Renegade Health Radio



Finally, a no-nonsense approach to health and nutrition that works! Kevin Gianni and Frederic Patenaude have seen it all. With over 25 combined years of experience on the front lines of the diet, health and fitness debate, they've experimented with all types of diets, studied cultures from around the world, and have come to their renegade conclusions about how to get and stay healthy.


  • Interview: Dr. J. E. Williams and Blood Testing for Vegans - Episode #52

    08/08/2018 Duration: 48min

    Many topics about blood testing and reading blood tests with Dr. J. E. Williams. Topics that are specific to vegans and vegetarians, as well as all standard blood tests and how to interpret them for yourself.

  • Book Review: The Maffetone Method - Episode #51

    02/01/2017 Duration: 38min

    Get more fit and avoid injury by working out slower! In this podcast we review Dr. Phil Maffetone’s method for health and fitness with his book “The Big Book of Health and Fitness.” This method has completely changed Frederic’s life — from repeated back injury and over training to enjoying exercise injury-free! Dr. Phil is an old-timer in the fitness world, but more people are discovering is work nowadays. It goes against the grain of the current trend of Cross Fit and “high intensity training” (HIT). Why do people give up exercise shortly after signing up to the gym? Find out more in this podcast.

  • Book Review: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo Episode #50

    19/11/2016 Duration: 28min

    Can decluttering truly "change your life?” We review Marie Kondo’s book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” 

  • Book Review, Food Rules by Michael Pollan, with Shelli Stein - Episode #49

    17/09/2016 Duration: 37min

    Shelli Stein and Frederic Patenaude talk about Michael Pollan's book, Food Rules: An Eater's Manual.

  • How to Fast On Your Own - Webinar

    16/05/2016 Duration: 57min

    This is the audio from a webinar Frederic Patenaude did all about Fasting for Renegade Health. He answers many questions about fasting and has a Q & A session at the end with the participants.

  • The Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Webinar

    09/05/2016 Duration: 59min

    This is an audio replay of a webinar Frederic Patenaude presented about the Anti-Inflammatory diet for Renegade Health. For the whole replay please visit our article and watch the video and slides here:

  • Interview with Chef AJ: From Fat Vegan to Skinny Bitch - Episode #48

    21/12/2015 Duration: 36min

    In this episode Frederic interviews the famous Chef AJ. She talks about her recovery from being a Junk Food Vegan and her road to being a healthy and vibrant vegan.

  • The Truth About Dental Health - Episode #47

    28/10/2015 Duration: 22min

    How to make your own mouthwash that works better than the leading brand and is 100% non toxic The reason why health-foodists have more dental problems Foods to eat and avoid for perfect teeth

  • Lessons From the Blue Zones: Why Some People Live 100 Years - Episode #46

    05/10/2015 Duration: 29min

    - What long-lived people actually DO to live over 100 years - How our culture is set up AGAINST us to make us sick and miserable, and what some people are doing to change it - How a small town in Finland cut rampant heart disease rates by 85%  - 7 Ways you can increase your lifespan by at least 10 GOOD years

  • Kevin's New Book is Out - Episode #44

    10/07/2015 Duration: 25min

    Kevin gives the lowdown on his new book.

  • A Debate on Organic Food vs. Conventional - Episode #43

    05/06/2015 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, Kevin and Frederic debate a hot topic: organic vs. conventional foods. Frederic argues that eating organic food should be the least of your worries if you eat a mainly plant-based diet, and in fact doesn’t do so himself. Kevin takes the side that organic food is best and counters Frederic’s claims with strong arguments. Who will win? Find out in this episode.

  • Eat More, Weigh Less - Episode #42

    16/05/2015 Duration: 23min

    How to get in the fat-burning zone The fitness device that Kevin uses (and it's not the Apple Watch!)  Fred and Kevin give their uncensored thoughts on the Apple Watch Why most fitness programs fail! The diet that allows you to eat more and weigh less and the one food you must include in your diet 

  • The Natural Solution to High Blood Pressure - Episode 40

    02/03/2015 Duration: 25min

    Frederic and Kevin discuss the greatest natural remedy to high blood pressure — one that works every better than drugs and is scientifically proven.

  • Living 100% Caffeine Free - Benefits and Withdrawal Symptoms - Episode 39

    16/02/2015 Duration: 29min

    We interview Sean Russell of the website Menprovement to talk about how long it takes to recover from caffeine addition, what are the benefits to being 100% caffeine free, and how to make the change.

  • Know Your Supplements - Episode 38

    07/02/2015 Duration: 15min

    Learn what a recent New York City investigation found out about many of the popular supplements sold at big-name box stores means for the supplement industry. How the recent investigations may change the future of supplements and their availability Why you can't always trust what the labels on your herbs and supplements. How to decipher for yourself what companies you can put your trust in and which companies to avoid. Hear step-by-step how you can figure out what is really going into the supplements that you're paying for. Understand how to interpret scientific studies to truly understand how to use the information. Why it's so important for your health to know what's in the supplements you're taking.

  • Top Ways to Overcome a Virus - Episode 37

    19/01/2015 Duration: 17min

    Frederic and Kevin are back after a well-deserved vacation. Kevin talks about getting sick. We discuss the top ways to overcome a virus.

  • Staying Healthy During The Holidays - Episode 36

    26/11/2014 Duration: 28min

    One easy exercise switch you can do tomorrow to easily offset the holiday weight gain plagued by most people. 5:55 Understand how your blood sugar and the timing of your meals play together to determine how much unwanted fat you'll store when eating a meal, particularly holiday-sized meals. 7:11 Learn a few simple tips on how to eat and live during the holidays that won't leave you scrambling for New Year's resolutions immediately after. 8:52 How to easily navigate the holiday dining table and easily determine what to eat and how much to feel your best for you. 12:22 Hear Kevin share a few simple recipe ideas that you can bring for yourself and your family to share that taste great and are actually good for you. 14:33 Learn how to make a delicious raw recipe that is great for the holidays. They won't even know it's healthy! 17:44 Hear a few gift ideas that the health-orientated person on your shopping list will love. 20:08

  • The Ex-Vegan Chronicles - Episode #35

    03/11/2014 Duration: 24min

    Hear just a few of the emotional and physical struggles people experience when changing diets. 1:52 Learn why some people experience an "identity crisis" when switching from a vegan diet or raw food diet. 3:39 Understand the differences between the all-or-nothing approach and taking a moderate stance on certain things. 7:44 How to decipher between when your body is adjusting to eating certain foods again and when something actually isn't good for you. 9:53 Learn why so many people are confused about what to eat and believe that "the truth" is always found in one place, and how you can learn what's right for you. 11:36 Understand the process that so many people go through when re-identifying themselves and removing the attachments to their diet. 13:23 Why looking at making decisions and thinking of them with a long-term scope can make the changes you'll inevitably make later much easier. 16:39 Hear Kevin's experiences with "coming out" as an ex-vegan and some of the struggles he and many others have experienc

  • Raising Healthy Families - Episode #34

    27/10/2014 Duration: 24min

    Hear Kevin and Frederic's personal experiences with being raised and understand how this affects everybody's health experiences and beliefs even through today. 3:33 Why kids who may seem like "fussy eaters" may just actually not be hungry. Chances are you don't need to worry about them starving! 9:36 How being so militant with every single bite of food that your child eats may actually be doing them more harm than good. 10:41 Understand how important it is for children to go through their own experiences and come to their own conclusions in terms of ultimately what they want to eat. You as a parent do play a critical role in what you provide for your children to eat though! 12:30 Why kids may not be incredibly attracted to eating greens and certain types of vegetables, and why calories are so critical for them. 13:39 Why a 100% raw food diet may not be healthy for children and why it needs to be adjusted for specific individual cases. 16:00 Hear why getting your kids involved with making the food that they a

  • The 10 Superfoods We Eat the Most - Episode #33

    10/10/2014 Duration: 24min

      Hear the truth about fish oil, how it really does impact the environment, and learn about a more sustainable alternative. 5:55 Learn how to easily prepare these two green superfoods to delectable perfection using basic cooking techniques. 8:08 Why black beans (and all beans) are truly superfoods and how you can easily prepare them yourself and include more in your diet. 11:31 How to prepare pomegranates: this superfruit might even be growing in your own backyard! 15:00 Why we may be learning in the coming years that specific levels of antioxidants as a sole judge of nutrition may have been overhyped and why it might just be more about the food as a whole. 18:55 How fermented foods have earned their rightful place in peoples history and are a great example of a traditional food now being a modern superfood. 20:22 Understand that while they may not be strictly plant-based, some animal-based foods traditionally prepared are very concentrated in nutrients and can effectively be used medicinally today. 22:48

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