Nassau Street Church Sermons



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  • Fighting To Cross the Finish Line


    After Paul has spent this letter pleading with Timothy to guard the deposit given to him, steward the Word of God well, and stand firm in the faith. He goes on to tell a young Timothy you’ll only accomplish this by fighting a good fight and running the race well.

  • Baptism & Two Ways to Live


    As we look at baptism, an outward sign of this inward transformation that has taken place, new life in Christ, it is a decision between one of two ways to live. Individuals choosing to submit to Jesus as ruler, knowing that we are forgiven through his blood, and granted eternal life, because of his death and resurrection.

  • Helping Each Other Grow Up


    In an incredibly rich, descriptive passage of the church in action, Paul lays out the incredible grace of Jesus in helping his bride grow up. Uniquely gifting his body, helping each of us to grow up, in order that we’ll know how to love each other well, not getting tossed around by the waves of heresy.

  • The Foundation of Gratitude


    Though we often talk about gratitude and the need to be more thankful, if we’re honest we don’t naturally drift towards gratitude. The psalmist here calls us to cry out in wonder and awe, over the reality that as far as the east is from the west, so far has our sin been removed from us. Could this tie in to our sense of gratitude?

  • Did God Really Call us to Volunteer?


    It's interesting to observe that while we often call for volunteers in the church, often with the caveat 'how will things happen if you don't volunteer', Paul never seems to speak that way. Rather, he speaks about the absolute privilege it is to serve the King, even if it means being in jail. What is the difference in the two responses?

  • The Endless Search for Community


    It's been said that 'community is casually tossed around like a frisbee at a church picnic. Most are familiar enough with it to comfortably "give it a toss", but don't often think deeply about its dynamics'. Is community something that we create and initiate, or has God created community? If so, for what purpose? Paul addresses that very thing exploring a community that once lived in great hostility towards each other.

  • What should we be doing together?


    In this message we take a look through the window of the early Christian church to see what they were doing together. We find that the early church was devoted to five things that arise from today's passage. In today's message we look at those five things and ask what can we learn from them.

  • The Thrill of Orthodoxy


    Reading the words of Paul in the 1st century, one could think you were reading words penned in 2019. The downward spiral that occurs when we love our selves more than God, is a constant though the centuries. The antedote Paul points out, is the thrill of orthodoxy.

  • What is your Picture of God?


    How we read something, often will determine the picture we arrive at. In this passage, Jesus tells a parable that grants us an incredible picture of the mercy of God. But we can be tempted to miss this. Do you view God as an angry judge or as a kind, patient, merciful God who continually seeks to woo us back to Himself?

  • The Authority of Jesus


    This message considers the basis of Jesus' authority, the demands of his authority and the grace of his authority based on the passage in Mark 11:27-33. The passage describes the religious leaders' attempt to call into question the authority of Jesus. Jesus' response is a counter question which ultimately points to the answer to their question; an answer they miss because they are unwilling to accept that John was announcing the coming of Jesus.