Jon Rognerud Podcast

Friday Footage: High Converting Sales Pages Using The "ECPC" Formula - #090



Friday Footage: It's DEMO time - brought to you by Getting traffic to your website and your offer is only one small part of selling online. You want to not only attract the right prospects (audience) for your offers, but make sure to have congruency in your funnel. That means your targeting, offer, message and call to action excites and engages your prospect to click the "buy now" button. This formula works well, and I'm using one that was developed by our friends at samcart. They have a free trial available as well, and have easy to follow training videos to help you get set up. Corporate site: - get a 2 week trial! Training: Here's the ECPC formula: 1) Excite (emotional, benefit driven headlines) 2) Connect (story, background, personal) 3) Prove (good testimonials, social proof) 4) Convert (break it down w/bullets, justify the price. Add a possible guarantee, bonu