Breaking Par With Bernard Sheridan

Breaking Par Episode 118 Steven Yellin



Steven Yellin is our guest from Fluid Motion Factor. A little bit about Steven Yellin. Steven Yellin began his athletic career playing tennis at the age of 12. He competed locally and nationally and won the Florida state high school singles championship in 1971 and was a member of the winning championship team. Recruited heavily, he chose the University of Pennsylvania where he was the number one player on the team. He was a member of the All-Ivy League tennis team in 1973 and had a win over John McEnroe in a dual match during his college career. As a senior at Penn, Yellin had an extraordinary Zone experience that radically changed his understanding of sports. It was an experience unlike anything he ever experienced on the court before. Though he played on a level never before attained, he realized that the factors that precipitated this experience was something that was not taught in any lesson he had ever taken (and he had taken quite a few!), and for that matter not taught in sports anywhere. For the next