Jon Rognerud Podcast

Business Owners Who "Know It All" Are Not Invited To Listen To This Episode - #051



This episode is not for the presumptuous or overconfident business owner or entrepreneur that knows it all. You'll learn why in these minutes we spend together together today. I hope you'll listen carefully. So Jon... why such a "strange" headline? Because... I've spent a lot of time in this field (digital marketing and dealing with clients) and wanted to make sure I got today's message across to you. This is a personal broadcast to you, a man or woman who has a real interest in growing your business with customer attraction and customer acquisition strategies, and to (important!) learn what the differences are and how to think about, and use these strategies for yourself. Suspend your disbelief for a moment, and open your mind to a process and framework that will help you. You are a professional, and likely doing a lot of things right (as you'll hear in this professional client case study) - but lack the full insight and understanding of opportunities sitting right in front of you. The mistakes (hard to admi