Stop Raising Einstein



STOP RAISING EINSTEIN, right here and right now. What's wrong with raising Einstein? "Nothing, if you're his Mother!" says show host, Tara Kennedy Kline. Parents take their job far to seriously and in trying to keep up with the Joneses, force their children into a box they won't ever fit into. Tara Kennedy Kline is out to dispel that myth of the "perfect child" and encourage parents to let them out of the box.


  • Slow Your Roll with guest Carl Honore

    13/12/2013 Duration: 58min

    Carl Honoré is an award-winning journalist, author and TED speaker. He is also a globetrotting ambassador for the Slow Movement. The Wall Street Journal hailed him as “an in-demand spokesman on slowness.” His book, Under Pressure, explores the good, the bad and the ugly of modern childrearing - and offers a blueprint for change. It was hailed by Time as a “gospel of the Slow Parenting movement.” Newsweek described Carl as “an international spokesman for the concept of leisure.” Huffington Post labeled him “the godfather of the Slow movement.” AND His TED talk has been viewed over 800,000 times.

  • All of Life Condenses to Just 2 Choices with guest Rico Racosky

    10/12/2013 Duration: 58min

    Rico Racosky is the author of Just 2 Choices and a motivational choice expert for over 25 years. Rico Racosky has condensed ALL of life for every person on the planet into one key phrase - Just 2 Choices. YES, it's just that simple. -That's the only phrase people need to remember. He is an author of 3 books for kids on positive choice, a former F-16 fighter pilot, and Olympic hopeful. He is currently a pilot for Southwest Airlines and a Life Coach. Since the 1990's, he has been a visionary in youth education in (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, as well as a sought after speaker in high schools. As Rico sees it, every moment as a "Just 2 Choices Moment"-a new opportunity to make a new and better choice in life-to turn ORDINARY everyday choices into EXTRAORDINARY choices everyday to live an extraordinary life...choice by choice by choice! It's a Choice Revolution!

  • Gratitude Comes in Small Doses with guest Lisa Cypers Kamen

    19/11/2013 Duration: 58min

    Acclaimed for her engaging blend of positive and spiritual psychology coaching, workshops, and philanthropic projects, Lisa Cypers Kamen is committed to raising the happiness level around the world. Through her books, radio show, media appearances and inspiring documentary films, such as "H-Factor... Where Is Your Heart?" she facilitates happiness and cultivates greater wellbeing and awareness of what it takes to be happy. Lisa is also the founder of Harvesting Happiness for Heroes, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit program dedicated to bringing integrated psychology coaching tools and wellbeing training to Veterans and their loved ones challenged by combat trauma and other post-deployment reintegration issues. To learn more about Lisa and her work, visit:

  • Tools for Stepmoms with guest Peggy Nolan

    12/11/2013 Duration: 58min

    Peggy Nolan has a deep caring for stepmoms. She knows firsthand how challenging the role is. Her main focus is to help women in the stepmom role thrive, become leaders in their families, and become happy, whole human beings. She is a leading authority on self-care and personal development for women in the stepmom role. She has been referred to as the "Self-Care Queen" by her peers and clients because her strategies to reduce and manage stress work. Peggy has been part of a stepfamily for over 40 years. She knows what it's like to be a step-daughter, a step-sister, and a stepmom. Peggy is the mom of two adult children, the bonus mom of four adult children, and the grandmother of two. Her articles have been featured in The Huffington Post, Divine Caroline, The Diva Toolbox, Applaud Women, Aspire, and StepMom Magazine. Peggy has also interviewed numerous leading experts in stepfamilies on her highly acclaimed internet radio show, The Stepmom's Toolbox Radio Show. To learn more about Peggy and her work, visit

  • Dad Day with guest Tim Hoch

    05/11/2013 Duration: 57min

    Tim Hoch is a lawyer and the author of 50 Rules for Sons, an inspiring gift book that shares a father's wisdom with sons who are leaving the nest. He shares lessons like: Be open to and unashamed of the possibility that you might be wrong and if you show up to class on time and sit in one of the first three rows, you will succeed. He is currently working on his next book, 50 Rules for Daughters.

  • Chief Daddy Officer® - The Business of Fatherhood with guest Chris Efessiou

    22/10/2013 Duration: 57min

    What do you get when you mix business with parenting? Would you ever consider raising your children using business principles? My guest, this week, has done just that. He says it works! Entrepreneur, Speaker, Radio Show Host and Author of CDO Chief Daddy Officer® - The Business of Fatherhood, Chris Efessiou understands first hand that the dynamics of success are the same whether you're leading a business meeting or tucking your child into bed at night. Through his own personal experiences, Chris - Founder and President of Chris Efessiou and Team - shares his discovery of how the skills critical to becoming a successful business leader can be seamlessly applied to both parenting and personal relationships with equal efficiency. To learn more, visit

  • Love No Matter What: When Your Kids Make Decisions You Don’t Agree With with guest Brenda Garrison

    08/10/2013 Duration: 57min

    As parents, we often disagree with the decisions our children make. Even as adult children they can get on out last nerve. My guest this week knows firsthand when parents disagree with some of the decisions their children make. She has tips and advice and helps us through these tough times with grace and dignity to keep the relationship a loving one. Brenda Garrison is an enthusiastic and authentic speaker and author. She ministers to women in all stages of life but especially to moms-encouraging them by keeping it real. Brenda speaks at retreats, workshops, professional groups and government agencies that work with families. She is the author of Love No Matter What: When Your Kids Make Decisions You Don't Agree With. To learn more about Brenda and her work, visit:

  • Getting REAL with Ourselves and our Children's Sexuality with guest Rick Clemons

    01/10/2013 Duration: 57min

    Rick Clemons is a recovering heterosexual, father of two teenage daughters, an ex who appreciates his ex and still has a relationship with her, and a partnered gay man of 12 years who's still waiting to be popped the question. He's also a certified professional life coach who's thrilled to wake up every morning and contribute to the fabric of humanity by helping people get real with themselves. Whether they're coming out of the closet, trying to pinpoint their sexual orientation, or simply trying to overcome their own crazy making, Rick's approach, while slanted to the gay way of life, actually works magic on anyone who's ready to stop making excuses for a mediocre life. Rick's been the host of his own radio show, The Coming Out Lounge, as well as a guest on numerous talk radio shows, and also appeared on the Ricki Lake Show as an expert coming out authority. His mission is to stop the madness around sexuality and just accept people for who they are - humans with unique twists on sexuality. His forth coming

  • Interactive Storytelling with guest Sherry Maysonave

    24/09/2013 Duration: 57min

    SHERRY MAYSONAVE is the creator of the ebook series, ManiaTales. The first book in the series is called EggMania: Where's the Egg in Exactly? Sherry is an admitted grammar enthusiast and began her career teaching third and fifth grades. In 1998, she founded Empowerment Enterprises, one of America's leading communication-image firms. A mother of three and grandmother of five, Sherry remains passionate about helping children develop positive self-esteem and achieve higher levels of success at school and in all facets of their lives.

  • Rock Your Inner Mama with guest Rachel Sklar

    17/09/2013 Duration: 58min

    Rachel Sklar is the founder of the Parent Coaching and Education business, ViaParenting, and the creator of the new CD "Rock Your Inner Mama: Guidance for Mindful Parenting." As a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, Social Worker and Loving Mom, Rachel teaches the art of parenting from the core, which is no easy task amidst the parenting propaganda that riddles her Silicon Valley community. With her support, parents find peace, joy, and harmony in their parenting experience, rather than succumbing to the external pressures of doing it "right." In her practice, Rachel strategizes with parents toward transformational and sustainable results that honor every family member. Overwhelmed parents walk away with parenting plans that are unique to their family and experience the gift of tuning into their inner voice. Rachel calls her business ViaParenting because she believes parenting transports and transforms us as human beings. ViaParenting brings mindfulness and forward thinking into plain view for parents who are

  • The Passion Shift with guest Karen Steele

    10/09/2013 Duration: 57min

    Karen Steele is a Mom, Entrepreneur, Founder of The Passion Shift and avid rule-breaker in how she lives her life. In 2008 she experienced her own Passion Shift when she held her daughter in her arms for the first time and life as she knew it dramatically changed. This experience lead Karen to create her powerful 7-step program to help other women navigate the Passion Shift they experience when they transform from working women to working mom. Karen shares her expertise and life-changing tools, tips and strategies to teach busy, overwhelmed working moms how to change the rules they live by so they can free their time and energy, find their passion and revolutionize their work life to create the fun, freedom and financial security they dream of for their families. Karen brings to her work over a decade of experience empowering women to build the confidence, courage and belief to create the lives they truly want.

  • Raising Empowered Kids with guest Sean Smith

    03/09/2013 Duration: 57min

    Sean Smith is completely obsessed with figuring out this game of life, how the mind works, why we hold ourselves back, and teaching anyone who will listen what he learns along the way. At the age of 13, he was almost killed by his next-door neighbor, which taught him that none of us, no matter what our circumstances, is promised our next breath. He vowed to himself to live a life of greatness and never settling for mediocrity. However, despite that promise, he still struggled for the next 20 years. Until he learned about the power of the unconscious mind... Sean is now a Certified Master Results Coach and founder of where he helps parents raise happy, healthy, confident children.

  • Empowering our Children with guest Chrissy Harmon of Clueberry World

    27/08/2013 Duration: 57min

    Chrissy Harmon, M.Ed. is an author, game designer and expert in teaching social emotional intelligence to children ages 8 to 14. After seeing a critical need for an emotional intelligence curriculum in the public schools, she left her 7th grade English classroom to form her company Clueberry World, Inc. She is the author of The Clueberry Book, a book of activities and lessons that engages educators and students to understand abstract concepts through cartoon characters, game play and following a map of their Train of Thought. Her book has been implemented internationally by parents, teacher, guidance counselors, a wide variety of at risk youth programs and family centers and embraced by the spirituality field. Recently she was invited to speak at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles for Michael Bernard Beckwith's Youth Ministry. She works individually with groups of teens, parents of middle school and high school youth empowering them with tools to impart life altering principles to their

  • Scream Free Parenting with guest Hal Runkel

    20/08/2013 Duration: 58min

    Hal Runkel is a world-renowned expert on helping families face conflict and create great relationships. A licensed therapist, relationship coach, international speaker, and organizational consultant, Hal is the bestselling author of ScreamFree Parenting and ScreamFree Marriage. Hal is a former minister and holds two seminar degrees. He is Founder and President of The ScreamFree Institute, an international training organization that ignites hope in parents, spouses and leaders to strengthen their own relationships through the power of calm. Hal has presented the ScreamFree relationship programs to tens of thousands worldwide, including more than 5,000 US military families. In addition, he has actively trained and supervised more than 1,000 family professionals working to further the ScreamFree movement. Hal and his message have been featured on over a thousand media outlets, including serving as a regular expert on NBC's Today Show, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, and The 700 Club.

  • Yummy Health with guest Lisa Goldbaum

    13/08/2013 Duration: 58min

    LISA GOLDBAUM is the co-founder and CEO of YummyHealth®. After years of watching her two children become junk food addicts, Lisa started searching for healthier snack options that her kids would actually enjoy eating without a fight. She was disappointed to find that most so-called "healthy" snacks on the market contain as much sugar and processed starch as the regular commercial varieties, while the truly healthy snacks weren't appetizing to kids. This inspired Lisa, a former financial and technology journalist for organizations including Forbes, Barron's and Institutional Investor, to investigate creating what would eventually become YummySwapsTM-snacks made with real-food ingredients that are better for kids but still taste great and can be swapped in for their favorite junk

  • Equality in Parenting with Guest Adam Dolgin

    06/08/2013 Duration: 57min

    How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one, if that light bulb is the idea behind Fodder 4 Fathers, one dad's search for online equality in parenting. It's a simple story really: it's about a father trying to make sense of his new role as a parent and finding himself shut out again and again by Internet parenting forums that catered almost exclusively to moms. So what's a man to do when he wants to learn more about raising happy and healthy kids, but all he finds is opposition and ridicule?--- He creates a place he can call his own. And so the seeds for Fodder 4 Fathers were planted; a place where moms and dads could meet as equals, and talk about that which is most important to us- our kids. So they created a blog (not having a clue what one was) and called it The Evil That You Know (, because, well, it's better than the evil that you don't know. And they just started writing about their experiences as a new dad. And, oddly enough, people started to like it and relate to it a

  • Early Brain Development with guest Deborah McNelis

    30/07/2013 Duration: 57min

    Maybe you already know that 90% of early brain development happens before children are 5 years old? Early positive experiences and supportive, healthy environments in the critical early years are vital. As an Early Brain Development Specialist and founder of Brain Insights, DeborahMcNelis is the award winning author of, The Brain Development Series. The series has sold all over the world and is available in English and Spanish at She has been seen in several publications, heard on numerous radio shows, and receives rave reviews for her enlightening and engaging presentations. Deborah is overjoyed with the response to all that her company provides due to her passion to create awareness of the critical importance of the early years. In addition to the brain series, she has also contributed to several books, and created a brain packet called, Naturally Developing Young Brains. Deborah has additionally created the Love Your Baby App, the valuable Creating Great Connections newslette

  • Monkey in the Middle, Divorce from a Child's Point of View with guest Jontie Hays

    23/07/2013 Duration: 57min

    Statistics show that one in every two marriages end in divorce. Do kids have Rightz when their parents are divorcing? My guest, this week, says yes. Jontie Hays is the award winning author of a book series called, Monkey in the Middle, which focuses on divorce from the kids point of view of the 12 Kidz Rightz with each book addressing a specific issue. Join us as we talk about this very common issues facing many children and families.

  • Anti-Bullying with guest Dr. Claudio Cerullo

    16/07/2013 Duration: 57min

    Internationally recognized as an expert on the subject of Anti-Bullying, Dr. Claudio Cerullo has provided many workshops on issues regarding Classroom Management, Student Behavior Modification, Character Education, and School Violence Prevention programs K-12. He is interviewed regularly by media outlets on the subject of Bullying and Anti-Bullying, and is a gifted public speaker on this topic of extreme interest to parents, educators and legislators. He has written numerous articles and books on the subject, and has lectured at many local, state, and regional education forums and conferences. Dr. Cerullo delivered the keynote address at the State of Louisiana's first Anti-Bullying Conference in 2012. He brings over 20 years of professional experience in education to Teach Anti-Bullying. He has been extremely active in addressing the great need for anti-bullying awareness, and prevention, nationwide, as a result of parents asking him to help students that are being impacted academically, socially and em

  • Healthy Yummy Food with guest Nina Manolson

    09/07/2013 Duration: 57min

    As a conscientious parent you want your kids to eat less processed foods, more veggies, less sugar as well as a nice variety of healthy foods. Our guest is here to you us that it's do-able. What's the disconnect between what we want for our kids, what we know, and making it happen. It's lack of support. Our culture doesn't support it, our lifestyle doesn't support it and to be totally honest, sometimes our own eating habits aren't the best role models for our kids. So let's make the shift that changes the culture. And, let's start with the culture at home. For sure we want to change the way society feeds kids, but let's focus with your own dinner table first. Our first step is about shifting our children's thoughts about their diet. You can't force your kids on this journey of healthy eating, you have to make it a trip they won't want to miss. We can have the intention, the desire and even the tools to feed our kids healthy food, but if they are not "bought in" to the idea of eating healthy, we won't get

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