Uncle Dan And Friends

Uncle Dan and Friends: Episode 1



For the beginning of "Uncle Dan and Friends," Dan first attempts to explain why this podcast even exists, since many of you are probably sick to death of hearing him anyway.  Plus, for those who are not in the know (pretty much all of you), Dan enlists some help in telling the famed story of the long lost podcast from 2005, Radio WC.  Finally, Dan talks to his other favorite British Columbian, Nicole Petrie, about the rare thing they share-and how it got Dan arrested back in 1989.  And from the sound of it, the commute between Vancouver and Revelstoke is probably simpler and less painful than the trip from Vancouver to Nanaimo.  In the coming days we will work on getting a better way to record Skype calls, and also to remember the Twitter address @uncledanpodcast.