Mba Podcaster

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 42:39:28
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MBA Podcaster delivers relevant information and advice through biweekly audio segments for those planning to apply for a Masters in Business Administration. Topics include everything from a behind-the-scenes view of the admission's process to post-MBA job opportunities and current market trends. Guests include Deans of various business schools, alumni, corporate recruiters, MBA consultants and more. On each segment we go in-depth on a particular topic of interest to an MBA applicant and interview relevant experts to help make your application process more efficient and successful.


  • EMBA Student Panel

    21/04/2011 Duration: 18min

    On today's show we bring you reflections from students who are currently balancing an executive MBA program, their work and more. Some are high level execs, some are entrepreneurs, some are managers at Fortune 100 companies. How do they do it? Do they get the same opportunities as regular, full-time MBA students? If you're only there on weekends, what's the faculty interaction like? Is there any synergy between school and work? Listen in as our panel discusses the real world lifestyles of executive MBA students and how to make the most of your time as a student.

  • Dual Degree Business School Programs

    04/04/2011 Duration: 29min

    Although it involves a significant investment of time and money, a dual-degree program can be the ticket to a recession-proof, lucrative career. For those with very specific career goals, the dual degree may present benefits that a single MBA degree may not. These include being able to assume leadership roles in nontraditional MBA careers, increased job options due to specializing in two fields instead of one, and greater leverage when negotiating for salary and promotions. Students who want to pair the MBA with another degree have more options than ever before -- and post-graduate jobs to boot. Consulting firms, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations all hire dual-degree recipients. Today, we're speaking to schools and students who are going down the dual degree path and getting their advice for applicants considering similar paths.

  • MBA Applicant Case Studies

    02/11/2010 Duration: 28min

    This week we're bringing you case study evaluations for three different mock business school applicants. One comes from an international background, another with a ''typical'' investment banking background, one who was laid off and has a gap on his resume and some who have low GMAT verb and/or quant scores. The show is moderated by Jeremy Shinewald, founder of mbaMission an MBA admission consulting firm. He'll walk you through each applicant's application and dissect the most relevant parts for most applicants in general. He'll spend extra time delving into weaknesses and how to address them and how to roll each application into one unified, strong package to stand apart from the sea of applicants and get into top choice schools.

  • Building Your MBA Application Timeline

    24/10/2010 Duration: 22min

    Planning and getting through the MBA application process can be a daunting task. Where should you start, how should you map out the next year so that everything gets done and gets done well - like when to take the GMAT, when to make your list of schools, when should you actually fill out the application. On this MBA Podcaster show admissions consultants and students give you solid advice on when to start your MBA application process. Some of the issues they'll address include research, how and when to tackle the application, the GMAT, managing recommenders and school visits. And they will help you plan your candidacy from 2 years, 1 year, and 6 months before you apply.

  • Building the best MBA Application Resume

    06/10/2010 Duration: 26min

    You've done your research and have a short list of schools you're applying to. Now you're working on your application and resume. In this podcast, admissions deans and a consultant give you solid advice on putting together your MBA application resume. This MBA resume can have differences from the resume you're use to apply for jobs. Our guests explain how they're different, what they're looking for, what catches their eye and what is an immediate red flag. They'll also discuss nuances in your resume such as writing style, format, what categories to include, and how to treat on-the-side projects you may have worked on. Don't send your resume without listening to this show

  • Picking the Right MBA Program

    30/09/2010 Duration: 35min

    he current state of the economy has many headed back to school for their MBA, hoping that after graduation, their employment prospects will be improved. But should you opt for the Jones and the Simons, or the Harvards and the Whartons? Will the regional schools get you where you want to go, or do you need the Big Name brand school to strike gold? In this show, representatives from regional schools will reveal the challenges - and the benefits - of getting your MBA in smaller classrooms, recruiters will discuss whether your career has to stay in that region if you start regional, and a pair of consultants will tell you what the recruiters are thinking, as well as give you tips for whichever path you choose - the regional schools or the big name schools - to guide you to success.

  • From the Military to an MBA Part II

    28/06/2010 Duration: 28min

    For many military personnel it's not an easy transition from the battlefield to the campus and then to the boardroom. Military leaders with their sense of responsibility and strategic thinking -- are often naturally driven to get their MBA to develop their technical, business and managerial skills, to prepare for the move into corporate life. In this show, From the Military to Corporate America, you will get advice and information from more than a dozen deans, soldiers, students and experts. In our companion show, Military MBA: Focus on Getting In, you will hear about the military-friendly schools, how to find available benefits, about the resources available and the challenges.

  • Virginia Tech EMBA Day in the Life

    08/05/2010 Duration: 23min

    The EMBA program at Virginia Tech is taught in a cohort format to provide an intense learning environment that takes full advantage of the advanced business background of the students with 12+ years average post-graduate experience. Through the cohort format, the program insures an environment that capitalizes on different academic, cultural and professional profiles of the group.

  • Standing Out Among the Outstanding

    24/04/2010 Duration: 29min

    MBA Podcaster co-hosted Microsoft Corporation's 2nd Annual MBA Panel at their Redmond, WA headquarters. The theme for this year's panel was ''Standing out among the outstanding: Recession, Competition, and Business School Admissions''. The panel, featuring INSEAD, University of Washington Foster School of Business, The National Black MBA Association, and others, helps MBA applicants learn strategies that can help them secure admission to the world's best business schools over the next two years by candidly and openly discussing how the competition for the aforementioned privilege has changed given the state of the global economy.

  • Getting Your Employer to Fund Your MBA

    12/04/2010 Duration: 21min

    Tuition bills for MBA programs are in the tens of thousands, if not reaching well over six figures. Wouldn't it be great if someone else paid for your MBA? Well it might not be as hard as you think. Many companies have existing programs for funding MBA's and even if your company doesn't have a program, it is possible to convince your boss that she should pay for your MBA. We'll speak to our guests for the best strategies to get your employer to go beyond simply supporting your MBA plans to fully funding it.

  • Last Minute Applicants

    21/03/2010 Duration: 16min

    You've suddenly realized you DO need an MBA to progress in your career. Or maybe you just got laid off and it's the perfect time to go back to school. The only issue? Applications deadlines are days away if not already passed. What options do you have at this point? How can you present your case to the admission's committee without seeming disorganized and haphazard? Our guests will share their strategies with you to help successfully get you through a last-minute business school application and onto campus.

  • MBA Podcaster Day in the Life Series - Carlson School of Management

    03/03/2010 Duration: 33min

    At the Carlson School of Management, business education exists at the intersection of theory and practice and has a key role in finding solutions to real-life business challenges. We approach business education from a global perspective. International study isn't just an expectation of our students -- it's part of our culture. In fact, few schools can match our level of student participation in study abroad programs. Coupled with our Enterprise programs we offer an unparalleled opportunity for MBA students to apply classroom theories to real-world business with student-led venture capital, brand and marketing management, funds management, and consulting businesses.

  • MBA for Engineers

    05/02/2010 Duration: 19min

    We often get the question if an MBA makes sense for engineers and how engineers can stand apart in their applications from the many others like them who are applying to business school. To answer the question and more, we're speaking to an admission consultant, several students, and a couple of deans about engineers and business schools. Which business schools typically like the engineers? How should applicants with engineering backgrounds present themselves to schools, especially if they're a self-described 'stereotypical engineer'? What should applicants with engineering backgrounds emphasize on their applications? Listen in to our guests and their recommendations for a successful application process for engineering applicants.

  • Career Opportunities for Green MBAs

    13/01/2010 Duration: 25min

    The buzz in business right now is 'triple bottom line': people, planet, profit. Sustainability issues have made it into the consciousness of business leaders and they need MBAs who understand how to incorporate the issues into the decision making process. Demand exists but how exactly does the global green movement translate into GREEN, as in competitive salaries, for business school grads? Today's show will focus on real-life career opportunities for Green MBAs: which companies are hiring, where the growth will come from in the green movement, what the long-term career prospects for Green MBA grads are and what you should to do prepare yourself for a sustainable career.

  • From the Military to an MBA

    06/01/2010 Duration: 36min

    Strong young military leaders often make the successful leap to Corporate America, with the MBA providing the tools. In this show you will hear from more than a dozen deans, soldiers, students and experts about the military-friendly schools, how to find available benefits, you'll learn about the resources and the challenges. In our companion show, Military MBA: From the Military to Corporate America: Fitting In you will hear how to make the adjustment from the battlefield to the campus to the boardroom. Learn how you can make the transition to build a career of a lifetime by building on your military strengths.

  • Deciding Whether to Pursue a JD and an MBA

    04/11/2009 Duration: 36min

    Joint degree programs are proliferating and one of the most popular are the programs offering to join a graduate business degree (MBA) with a law degree (JD) for a joint JD/MBA. More and more schools are offering these combined programs in response to strong student demand driven by the potential for substantial savings of time and money. We talk to the experts to find out what the real value of these programs are, when a dual degree makes the most sense for a student, the procedures and standards for admission, what the academic challenges are, and we get the latest information about post-graduate career opportunities.

  • Dealing With a Low GMAT Score

    20/10/2009 Duration: 30min

    In a 2008 Kaplan survey of 250 MBA admissions officers, 55% said that the GMAT is the most important factor on the business school application. Over 90% said it's one of the top 2 most important factors. Research shows that every 10 point increase in your GMAT score correlates to another $5K in your starting salary after business school. Why? Higher scores help you to gain admission into more competitive, higher-ranked MBA programs, which in turn brings more job opportunities and higher salaries. Prepping for the GMAT can have a big payoff. That's great if you did well on the GMAT. But how should you respond to a GMAT score that's lower than you want or need to get into the program of your choice?

  • MBA Admission's Panel

    24/09/2009 Duration: 40min

    On today's show, we bring you coverage of a live event, ''MBA Admissions and the New World Order''. How is the ''new world order'' affecting business schools? Has the MBA curriculum changed as a result of the economic downturn? How are schools coping with the economy? Panelists also answered audience questions about the panel topic, as well as general questions about their programs, admissions, and career prospects for graduates.

  • What Not To Do On Your Application

    31/08/2009 Duration: 21min

    It's amazing how many business school applicants make avoidable application mistakes and it's unfortunate that these avoidable mistakes can result in your application being immediately rejected. You have one chance to get it right. We've interviewed 3 deans of admission at leading business schools and 2 admission consultants to help you avoid common "Application Pitfalls".

  • Using an MBA to Change Careers

    18/08/2009 Duration: 18min

    Are you thinking about using an MBA to change careers? In business school they'll call you a career switcher and you'll find that you aren't alone. Up to 90% of MBA candidates consider switching careers during their time on campus. Within just one or two years you can learn the skills and gain the context you need to launch into a new direction. This time we'll take you through the process that you'd experience through the career management center at business school. You'll learn how to make your past experiences relevant to future employers, how to update your resume and network your way into new opportunities. You'll hear from the heads of career management from four top MBA programs.

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