Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 154:31:52
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Back office support can make or break your contracting company and that is where we come in. We can move your contractor bookkeeping service off the roller coaster of pain onto the merry go round of peace of mind.Most of our clients come to us because they need help in one or more of these six areas:1. QuickBooks setup for construction was wrong 2. QuickBooks clean up to make the check register match the bank statement3. QuickBooks Receivables and Payables are not accurate.4. Job Costing Reports did not make sense5. Invoicing customers and getting paid6. Getting caught up on back tax returnsOnce we have your contractors bookkeeping issues under control you will be able to focus your time and energy on understanding financial and job costing reports and making money.Listening to The Contractors Success M.A.P. can help you overcome the challenges of Marketing, Accounting and Production by focusing on the keys to unlock your contracting companys natural inclination to generate consistently high cash flow and profits. Because your contracting company wants to generate passive income streams so you can have the freedom to do what you really want to do with your life.


  • 594: Crafting Your "To-Don't" List As A Construction Business Owner

    20/09/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 594, And It's About Crafting Your "To-Don't" List As A Construction Business Owner Your to-do list is often long and constantly growing longer when you're an entrepreneur. There are a lot of things you need to do, and it can feel like they're all urgent. In such cases, it's easy to push essential tasks to the side and focus on less vital activities, but that often means you miss deadlines, make mistakes, or always feel like you're trying to catch up.   Here are some ways to determine the most productive order to complete your tasks.   1. Know all of your tasks   It isn't enough to have a running list of tasks in your head; you need to write them out so you can see them at a glance. Take the time to list all your tasks, and break down large tasks into smaller steps.   Write a list of the activities you must do for the week—or even the next two weeks—on Monday morning. Include information such as how urgent they are, how long they'll take to complete, and their deadlines.   Now you know

  • 593: Creating A Strong Personal Brand For Your Construction Business

    13/09/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 593, And It's About Creating A Strong Personal Brand For Your Construction Business In today's competitive business landscape, establishing a personal brand is essential for standing out in the construction industry. Whether you're a contractor, architect, or engineer, cultivating a professional image differentiates you from competitors and fosters trust and credibility among clients and partners.    The words "personal brand" are still somewhat controversial and carry an unfortunate cast of self-promotion and vanity. However, personal branding is more important than ever in the job market, and those without a clear personal brand or mission to create one are lagging behind the competition.    What is a personal brand? How you present yourself has always been important in the workplace. In the corporate heyday, it was established that to get a good job and be considered for promotion, you had to dress, speak, and act appropriately for the company with which you were employed. Consid

  • 592: Tips For Working With Banks And Lenders In The Construction Industry

    06/09/2024 Duration: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 592, And It's About Tips For Working With Banks And Lenders In the Construction Industry If your company is experiencing rapid growth, you might find yourself navigating a good news/bad news situation: while your sales figures climb, managing cash flow becomes increasingly complex, pushing you to seek additional financing to meet the rising demand. Consider this scenario: A couple wanting to sell their house expresses interest in your remodeling service, presenting an exciting opportunity that could significantly elevate your construction business. However, they have a requirement: they want the job done in three weeks. Now, you're caught in a challenging position. Declining could mean missing out on a lucrative partnership, yet agreeing could strain your cash reserves. You're not alone in this struggle; many businesses face similar hurdles when scaling operations or entering new partnerships, especially when balancing cash flow and the cost of fulfilling the project on time. To buil

  • 591: Construction Business Continuity - From Labor To Legacy

    30/08/2024 Duration: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode 591, And It's About  Construction Business Continuity - From Labor To Legacy We often overlook the immense value that construction contractors bring to our communities. From building our homes and schools to developing infrastructure and commercial spaces, construction contractors like you play a vital role in shaping our world. Your contributions are undeniably essential, yet they often go unrecognized. This Labor Day weekend, it's time to shed light on your significant impact on our everyday lives.   Construction contractors are responsible for bringing our dreams and ideas into reality. Whether it's a new residential housing development, a highway expansion project, or the construction of a commercial building, you are the driving force behind these monumental undertakings. You possess the expertise, skills, and dedication necessary to transform architectural plans into tangible structures serving our communities.   Furthermore, construction contractors are instrumental in mainta

  • 590: Silent Success - How Active Listening Can Speak Volumes In Construction

    23/08/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 590, And It's About  Silent Success - How Active Listening Can Speak Volumes In Construction Communication is crucial in the construction industry, and active listening plays a significant role in fostering successful communication. In the bustling environment of a contracting business, the ability to actively listen can make a substantial difference in understanding client needs, ensuring project requirements are met, and ultimately delivering top-quality results.   Active listening involves more than just hearing the words; it encompasses fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said. For construction professionals, this skill can improve client relationships, make fewer errors, enhance teamwork, and ultimately increase project success.   Why active listening matters Active listening is crucial for construction business owners for several reasons: Internal Communication When you actively listen to their ideas and concerns, you foster an environ

  • 589: The Cash Flow Survival Guide For Your Construction Business

    16/08/2024 Duration: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode 589, And It's About  The Cash Flow Survival Guide For Your Construction Business Avoiding cash flow crises is crucial for the success and sustainability of your construction business. Managing cash flow is vital for small business owners. Poor cash flow management can create significant challenges even if your business is profitable. Cash is a fact; Profit is an opinion A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating and even kill your business. If you've ever had to beg, borrow, and steal to cover tomorrow's payroll, you know what I mean. Understanding cash flow Cash flow refers to the money moving in and out of your business. Cash inflows come from sales, interest earned, and investments. Cash outflows cover rent, payroll, bills, and supplier payments. Positive cash flow means your inflows exceed outflows, while negative cash flow indicates more money going out than coming in. Why cash flow matters You might ask, "Why is cash flow so important if my business is profitable?" The answer

  • 588: Financial Statements Demystified: A Practical Guide For Contractors

    09/08/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 588, And It's About  Financial Statements Demystified: A Practical Guide For Contractors Understanding financial statements might sound daunting, but small business owners like you must stay on top of your game. Each financial report offers unique insights into your company's economic status.    As a construction contractor, your financial statements provide valuable insights into your company's financial health and are essential for making informed decisions. Let's look at the critical components of financial statements and why they matter to construction contractors.   1. Balance sheet The balance sheet is a snapshot of your company's financial position at a specific time. It includes your assets, liabilities, and equity. For construction contractors, the balance sheet reflects the value of equipment, property, other assets, any outstanding debts, and your company's net worth. Monitoring your balance sheet helps you track your company's financial stability and wealth. Assessing

  • 587: Small Projects, Big Profits: The Art Of Juggling Multiple Projects

    02/08/2024 Duration: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 587, And It's About  Fortifying Financials And The Importance Of Solid Security Measures Handling multiple projects simultaneously is a common challenge for small construction companies. While it can signify growth and success, it comes with its fair share of struggles. From resource allocation to maintaining quality and meeting deadlines, juggling several projects can be overwhelming. However, with the right strategies, it's possible to navigate these challenges successfully.   Staying organized is crucial. With numerous tasks, deadlines, and client expectations, implementing efficient organizational strategies is critical to success. Create a centralized system for storing project-related information such as contracts, plans, permits, and client communication. Utilize project management software or cloud-based storage solutions to ensure easy access and seamless collaboration with your team.   Here are more detailed tips for staying organized when managing multiple projects: 1.

  • 586: Fortifying Financials And The Importance Of Solid Security Measures

    26/07/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 586, And It's About  Fortifying Financials And The Importance Of Solid Security Measures The recent cyber outage is a stark reminder of digital systems' vulnerability and potential impact on businesses, including those in the construction industry. This incident offers several critical lessons for construction bookkeeping.   As a contractor, your accounting and bookkeeping systems are vulnerable not only to cyber threats but also to software outages, which can compromise sensitive financial data and disrupt business operations.    In this blog post, we'll explore the implications of the recent cyber outage for construction accounting and bookkeeping and provide actionable tips to strengthen your defenses.   Implications for Construction Accounting and Bookkeeping: Data Breach Risks: Cyber attacks can lead to unauthorized access to financial data, including client information and project records. System Downtime: Cyber outages can cause accounting and bookkeeping systems to go offli

  • 585: Don't Let The Numbers Lie: Detecting And Preventing Bookkeeping Fraud

    19/07/2024 Duration: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode 585, And It's About  Don't Let The Numbers Lie: Detecting And Preventing Bookkeeping Fraud

  • 584: Discover The Importance Of A Solid Business Plan For Your Contracting Company

    12/07/2024 Duration: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode 584, And It's About  Discovering The Importance Of A Solid Business Plan For Your Contracting Company Starting a construction business without a plan is like setting sail without a compass. While you might eventually reach your destination, the journey will likely be longer and more challenging. A well-constructed business plan is essential for guiding your business toward success.   Here's why   It Clarifies Your Vision   A business plan helps you articulate the vision for your enterprise. It forces you to think through every aspect of your business, including what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there. This clarity is crucial for communicating your vision to potential investors, partners, and employees.   It Defines Your Goals And Objectives   One of the primary purposes of a business plan is to set clear, measurable goals. Whether you aim to acquire a certain number of clients, reach a specific revenue target, or open new locations, having defined goals ensures you kn

  • 583: Building On Solid Ground: Your Construction Bookkeeping Foundation

    05/07/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 583, And It's About  Building On Solid Ground: Your Construction Bookkeeping Foundation As a construction business owner, you must stay informed about your finances and financial situation. You do this through bookkeeping, the process of recording transactions in your business. This includes transactions, credit card charges, and any other economic activity within your company.   Financial management can easily be overlooked when managing projects, dealing with subcontractors, and ensuring customer satisfaction. However, neglecting proper bookkeeping can significantly impact the growth and success of your construction business. When your construction bookkeeping is set up right It gives you insights into your income and expenses, such as: How much money you've made How much money needs to be paid for bills or salaries  How much money should be put away for taxes or other unexpected costs  Bookkeeping also helps keep track of all your business transactions. A good system will serve

  • 582: Dealing With Toxic Construction Employees In The Job Site

    28/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 582, And It's About  Dealing With Toxic Construction Employees In The Job Site Running a small construction business comes with unique challenges, and dealing with toxic employees is undoubtedly one of the trickiest. A single troublesome team member can disrupt productivity, affect team morale, and ultimately harm your business's success.    These individuals can create a hostile work environment, lower morale, and reduce productivity. For the construction industry, where teamwork and safety are paramount, addressing and managing toxic employees is crucial. Knowing how to handle such situations effectively can turn things around.   Let's look at the types of toxic actions, how to address them, and provide practical steps to manage these challenging situations. Read on to transform your workplace or job site into a harmonious and productive environment.   To effectively deal with toxic employees, it's essential first to identify poisonous behavior. This can include constant negativity

  • 581: The Importance Of Having A Contingency Plan For Construction Contractors

    21/06/2024 Duration: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode 581, And It's About  The Importance Of Having A Contingency Plan For Construction Contractors In the construction industry, unexpected challenges can arise at any moment. Numerous factors, from material delays to unforeseen weather conditions, can disrupt project timelines and budgets.    From terrorism to fire, from extreme weather or earthquakes to cyber-attacks – how would your business cope if it was affected? Would your staff know what to do? Would you be able to keep working?   That's why a contingency plan is crucial for construction contractors. It is not just a precaution but a necessity. Small construction businesses need to be prepared for a range of scenarios. Your company could avoid significant setbacks or closure with a solid contingency plan.   Why contingency planning is crucial Contingency planning involves foreseeing potential risks and developing a strategic approach to mitigate their impact. For small business owners, this means safeguarding their assets, ensurin

  • 580: Improving Construction Communication And Workplace Productivity

    14/06/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 580, And It's About  Improving Construction Communication And Workplace Productivity The success of any business, large or small, depends largely on nurturing an efficient, productive workplace. While improving employee productivity should always be a priority when the ultimate goal is a sustainable and profitable business, the process is more straightforward said than done.    In today's fast-paced construction industry, staying in touch and being productive is crucial for project success. The good news is that technology has made it easier to streamline processes and enhance team collaboration.   One of the most impactful ways technology has improved construction communication is through user-friendly mobile applications and project management software. These tools allow for real-time communication, easy document sharing, and smooth task management, reducing the delays and errors often associated with traditional communication methods.   Moreover, Building Information Modeling (BI

  • 579: How To Build Construction Business Systems That Deliver Results

    07/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    This Podcast Is Episode 579, And It's About  How To Build Construction Business Systems That Deliver Results In the competitive construction industry, implementing efficient business systems can make a significant impact on the overall success and profitability of a construction business, regardless of its size or specialization. From streamlining operations to improving project management, adopting efficient systems can yield tangible benefits that truly pay off in the long run.   Too many businesses fail because the owner needs to establish efficient business systems. This typically happens because the business owner is so caught up in the company's day-to-day running that the fundamentals of good business management are forgotten. Often, it must be said that the owner doesn't like bookkeeping or other administrative tasks, so these get put on the back burner.   The symptoms are familiar, and their results are disastrous: Poor or non-existent record-keeping. Tax obligations still need to be met. Invoice

  • 578: Utilizing The Power Of Financial Modeling In The Construction Industry

    31/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 578, And It's About  Utilizing The Power Of Financial Modeling In The Construction Industry n the ever-evolving world of construction, financial modeling is a game-changer. It drives intelligent decision-making, minimizes risks, and ensures the revenue health of projects. Crafting precise and insightful financial models is a valuable tool for construction companies. It offers a panoramic view of the asset landscape and enables proactive planning and strategic management.   Financial models are invaluable tools designed to help you understand and protect your business's economic health. By simulating different scenarios and examining potential outcomes based on various inputs, such as sales growth, margins, and cash flow, these models provide a comprehensive picture that aids in informed decisions.   1. Precise Cost Forecasting and Budgeting Financial modeling empowers construction companies to predict costs accurately, considering many factors such as material costs, labor expenses,

  • 577: Mastering Construction Business Finances Through QuickBooks Desktop

    24/05/2024 Duration: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 577, And It's About  Mastering Construction Business Finances Through QuickBooks Desktop The power of effective bookkeeping using QuickBooks Desktop - plus an Important Update from Intuit. Keeping track of sales, earnings, expenses, and purchases is fundamental to your construction business's overall health and sustainability. Effective bookkeeping produces the data you need to evaluate your current practices, anticipate challenges, and set attainable future goals. Many business owners dread bookkeeping and accounting tasks despite their proven importance. In fact, 40% of surveyed entrepreneurs claim that bookkeeping is one of the worst parts of running a business! Is it worth the aggravation? Here are three reminders of how effective bookkeeping is the cornerstone of small business success: Keeping track of reimbursable expenses A reliable system for tracking reimbursable expenses ensures you reap all the benefits you're entitled to when filing your taxes. Expenditures sorted into c

  • 576: How To Build Up And Stand Out By Delighting Your Construction Clients

    17/05/2024 Duration: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode 576, And It's About  How To Build Up And Stand Out By Delighting Your Construction Clients Most businesses understand that customer satisfaction is crucial to their success. Happy clients are likelier to remain loyal, refer others, and leave positive reviews. This trend has only been amplified by social media and online review sites, where negative feedback can spread quickly and damage a company's reputation. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, more than an effective customer service system is needed: you must provide customers with a positive and memorable end-to-end experience at every touchpoint. Creating powerful experiences that exceed consumer expectations can have massive implications for any business — from increasing brand loyalty and trustworthiness among current clients to being highly attractive to potential customers.  It starts with understanding the difference between traditional customer service expectations and modern customer experience strategies. Keep rea

  • 575: A No-fuss Record-keeping Guide For Your Construction Business

    10/05/2024 Duration: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 575, And It's About  A No-fuss Record-keeping Guide For Your Construction Business Managing a hectic schedule and complex projects can be challenging if you're a contractor. You must also ensure that your paperwork, documents, and contracts are in order. It's essential to keep a paper trail of your work and practice due diligence.  Keeping all your working documents in order shows that you treat your business, customers, and subcontractors responsibly. This is a mark of professionalism and can also help if you have an insurance or legal claim. Contractor paperwork documentation and procedures You should develop documentation and record-keeping procedures appropriate for your contracting operation or service if necessary. Once procedures are in place, it is equally important to ensure everyone understands and follows them.  It's good practice to hold a workshop on documentation procedures with your employees and have them sign off that they understand and have copies of the procedures

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