Feminine As F*ck



Monica Yates is a ICF Women's Life & Period Coach. Her no BS approach is loved by her Instagram fam and clients. In these episodes, Monica will be talking about all things periods, the female cycle, vaginas, hormones, confidence, health, food, fitness, our brains, boys and all the stuff that no one seems to talk about, but everyone is thinking. Monica is real, down to heart and fu*king honest with her approach. Grab the popcorn, and enjoy! You can find Monica...@monicayateshealth YouTube: Monica Yatesmonicayates.com.au*This podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat or prevent disea


  • 340: Breaking Down The 3 Tangible Steps On *HOW* To Call In Your Person

    22/11/2023 Duration: 40min

    Manifesting your “perfect cherry on top of your already gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free cupcake.” *** DO NOT MISS THE JUICY BLACK FRIDAY DEALS 11/23-11/27: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/black-friday *** In this episode, Monica covers:

  • 339: Everything You Need To Know About Black Friday 2023!!!

    17/11/2023 Duration: 07min

    Tune in to hear how and why this is the JUICIEST Black Friday that Monica has ever done, and most likely will ever do, on allllllll of her courses / masterclasses [please note: this will not include Queen Alchemy, 1:1 coaching, HER, or the Immersion]. ***BLACK FRIDAY LINK WILL GO HERE WHEN DEALS ARE LIVE ON 11/23 THROUGH 11/27*** Join Monica’s Email List: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/632a2bfbbf9a194f540c4ab0 Monica’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicayateshealth  Monica’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@monicayateshealth/  Podcast Directory: https://monicayateshealth.com/blogs/feminine-as-f-ck-podcast/podcast-directory  ***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. || https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/copyright-disclaimer

  • 338: How To Get Your Man To “Do The Work” Without Emasculating, Mothering, & Nagging Him To Death

    15/11/2023 Duration: 55min

    ***And what you might be doing wrong that’s actually pushing him farther away from it*** Have you tried to get your man to read all the self-development books with you? To “for the love of god, please go to this men’s retreat because it’ll change your life!?” Or how about you softening into your feminine and wanting him to just rise and actually LEAD you already!?

  • 337: Embracing Single Season & Romanticizing Your Life (Listen Even If You're In A Relationship!!)

    08/11/2023 Duration: 43min

    Whether you’re single or in a longterm, fully committed relationship — this episode is going to leave you dripping in ALL of the ways you can start to fall more in love with this season of your life. Monica’s giving you the lowdown on how to make sure that your man is simply the CHERRY on top of your already decadent & delicious dairy-free, gluten-free cupcake life.

  • 336: How To Clear Your Fear Of Being Seen - Why It’s Blocking You From Love, Success, Joy, Abundance, & Actually Receiving Your Manifestations

    01/11/2023 Duration: 41min

    Today’s episode is a LONG time coming because Monica’s unpacking the most underrated fear that we all carry to some degree, and that once healed — is the very thing that can catapult you into your next level in life, business, love, and your manifestations. We’re talking the fear of being SEEN, like *actually* really being seen. Monica’s dishing on why this is holding you back, and why it’s blocking you from having what you say you want… and she’s giving you the exact steps of what needs to happen in order to clear this fear for good.

  • 335: How I'm Adjusting My Period So I Don't Get It On My Wedding Day!

    26/10/2023 Duration: 44min

    (Tangible tips and important notes when shifting your cycle *safely and slowly*) Have you ever noticed that you’re going to have your period on a majorly important day, like I don’t know… maybe your upcoming WEDDING perhaps!? Eek! Monica herself noticed this a couple of months ago and decided that although she loves her period, she needed to get proactive in adjusting her cycle just a bit to move her period to her follicular or ovulation phase — and leave the late luteal / menstrual phase for her post-wedding recovery season AFTER all of the celebrations and festivities.

  • 334: Busting Through Your Money Fears & How To Know If An Investment Is Aligned For You

    18/10/2023 Duration: 47min

    **Because Rapid Manifestation Requires Rapid Action** WOAH. This episode is going to bust you *right through* your fears around investing in yourself and anchor you right back into the truth that you are truly limitless. This is a big one.  Monica’s giving you the BTS of her real-life experiences where she’s invested BIG, and how she’s moved through those real fears & anxieties that came up when she did [YES, even she gets nervous still when investing next level!!].

  • 333: The Reality of Real Relationships [Not Just What You See On Instagram]

    11/10/2023 Duration: 43min

    Today, Monica’s giving it to you straight — the REALITY of real relationships. Like not the fluffy stuff you see on Instagram… but the real-deal of what healthy relationships look like behind-the-scenes [and you might be surprised just how *normal* your relationship actually is!?]. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this episode has GOLD for you! Monica’s dishing out secrets and giving you an insider scoop on her relationship with her fiancé, and she’s naming the things that others seem to be too afraid to say, but ummm… we’re ALL thinking them!?

  • 332: Breaking Down The ‘Alpha Male’ vs. The ‘Soft Boi’

    04/10/2023 Duration: 49min

    The Dangers of Buying Into The Narrative of “Toxic Masculinity” & How To Support Your Man To *Rise* Another juicy episode for you, ladies AND men - and it’s an important episode *especially* in our culture today. Monica’s breaking down the difference between the “ALPHA MALE” & the “SOFT BOI” and how integral this is to our thriving as a society. We need this now more than ever! She’s debunking myths about how the “alpha male” is inherently “toxic,” and shedding some light on the dangers of the “soft boi” & the way we’re conditioning boys, and men, today to be too feminine… this is a BIG topic, and one that you’ll definitely want to share and circle back to again & again! Monica’s covering:

  • 331: PART 2 - Why Your Nervous System Is Key To Weight Loss & Full Health

    29/09/2023 Duration: 29min

    Today, we’re talking about the area of your health that TikTok trends have missed—and that is your NERVOUS SYSTEM & how key it is to weight loss (and whole body health). Monica’s cutting through the overwhelm and the conflicting advice that’s all over the internet, and she’s giving you REAL and tangible tips to thrive in every area of your health. Don’t wait for a diagnosis, or for something to be wrong for you to take control of your health. Do it today. CHOOSE to thrive. You deserve it. And Monica’s going to break down for you HOW. (If you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, start there to get the most out of this topic--link below!!) She’s talking:

  • 330: PART 1 - The Fundamentals Of Whole Body Health (ps. it’s okay to want to lose weight)

    27/09/2023 Duration: 48min

    In a day and age with social media and ALL of the opinions, tips, tricks, and advice at our fingertips — losing weight and getting healthy can feel more confusing than ever, right!? Pair that with the “body positivity” movement and indulging in shit food as “self-care,” and we’re also FEELING worse than ever.  Well, in this week’s two-part episode, Monica is clearing it ALL up of you and giving you the clear, tangible areas to focus on for *whole body* health & thriving. She’s reminding you that while healthy is NOT a certain size, you also don’t have to feel shame for wanting to lose weight. And if you don’t want to lose weight, but you want to optimize your health — this two-part episode has everything you need to know!! She’s talking:

  • 329: WWMD: "My Man Won't Lead"

    22/09/2023 Duration: 24min

    **WHAT WOULD MONICA DO!?** In this juicy quickie episode, Monica is giving you her honest answer to the popular question of: “I’ve done everything I can to be in my feminine, but what if my man still won’t lead me?” Tune in as she explores the many layers to this question and if you’re in this situation—what she would recommend to do next to get your man to *finally* step up & lead.

  • 328: The Correlation Between Men, Money, & Receivership

    20/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    **Why Making More Money and Letting Him Lead Feels Scary As Hell (And How To Change It)** MEN + MONEY.

  • 327: Playing The Long Game In Business: The Myth Of The “Overnight Success” + How To Build Authority, Sign Dream Clients, Balance Your Biz/Relationship, And Live A Decadent Life with Samantha Daily

    13/09/2023 Duration: 01h16min

    This conversation between Monica and Samantha is seriously going to go down in history as one of the most important conversations EVER to listen to as a business owner, or an aspiring business owner. WOW. Monica was right when she said get two Sagittarius’ in a room wearing RED and it’s sure to be spicy!! And this one does NOT disappoint.

  • 326: A Guy’s Guide To Periods: How To Optimize Sex, Intimacy, Communication, & Time In Your Relationship By Getting To Know HER Cycle (this is a MUST KNOW for every man!!)

    06/09/2023 Duration: 55min

    Okay, ladies, this episode is a MUST for your man!! Here’s the best way to utilize this epi: YOU listen, take notes, see what aligns with your cycle & note what’s *different* about each phase of your cycle than what Monica shared about hers, and then SEND THIS EPISODE ASAP to your man—bonus points if you schedule time in your calendar to sit down & talk about it together. And actually discuss the nitty gritty. This should be a non-negotiable in every relationship, really. Monica’s diving into some juicy, need-to-know details about why women are “so different” depending on where they’re at in their cycle, and why this matters so much. If you want to truly optimize your sex life, intimacy, communication, and your TIME together (and separately)—you don’t want to miss this!! In this episode, Monica’s covering:

  • 325: How To Set Yourself Up For Being THAT Mumma In Postpartum & Motherhood - Optimizing Fertility & Cultivating Your Village with Millie Poppins (Men, listen to this!!)

    30/08/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Let’s just say that today’s conversation with Millie Poppins, a Motherhood Mentor & Baby Care Expert with over ten years of experience, is one you’ll want to definitely take notes on & then immediately send the link to your man because he NEEDS to be in on this too!! We’re talking about preparing for babies, caring for babies — and how we can truly THRIVE through becoming parents instead of just merely surviving.

  • 324: What's Coming Up Next? | Program Launches, In-Person Events, PLUS How I'm Shifting My Content & The Way I Show Up On Instagram Going Into Wedding Season + Preparing For Motherhood

    25/08/2023 Duration: 20min

    A little quickie “news broadcast” style episode to share more on what you can expect from MYH coming up over the next 6 months to a year! Monica’s sharing the nitty gritty on upcoming program launches, juicy details about upcoming in-person events, PLUS how she’s shifting the way she shows up on Instagram in the coming months going into wedding season (her DREAM!!) + preparing for motherhood in the next couple of years. ❤️ ***Skip to minute 10:36 if you want to skip the program updates and simply hear the shifts she’s making on social media!*** +++++ As Mentioned In The Episode —  Join Monica’s Email List: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/632a2bfbbf9a194f540c4ab0 Queen Alchemy: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/queen-alchemy  **QA Round 12 registration closes on August 30, 2023 || Round 13 begins in February 2024** The Man: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/the-man  Pop-Up LA One-Day Event: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/la-event  2024 NYC Immersion: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/immersion  Eur

  • 323: How To Be "Empoweredly Submissive" In Your Relationship, Business, & Manifestations - AKA Everything You Need To Know About Softening Into Your Feminine, Boundaries, and Trauma

    23/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    Today’s new podcast episode (323) is all about how to be “empoweredly submissive” — and, yes, Monica knows that “empoweredly” is not actually a word, but she’s making it one as she unpacks the topic of feminine submission, and spoiler alert… it might not be what you think. Listen now for everything you need to know about the correlation between being able to soften into your feminine, boundaries, and your trauma. You might be surprised at how GOOD and empowering this conversation feels for your nervous system. In this episode, Monica’s discussing:

  • 322: Everything You Need To Know About How Trauma Affects Your Comfort Zone (Hint: You NEED This If You Want To Expand)

    16/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    Grab your notebook and get ready to write faster than you ever have as you listen to this JUICY episode breaking down everything you need to know about trauma and how it affects your comfort zone (and whether you stay in it forever or finally break free and get everything you’ve ever wanted).  If you want to expand, you NEED this episode. Trust me. It’s a major WHY behind everything Monica does in her work, and what sets her apart from all of the other coaches/programs out there. If you’ve “tried everything” and haven’t seen results, then this is for you!

  • 321: THE BARBIE MOVIE - Monica's Hot Take On Empowerment, Emasculation, Feminism, And Where Did Nicholas Sparks Go!?!

    09/08/2023 Duration: 57min

    You asked, and Monica’s excited to deliver! Today, she’s giving you her unfiltered, fiery hot take on the BARBIE MOVIE. All of the cringe moments included.  We’ve seriously never received this many DM’s at one time on any topic before.. you guys seriously want the tea! ;) So after a date night out to see the movie, plus a couple more hours of putting together her notes for this episode… the conversation you’ve all been waiting for is ready!

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