Joe Blow Gamer



Gaming dads talking about games, gaming news and ... life?


  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 27: Tired and Reaching

    19/08/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    John's been up to his old tricks with Hearthstone, Trevor took a trip to a galaxy far, far away with Vader Immortal and Nick's been playing new shit (FInal Fantasy XIV and Mario Maker 2). Also, we cover some news: The 16-year-old who won $3M in the Fortnite World Cup The ESA biffed it real hard and may have ruined E3 forever Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have agreed toslightly reduce child gambling Also, Extra Life is coming. Get ready! And as always, please subscribe and review! Every review helps bump out podcast to hit more ears, so we really appreciate it! Contact us: Joe Blow (e-mail) Joe Blow (twitter) Trevor (twitter) Nick (twitter) John (twitter)

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 26: out with thE old, in with thE nEw

    15/07/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    John and Trevor have been dabbling in the past with Witcher 3 and Persona 5, and Nick is the only one playing anything current. Also we talk about all the top trending moments of E3 - what we're excited for, what surprised us and just ... how ... underwhelming it all was.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 25: Gamer's Paradise

    24/05/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Trevor has done a great deal of gaming since the last podcast, much to everyone's surprise. John has finally taken the plunge into a game near and dear to Nick's heart. And Nick, well...Nick is playing a game that...well he'll explain it in the podcast. It's best if you just hear it from him. Also we talk about a lot of gaming news ... and video game movie news (because that's always highly anticipated content - insert eye roll emoji).

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 24: An Anthem For Easy Mode

    16/04/2019 Duration: 41min

    Trevor and Nick have been playing more of the same lately but there was one topic they wanted to get off their chest...the stigma of playing on an easy difficulty. We dissect why it's so taboo within the gamer culture to play anything less than hard. Also discussed are Borderlands 3, Valve's new VR headset and ALL the drama that went into making Anthem.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 23: The Battlegrounds They Are A Changin

    25/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    Trevor hasn't had a great deal of time to play games but luckily John and Nick can "download" everyone on what they've been up to. We cover Apex Legends, the adulting gaming lifestyle, Resident Evil 2 Remake (again), boss battles and the oh so mysterious Stadia! Is the future of gaming changing for the better or the worse, and how will it enable us to yell "get off my lawn" more!? You'll only find out if you listen to our podcast!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 22: NOT Brought to you by Playstation...we swear

    25/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    Trevor has taken a brief on hiatus to travel down the nostalgic terrain of Resident Evil 2: Remastered. Meanwhile, Nick got a PlayStation VR for Christmas and has been immersing himself in whole other worlds. We're often late to the game but what we lack in timely coverage, we make up for in charm and comedy. At least that's what we tell ourselves anyway.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 21: The Prodigal Son Redeems

    17/12/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    After hearing Nick and Trevor go on a tangent about Red Dead Redemption being "overrated" and "not very fun," John had to make his triumphant return and defend the honor of a game he holds in high regard. Which brings up the sequel and whether or not it holds up or even ... improves upon the original. Also, Trevor talks about Persona 5 for a hot second before the conversation lunges into a bunch of news that Nick has been filled to the brim with.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 20: We Extra Lived!

    15/11/2018 Duration: 50min

    After a quick recap of the incredible run at Extra Life this year, the guys talk about the games they've been playing. Trevor's put all his grit into Spider-Man PS4 for that glorious 100% notoriety and Nick's knee deep in Red Dead Redemption 2. Also...some gaming news around the corner that's most likely old news (like the Telltale layoffs) because these two are hardly on the pulse. But check it out anyway because who doesn't love to hear them talk ... I know THEY do!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 19: Spider-Man's Sticky Promises

    16/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    This month we talk about Epiphanies, Nostalgia, Star Wars, Marvel and Spider-Man. It may sound like a lot to pack into one episode but it all connects. It's like 4D Chess! Also, we give a little sneak peek into our plans for Extra Life this year. Get excited. Get really excited! Ok, now dial it back a bit. There you go. Right there.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 18: Shadow of Origins

    26/02/2018 Duration: 41min

    Nick's finally gotten into a game - Assassin's Creed: Origins. Trevor, too, has joined the gaming mould with the most recent remake ... Shadow of the Colossus! BOOM. We also talk about life and all that jazz - the flu, bronchitis, kids, etc. FUN TIMES! So sit back, relax and listen to the soothing sound of the lovely voices of Nick and Trevor!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 17: That Gaming Lifestyle

    22/01/2018 Duration: 50min

    Nick and Trevor catch up on what they have (or have not) been playing over the past year and cover a timely news event ... The Nintendo Labo! We're aiming to have more frequent podcasts where we catch up and talk about some current video game news. Fun times will be had by all ... or at least by us! Definitely by us ... most of the time.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 16: Nick’s An Android Man Now

    20/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    We're back! Check us out! We're actually on a schedule and shiz! This week we don't cover a topic - we just catch up on the games we've been playing. And John and I bitch and moan about Nick having an Android now. Fun times! Also, we talk about Inside, The Witness, NBA 2K, and the Gear VR (because who hasn't heard enough about VR yet!?). Take a listen and please e-mail us at to give us some questions for the next one!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 15: Virtual Insanity

    08/09/2016 Duration: 40min

    Sit back and take in all the lovely opinions on VR, No Man's Sky and ... a bunch of other stuff. Also, John may or may not have done a complete 180 on his opinion of No Man's Sky. Also, OUR FIRST LISTENER E-MAIL! Sorry, got a little excited there. But fun! SPOILER NOTE: Skip from 06:25-09:00 to avoid a No Man's Sky ending spoiler. After that we just talk about "that ending" in a more vague sense and don't talk specifics anymore.

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 14: No Man’s Snoozeville

    22/08/2016 Duration: 38min

    Welcome back to our (hopefully) biweekly podcast! John Doe is back and is as passionate as ever as we discuss No Man's Sky. Enjoy the soothing sounds of our lovely voices and please drop us a line ... about anything. We'll call it out at the top of our next episode - questions, thoughts, your favorite color! GO NUTS!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 13: Tight and Inverted

    08/08/2016 Duration: 35min

    OK. Now, I know we say "we're back" a lot, but this time .... we mean it! Nick and I are ready to actually bring you consistent content, so look forward to a bi-weekly podcast about your favorite average gamers talking 'bout games! The podcast will now come in around half an hour in length, and we plan on tackling one topic in addition to listener feedback and gaming news. So strap in, suit up and ... sing your heart out? I don't know....enjoy!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 12: Metal Gear Solid: A Phantom Menace

    11/09/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    Hey hey! We're back and better than ever. We've got a special treat for you. We've hit our podcast circuit back up and we're more focused than ever. We plan on bringing you more frequent podcasts in the near future that are more pointed. We'll get a quick "How's your uncle" out of the way in the beginning and then dive right into a topic of discussion. This week we talk about this little game, you probably never heard of it ... Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? Since this is all typed out and sarcasm is hard to express, that ... that was sarcasm. Anyway, sit back and enjoy our soothing voices as Joe Blow, John Doe and Nick The Dick take you down a path of pure insanity as we talk about one of the biggest games of 2015!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 11: 2014 Year In Review Pt. 2

    25/06/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    It's finally here! The 6-months-too-late, completely-out-of-date second part to our 2014 Year In Review. I know you've been clamoring to find out what each of our top ten picks of 2014 were. So, without further ado, sit back, relax and enjoy your trip in the delorean to our last episode of 2014!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 10: 2014 Year In Review Pt. 1

    25/03/2015 Duration: 01h15min

    Hey! We're back! Man, it's been three months since we recorded this. I had hectic work get in the way as well as a NEW CHILD! Welcome to the world Nolan Hunter Weaver Carlee - your obsession with games will begin soon! Honestly I don't even remember what we talked about in this podcast because it was THREE MONTHS AGO! Sit back and relax and enjoy the nostalgia I guess? Also, stay tuned for Part 2 where we run through our top ten games of 2014. Yeah. I know. We're almost half way through 2015. Get over it!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - Episode 9: The Grateful Dads

    21/11/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    What's up!? We're back with another podcast! I was a little late with posting this one but hang in there, we've got some great stuff for you. And stay tuned for some new stuff down the line!

  • Joe Blow Gamer Podcast - SPECIAL: The Walking Dead S02E05

    03/11/2014 Duration: 01h17min

    The gang is back together! It's John, Nick and myself back for the fifth and FINALE episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season 2. We had some vastly different decisions (and endings) so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think. And definitely let us know if you had a completely different ending from either of us.

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