Jane Hamill | Podcast

Creating Your Simple Sales System



"I'm working really hard but not getting the sales I need to support myself." I hear a version of this statement from entrepreneurs every week. You feel like you're doing ALL THE THINGS - posting to social media, sending emails, making videos, running ads... I know you're working hard and yet, it can often be work that's all over the place with different tactics. There's no actual plan or system for getting sales. It's just post and send -- and hopw they buy. I want to help you create a simple sales system. It's easier than is sounds.  It's basically you doing what you're already doing, but with a customer path in mind.  And it starts with asling yourself 4 questions.  If you can answer these questions with specific things to do, everything will change.  If can't answer them and you're doing lots of random actions with your business hoping to get sales, you will suffer.  Listen now and remember that all the links and resources mentioned will be back on the blog in the Show Notes: https://fashionbrainacad