Jane Hamill | Podcast

(Startup Story) First One to Fail Wins & Other Hard-Learned Lessons w/ Grant from El Roo Bike



My guest today is SO HONEST about the struggles of his first clothing line and what he's doing differently the second time around.  Grant Janke is a former network engineer who hated his job and decided one day to quit to start a business - even though he didn't have a clue what business it would be. He's currently working on his second clothing business -- this one in the mountain bike apparel niche, called El Roo Bike. Grant shares his failures, struggles, and the ways he thought things would go.  "I spent all this money trying to develop this artwork for these stupid damn t shirts and no one liked them." I had to have the perfect pattern. I had to have the perfect material. I had to have the perfect artwork. I had to have the perfect this...  Meanwhile,months are going by, and I'm not making any progress. I was stuck in that concept phase and the dollars just keep going and going and going. I was totally of the "build it and they will come" mentality. Which did not happen. I had no customers.  Week one,