Jon Rognerud Podcast

How To Solve The Attribution Puzzle (Where Did Your Marketing Dollars Go?) - #080



Who is John Wanamaker and why is he important to today's presentation? John Wanamaker was an American merchant and religious, civic and political figure, considered by some to be a proponent of advertising and a "pioneer in marketing". Here's what he said about advertising: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half. You'll learn about a powerful platform and toolset that you can use in your online marketing - that without it - you are literally flying blind! Here's what you can learn: Find out when or where your marketing is working. Scale what works, save money on waste and re-invest. Learn the simple attribution models. Find out What sells? What repels? Do you know the attribution from first click? How about opt-ins? Re-Optins? What actual touch (click) brought the sale? Was it an email?  Find out and go to -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: