFSA

    07/02/2024 Duration: 38min

    Ron Lieber, a renowned New York Times columnist and author of "The Price You Pay for College," joins us on the NGPF Podcast to explore the evolving landscape of college finance, particularly focusing on the significant changes to the FAFSA process. With personal stakes in the game as he prepares to send his own child off to college, Ron provides an insider’s look at the implications of these changes for families navigating college affordability. This episode delves into the complexities of financial aid, the impact of FAFSA simplification, and strategies for educators and families to effectively manage these challenges. Engage with us for a critical discussion on financial literacy, college planning, and Ron’s advocacy for making informed financial decisions in the context of higher education.

  • Gordon Stein, Author of The Cashflow Cookbook, on Money Strategies

    31/01/2024 Duration: 41min

    Gordon Stein, author of "The Cashflow Cookbook", shares his journey from encountering a financial crisis at a senior position in his 40s to developing smart money-saving strategies without compromising lifestyle. His book, inspired by a unique blend of personal experiences and extensive reading, offers unconventional yet practical advice on financial management. Stein's approach, which focuses on optimizing rather than cutting expenses, is particularly compelling. He discusses everything from minor everyday savings to major financial decisions, providing insights into smart consumerism and the psychology of money. Whether it's negotiating cell phone bills or understanding the impact of credit scores, Stein's hacks are geared towards achieving financial wellness without sacrificing the joys of life. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to enhance their financial literacy and cultivate long-term, sustainable money habits.

  • Jason Brown, Author of It Is Possible, on Student Loan Debt

    24/01/2024 Duration: 48min

    Jason Brown, author of "IT IS POSSIBLE!: How I Earned Two Debt-Free Degrees...and How You Can, Too," discusses the student loan debt crisis. The conversation delves into various topics, including the historical context of the crisis, its connection to the Space Race, the escalating costs of college, and the vital role of financial literacy education. Jason Brown shares his journey and insights on navigating college expenses without succumbing to student loan debt. He explores practical tips for managing student loans, such as seeking scholarships, working during college, and taking advantage of employer tuition reimbursement programs. Overall, there is an emphasis on the need for a holistic understanding of education and career paths beyond traditional college routes to empower the next generation in making informed financial decisions.

  • Sheila Bair, Former Chair of the FDIC, on Getting Students Engaged about Money

    17/01/2024 Duration: 36min

    Sheila Bair, former chair of the FDIC,  discusses her career path, including her background as a civil rights attorney and her transition into financial services. Bair emphasizes the need for students to make informed choices about their education and careers, noting the potential income limitations associated with certain degrees. She advocates for a balanced approach, combining financial education with consumer protection regulations. The conversation delves into Bair's efforts to engage students through her children's book series, "Money Tales," offering tips for teachers to boost classroom engagement in financial topics. She underscores the importance of understanding banking systems, interest rates, and long-term financial choices. The discussion concludes with insights into Bair's passion for children's literature and her commitment to providing resources and opportunities for financial education, including free book readings for schools.

  • Jim Wasserman, Former Business Litigation Attorney Turned Author-Educator

    10/01/2024 Duration: 43min

    Jim Wasserman shares his journey from law to teaching economics and media literacy. Initially drawn to teaching to prevent problems rather than just solving them, Wasserman discusses his approach to making economics relatable to students, moving beyond traditional textbook examples. He delves into his experience in consumer economics, highlighting the importance of decision-making skills in both financial and digital realms. Jim, along with his wife, a retired banker, authored a three-book series aimed at different educational levels, focusing on the 'rules of the game' in consumer economics and media literacy. The discussion also explores the challenges of navigating the online world, especially for younger generations, emphasizing the need for educators to stay updated with internet trends. Jim stresses the importance of teaching self-reflection, awareness of online manipulation, and personal responsibility in the digital age, reflecting on the impact of curated online lives on self-image and choices. 

  • John Pelletier on the 2023 National Report Card on High School Financial Literacy

    08/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    John Pelletier, Director of the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain College, delves into the current state of financial education in the United States, centering on Pelletier's recent research report that evaluates states based on their personal finance education policies. The discussion underscores the positive strides made by several states, with seven now earning an A grade, while highlighting the potential underestimation of progress as more states are in the process of implementing favorable laws. The bipartisan support for financial education, reflected in overwhelming approval of related bills, is noted, with Pelletier attributing accelerated legislation post-COVID to lawmakers recognizing constituents' financial struggles.The conversation also covers the economic benefits of financial literacy, ongoing initiatives to improve education in various states, and the influence of Pelletier's annual report on shaping state policies.

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