Tgif, Today God Is First By Os Hillman



TGIF Today God Is First Daily Devotional reaches more than 190,000 subscribers daily. Now you can listen to TGIF in Podcast form! Listen to uplifting messages by Os Hillman that go along with today's devotional, and be encouraged to "Live out your faith at work."


  • Can the Gospel actually change a woke city?

    03/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Can the Gospel really make a difference in the climate of a city? Dr. Joseph Matterra says, “Yes, it can!” Born and raised in New York City, Joe Matterra has seen it all –murder, gangs, rapes, corruption, violence. You would think that would discourage Joe, but Joe decided to believer the Word of God and saw God move in his city. Hear his story in my TGIF@Work Podcast this week. Learn more about his book, The Mandate.

  • A Conversation with Os Hillman

    08/05/2024 Duration: 43min

    Mike Seminary features Os on his podcast this week for a conversation about life, ministry, calling and life lessons.

  • Manifesting the Life of Jesus in our Marketplace Call

    10/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    What does it mean to manifest the life of Jesus in our marketplace call? Os explains what this looks like through powerful miracle stories he and others have experienced and how you can too!

  • The DNA of Community Transformation

    14/03/2024 Duration: 46min

    How many cities did Jesus transform? The answer is 0. The only city we know that he had a very significant impact was Samaria. His ministry to the Samaritan woman resulted in many believing in Samaria As a result of the woman testifying to the people in the city. It says Jesus stayed three more days because of their faith. Over the years I have studied and personally experienced transformation in communities. In this week’s podcast I want to share with you The DNA of Community Transformation. Check it out in audio or video power point.

  • How to Build Traffic to Your Website Using SEO

    04/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    Do you have a website or manage a website? If so, this week’s podcast is for you. SEO, Search Engine Optimization is how Google ranks companies when someone is searching for a product, service or topic. These terms are what people are searching for in Google searches. James Upjohn provides an overview of SEO, explaining how search engines work and the importance of ranking highly in organic search results. He introduced his background helping companies improve their search engine rankings through on-page optimization and content strategies. We use James’s services to help build traffic to our own websites. In this podcast James will reveal secrets to building traffic your website. James also shows us how to use ChatGPT AI to generate optimized content around keywords that an SEO specialist could then publish after further refinement. This reduces costs compared to hiring writers while providing a framework for high-quality content. James explained how Google Analytics provides free and valuable data for SEOs

  • 7 Important Things I Learned that Allowed Me to Fulfill My Purpose & Identity

    21/02/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    As I reflect on my 71 years of life, I've encountered invaluable lessons that have shaped my journey and purpose. These revelations, gleaned from my own successes and more importantly, my failures, are not just personal milestones but universal truths every believer should comprehend and apply in their life. In an effort to share these insights and help others navigate their own paths, I hosted a special Zoom meeting titled, "7 Important Things I Learned that Allowed Me to Fulfill My Purpose" last night. These lessons were illuminated to me through my experiences, and I found that they align with the journeys of many biblical figures and can be found as scriptural principles I found in the Bible. The Bible mentions inheritance 237 times, underscoring the significance of fulfilling the purposes for which God placed us on this earth. I am driven to receive my full inheritance, and I imagine you share that desire.

  • How to navigate life when your back is up against the wall. This week's podcast

    29/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    If you live life long enough, you’re going to find yourself pinned against the wall of life-altering circumstances. I’ve been thinking about this topic for awhile and decided to examine many of God’s leaders in the Bible to see how they navigated their own life-altering circumstances. It’s a fascinating study. I looked at Moses, Elijah, Elisha, the widow who was bankrupt, and many others. I think you will find this week’s TGIF@Work podcast worth listening to.

  • Why did Jesus have so much influence?

    15/01/2024 Duration: 17min

    If you want to have influence, you’ll do this one thing that Jesus did. If you want others to see you as a valuable person, you will do this one thing. If you expect to have the respect of your peers, you will do this one thing. If you want to influence your workplace, you will do this one thing. If you want to transform your community, you will do this one thing. “What is the one thing?” you say?

  • NFL former player shares life lessons in this week’s TGIF podcast

    06/12/2023 Duration: 42min

    Former NFL linebacker Bryan Schwartz is my guest this week on my TGIF@Work podcast. Bryan played for the Jacksonville Jacquars for five years. He became a Christian as he entered his second year. Join me for an enlightening interview on his NFL experiences and how God is using him as a coach to executive business leaders.

  • Unlocking Success: Discover the Power of Belonging to the US Christian Chamber of Commerce

    29/11/2023 Duration: 26min

    This week on TGIF@Work podcast, we have a truly special episode that you won't want to miss. Our guest, Krystal Parker, President of the US Christian Chamber of Commerce, shares invaluable insights into the incredible benefits of belonging to this dynamic community. Why should you listen? Here are just a few reasons: Faith in Business: Discover how integrating faith into your professional life can lead to a more fulfilling and successful career. Networking Opportunities: Learn about the unique networking opportunities within the US Christian Chamber of Commerce and how they can elevate your business connections. Supportive Community: Hear firsthand accounts of the supportive community that comes with being a member and how it can positively impact your entrepreneurial journey. Professional Development: Explore the resources and tools available to members that contribute to continuous learning and professional development. Don't miss out on this chance to gain valuable insights into the world of faith-ba

  • Beginners Guide to Decentralization- Part 2

    31/05/2023 Duration: 23min

    CBDCs connects all the other technologies that globalist bankers need for total control and that would include movement passports such as COVID passports, but ultimately it really comes down to the money. So, we are aware of China’s social credit score system, where basically your entire life is in this app and if you're a good citizen you get more credits and if you're a bad citizen you get less credits. They've been doing this for many years and if you say anything bad or negative against government your social credit score goes down and if your credit score goes and you can't buy things like plane tickets or bus tickets or things like that canceling your kids access to college or whatever it may be. So what they are ultimately doing is using an app to restrict you, but how do they restrict you with the payments? They don't allow you to buy a plane ticket or buy a bus ticket or buy food so it all comes down to the money, which is why that's the final piece that they need. This week we will discuss CBDCs an

  • Beginners Guide to Decentralization

    22/05/2023 Duration: 18min

    There are two terms we are hearing more and more about today in the financial markets -- centralization and de-centralization. We are hearing these terms related to the financial markets and more specifically, the crypto markets. Centralization of the financial markets means the financial markets – stock trading, banking, and investments are regulated by the SEC or the FDIC supposedly to protect you, the consumer. Decentralization refers to the fact Bitcoin and related crypto markets have no regulation by banks or governments. Crypto traders believe it is a means of protecting one’s assets from the overreach of government. Countries and especially the US are beginning to implement plans to address their inability to regulate decentralized platforms. However, this may be harder to do than they think. Decentralization is happening worldwide and cannot be controlled by one country. But that doesn't mean they won’t try. Join Os Hillman in this week’s TGIF@Work Podcast as Os explains the unfolding developments

  • How did less than 5% of Americans change America?

    02/05/2023 Duration: 20min

    Os explains why the last two years have ushered our nation into uncharted waters. We could have never have imagined the America we are seeing unfold before our eyes today. How did we get here? Os explains how America has been changed by a small number of people and why they are being successful.

  • Dealing with Rejection

    22/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    Do you ever feel condemned? Do you have trouble experiencing God’s love? Did you grow up with very little verbal affirmation in your life? Do you reject the love of others? Do you feel you are not worthy of other people’s love? Do you require a lot of verbal affirmation from others to feel loved? Do you have relationships that often end because you reject people because of what you think they are doing to you? Is it hard to maintain long-term relationships? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be impacted by a spirit of rejection. Join Os this week as he explains how the spirit of rejection impact individuals and relationships.

  • Performance & Faith

    02/03/2023 Duration: 39min

    Where does faith fit into high performance in sports? That is the question we will answer in this week’s TGIF@Work Podcast. Our special guest is professional golfer Veronica Karaman, coach and author. Join us in a fascinating conversation about the role faith plays in sports performance.

  • Why Was Jesus Successful in His Mission?

    16/02/2023 Duration: 09min

    Have you ever wondered why Jesus was successful in His mission? I rarely hear pastors speak about this in the pulpit, yet it is the single most important attribute to why Jesus was so successful and influential in the lives of people.

  • Crossing Over

    04/01/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    In 1998 J. Gunnar Olson became my marketplace ministry father in the faith. He has had a huge impact on my life. Gunnar has experienced a life of miracles and impact in nations around the world. Gunnar is now in his late 80s and rarely speaks in public anymore. In November of this year, he spoke at the International Christian Chamber of Commerce International Conference in Sweden. It is a rare opportunity to hear from one of our international marketplace spiritual leaders. Please enjoy this special presentation by Gunnar on the topic of Crossing Over to the Promised Land.

  • What can we learn from how FTX CEO Sam Bankman Fried is being treated by the media

    07/12/2022 Duration: 13min

    What can we learn from how FTX CEO Sam Bankman Fried is being treated by the media and even the NY Times featured him as a speaker this week at a prestigious event of elites when he should have already been arrested like Bernie Madoff? Os reveals why he believes he will never get prison time.

  • Healing Sexual Hurt

    12/10/2022 Duration: 38min

    Have you ever wondered why you or others struggle with sexual issues in their adult life? How did someone develop same-sex attraction? Why are people addicted to pornography? What are the root causes of such behavior? Dr. Sam Serio explains this and more in our insightful interview based on his book and counseling ministry.

  • Role Of The Media

    07/09/2022 Duration: 24min

    This week we are featuring our Faith, Work & Culture Radio broadcast. Our topic in this edition is the role of media in culture influence. My guest in this program is Sean Dunn, CEO of Groundwire. You will be inspired to hear his story and how he is impacting the next generation with the Gospel in a very creative way.

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