Jon Rognerud Podcast

Is Your Social Media Sales Failing? (26 New Ways To Change That) - #049



Social media is awesome, and it's a lot of fun...! They say: ", not really. Not for us. It's not working, we're not making any more sales!" Not uncommon to hear this, by the way. And, it's probably not your fault. The thing is - on these broadcasts, I talk a lot about systems and processes and that you must have a clear "why" to the reason you are do the "next thing" and what your objectives are, both short term and long term. But, if you don't have a lot of experience with this, it can feel like your social media planning and subsequent activity is just "busy-ness", not "business". While I'm not talking about building a growth plan for the long term here today, you can listen and look at these 26 different ways to change your approach to social media and improve the (buying inclined) behavior of visitors ...pretty quickly. Plus, it'll help your brand along the way - as you increase the possibility of adding sales and getting bottom line numbers. Take notes, and if you want to see the entire list, go