In Disguise

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Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether or not they’re gay. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly the mere thought of their BFF makes their nipples go hard, or the touch of a best bud makes their dick hard. "He was handy with the blinds. But also knew how to pull the ladies and loved being sucked off. It was a Surprise Party." - Surprise Party by Jakob, Copenhagen"She’d been to a drag party and there was this girl checking her out, thinking she was a guy. This girl had a partner and he really got off on other guys." - In Disguise by Para Dox"Betty Dodson’s wise words got him to try masturbating in women’s nylon panties." - Varato Delectat by Peter Nèrum
