
7: Side Gigs and FOMO: Realities of Blogging, with Sarah Morgan of



Click here to get the action guide for this episode Sarah Morgan is an online strategist teaching people to build engaging blogs, thriving businesses, and profitable info products at She strives to help bloggers, creatives, and business owners build a home online that not only provides a stable income but fuels their passion for what they do without busyness and stress getting in the way. It is often said that you cannot compare your beginning or middle to someone else’s end. But in a world full of social media sharing, thousands of blogs to read, and a growing to-do list, Keeping Up With The Joneses can feel like a full time job. In this episode, Sarah tells us how she built her blog and business without the distractions and fear of missing out, why she still has a side gig even though her blog is now wildly successful, and how to build trust and connection with your tribe that keeps you moving forward on your own path instead of looking all around you for guidance. Get the action guide for this