Jon Rognerud Podcast

Facebook Ads and Reminder Marketing: New Ways To Use Personalized Videos To Beat Out Traditional Sales Funnels - #053



Still using the clicks->landingpage->ty model? In other words, you are: Getting traffic from ads, social or SEO, then pushing the visitor (person) to enter their name & email on a squeeze page or landing page, and then sending something useful via email, confirming receipt via the "ty" (thank you) page. (With a possible upsell too, perhaps) Yes, this still works great and makes a lot of money for those who implement it the right way.   But... ...not here today to talk about that model. We're going to cover video 'reminder' marketing and a sales funnel with video retargeting that are set up to: 1) get attention 2) create engagement prospects love you more 3) build brand awareness while getting more sales that creates loyal customers and advocates for your business The way to do this with Facebook ads is nothing short of pure 'magic' - if you do it right. You need a storyline/script built for this, but you can start simple with 1-3 long form videos, from 1-5 minutes in length. When you have an engagin