Ask The Coach



This show is 100 % dedicated to teaching the value and strategies of coaching employees in the corporate workplace.


  • No Time to Coach?

    29/01/2016 Duration: 08min

    This episode will teach five strategies to coach employees when there is "limited" time. The number one barrier when coaching employees is the perception of time. This perception can create a very detrimental set of results. This episode will teach five specific strategies that help a manager provide coaching but leverage his or her time. I hope you'll join us!

  • Using Goals Drive Talent Development

    25/12/2015 Duration: 08min

    This episode will teach a specific methodology to developing and retaining talent by using a goal-based coaching methoology. 

  • Feedback is a Two-Way Street

    08/12/2015 Duration: 13min

    This episode is dedicated to specific techniques and strategies of not only providing feedback but receiving it successfully. Feedback is often only associated with constructive or negative feedback; whereas, feedback can be an unbelievably positive and strategic tool people can use in the workplace to develop a better performance set and culture. This shows about 15 minutes in length and will provide access to 3 to 4 strategies for both providing feedback as well as receiving it. I hope you enjoy it Ask Us About Our Event & Speaking Services: 

  • 3 Factors That Make or Break Your Culture

    27/10/2015 Duration: 09min

    This show is about three factors that make or break a company or teams culture. The show will reveal the three main reasons are factors that can damage a culture and more importantly what you can do about it as a leader or manager coach. 

  • Why Training Fails

    28/08/2015 Duration: 10min

    This show reveals a specific formula to using training successfully; whereas, historically training has really failed  at no fault of the industry. Get More Infomation on this 9 Elephants Leadership Training Program: click here