Jon Rognerud Podcast

How To Script Your Video (So You Can Sell More Now!) - #082



VSL = Video Sales Letter. Did you know that they have been around for years? More importantly, are you aware that they work really well to sell your products, services ... FAST? But... Only if you use a formula that's been proven. This is from Jim Edwards, and you owe it to yourself to test this approach, right in your videos.  (You can even use these inside Facebook, YouTube, etc - but typically works better for a "warm" audience, but should be tested! Here is the top 10 VSL copywriter's checklist: Open with a shocking statement. State the problem and why it’s a big deal. Agitate the problem. Push the agitation even further, taking it to a deep emotional level. Introduce the solution. Highlight your credibility so people know why they should listen to you. Prove that what you’re saying is true. List out the biggest things they’ll get, including features and benefits. Specific reasons not to procrastinate but rather to act now. Close by asking for the purchase and reinforcing benefits. Download the presenta