Mrs. Harty's Charm School



Harriett Harty is the author of Mrs. Harty's Charm School, a blog on that encourages best behavior, better style, and using both empathy and effort to create a wonderful life for yourself.Harriett holds a B.A. in English from Northeastern University and has worked for high-tech Massachusetts corporations for 25 years. She has been formally and informally studying human behavior and self-improvement since her pre-teens and has never stopped striving to learn more, be better, and gain wisdom from experience, never letting even a bad experience go to waste!Come listen to discussions about daily interpersonal issues and how you can handle them, tips on surrounding yourself with beauty and comfort, suggestions from her own experience about continually developing your mind and heart no matter what age.


  • Mrs. Harty's Charm School

    12/10/2010 Duration: 10min

    Creating a personal space (man cave, sacred space, a room of one's own) can add a much-needed sanctuary to our busy days and nights. In this episode, Mrs. Harty gives ideas for creating your own personal space in a charming and individual way.

  • Mrs. Harty's Charm School

    29/07/2010 Duration: 17min

    On this second show, Mrs. Harty will give instruction on creating a Life Circle diagram to help you sort out what you love and don't love about your life and what areas you'd like to improve by setting small goals. Listeners are encouraged to post their goals and/or questions at

  • Mrs. Harty's Charm School

    22/07/2010 Duration: 23min

    On the debut radio show for Mrs. Harty's Charm School, Mrs. Harty will give a short quiz on where you fall regarding the Empathy and Effort involved in good manners and being considerate of others. Also, a summary of common grammar errors in everyday speech.