Jon Rognerud Podcast

Living The Dream: What It Means To Me - EP #105



Are you "Living The Dream"? First... Let's see what Google thinks it is. We found a dictionary result at the top of the page: To experience the achievement of every success that one has aspired to achieve, especially from a career. Quora says: "doing what you want to do… or… living the type of life you want to live without any regrets. achieving all your goals. Enjoying the fruits of your labour. Being in real life now who you had wished to be when you were younger." While these definitions are just a few of many, Here's what it means to me...: "Master Yourself". That means creating mastery from your passion. That means removing all doubt, fear, stress and focus on building confidence, inspire others and become a 100% "doer, builder, creator". I read somewhere that 80% of the brain is occupied with fighting "fear" and "negativity" (don't quote me on the number). Basically, it's this: if in a 24 hour period you think anything - it'll be mostly negative. Self-doubt, low confidence and brain waves that send cons