The Jimmy Dore Show



Hosted by award winning comedian Jimmy Gore, this is an irreverent and humorous take on todays headlines and hypocrites.


  • The View Is A “Rabies-Infested Henhouse!” – Joe Rogan

    08/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    Popular podcaster Joe Rogan reacted strongly to what he felt was a demonstrably dunderheaded discussion about race by the hosts of The View while speaking with author and journalist Coleman Hughes, “It is the show that people love to hate,” Rogan said. “They get so much hate-watching … and viral clips of them saying ridiculous things. It is a rabies-infested hen house. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss discuss The View's handling of Hughes' perspectives on race and Rogan's assessment of the show. Also featuring segments on Joe Biden's increasing frustration with Benjamin Netanyahu over Gaza and Joe Scarborough's pointed questions to an Israeli spokesman about the Israeli government's past support for Hamas.

  • Aid Workers TARGETED For Rocket Attack By Israel!

    05/04/2024 Duration: 01h58s

    Israel killed seven aid workers operating in Gaza, spurring international outrage. The aid workers hailed from Australia, Britain and the US, among other nations, and were driving in vehicles clearly marked as aid trucks and with the approval of the IDF. Now, as a result, other aid organizations are pulling out of Gaza, increasing the likelihood that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will face starvation in the near future. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss, along with Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss the sheer inhumanity of the Israeli government’s willingness to massacre so many Palestinians. Plus a segment on California’s new $20/hour minimum wage for fast food workers going into effect. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!

  • Ben Shapiro & Dave Rubin DESPERATELY Defend Canceling Candace Owens

    03/04/2024 Duration: 01h16s

    Since the October 7th Hamas attacks and the subsequent Israeli military assault on Gaza, many prominent “free speech warriors” on the right have exposed themselves as no different from the censorship-crazed “Woke” left they ridicule and excoriate. Most recently Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin sat down to explain away how it was OK for Shapiro’s Daily Wire to part ways with Candace Owens over the latter’s comments critical of Israel. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss discuss this incredible ass-showing from Shapiro and Rubin. Plus segments on Joe Biden being accused of desecrating the Easter holiday by celebrating trans visibility, Israel escalating the conflict in the Middle East by bombing Iran’s embassy in Damascus, Syria, and the Israel Defense Force pulling out of Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital, leaving a trail of destruction and dead civilians in their wake. Also featuring Mischa Paullin!

  • Jon Stewart Committed SAME FRAUD He Accused Trump Of!

    01/04/2024 Duration: 01h43s

    Jon Stewart returned to the Daily Show with a humorous critique of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. But his Biden-supporting sh*tlib viewers and friends couldn’t tolerate that, so Jon has had to backtrack, the latest example coming in his segment ripping into Donald Trump for overvaluing his properties when seeking bank loans while undervaluing those same properties for tax purposes. Except as some internet sleuths discovered, Stewart himself vastly undervalued his own NYC home for tax purposes and then sold it for many millions more. Whoops! Plus segments on Joe Biden’s $25 million New York Ciy fundraiser with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama getting interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters and New York AG Letitia James’ outlandish lies about Donald Trump. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Jake Tapper!

  • What’s The Real Cause Of The Baltimore Bridge Disaster?

    29/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    As information comes out about the recent cargo ship bridge disaster in Baltimore, one area of concern relates to the cargo ship company’s track record of silencing whistleblowers who raised concerns about safety issues. In fact, the company illegally required employees to first come to the company with safety concerns before informing federal authorities. Jimmy and Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular discuss the company, Maersk, and what corners might be routinely cut to deliver its shareholders the $51 billion in 2023 revenue. Plus segments on GOP strategist Frank Luntz calling out the stupidity of the political prosecution of Donald Trump and former Daily Wire host Candace Owens being abandoned by her former friends on the right. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Joe Biden!

  • Political Prosecution Of Trump Derailed & Corrupt Prosecutor EXPOSED!

    27/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Donald Trump got a last-minute reprieve from having to come up with a $454 million bond to appeal his civil fraud judgment as an appellate court reduced the bond to a more manageable $175 million. He will now have ten days to compile funds commensurate with the lesser figure, at which point he will be allowed to proceed with the appeal. Jimmy and Due Dissidence host Keaton Weiss discuss the politically motivated legal attack on Trump and whether the likely outcome will be the precise opposite of what the elites running the prosecution are hoping to accomplish. Plus segments on NBC host Chuck Todd’s freakout over the network’s hiring of Ronna Romney McDaniel and Israeli apologist and alleged free speech absolutist Bari Weiss’s celebration of the Daily Wire’s recent cancellation of Candace Owens. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!

  • “The CIA Doesn’t Do Coups Anymore!” Say Both TYT Hosts

    26/03/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Since its inception the CIA has been a nefarious operation, overthrowing governments, assassinating foreign leaders, fomenting rebellions and generally immiserating wide swaths of the world in the interests of corporate power and greed. But that’s all over now, at least according to Ana and Cenk of The Young Turks. Today’s CIA is too incompetent to pull any of that sort of stuff off, they say, ignoring what’s going on in, say, Ukraine. Or Syria. Or Haiti. Or Pakistan.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the level of apologetics and self-delusion necessary to believe the CIA is not still involved in all kinds of evil activity around the globe. Plus an interview with Dr. Mary Talley Bowman whose lawsuit successfully compelled the FDA to stop lying on social media about Ivermectin. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Vince Vaughn!

  • This Is Why Nobody Trusts Corporate News Anymore

    22/03/2024 Duration: 01h09s

    During a recent campaign appearance, Donald Trump said that if he wins in 2024 he will impose a 100% tax on vehicles manufactured in Mexico but that if he fails to defeat Joe Biden, there will be a “bloodbath.” Liberal heads instantly exploded over Trump’s obvious call for political violence, or so they claimed. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Morning Joe Scarborough’s leading the demented charge to indict Trump for using what is a commonplace term — one he himself has often used in the past. Plus segments on MSNBC host Ali Velshi’s shocking segment revealing the depth of AIPAC’s control of the U.S. Congress and an online commentator’s savage takedown of grifter Shaun King. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!

  • TikTok Ban Is A TROJAN HORSE For Mass Online Government Censorship! w/ Dr. Robert Malone

    20/03/2024 Duration: 01h21s

    There's more to the proposed TikTok ban currently being considered in Congress than merely an attempt to silence a social media platform elite interests can't control. As Jimmy discusses with Dr. Robert Malone, Congressman Thomas Massie has exposed that the legislation will be far-reaching, and allow the government to eliminate any website or even internet hosting service. This is why Massie describes the bill as a "Trojan Horse" for mass online government censorship. Plus a segment on the co-optation of medical journals by Big Pharma and Big Money. Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Chuck Schumer!

  • Don Lemon Unwittingly Reveals He HATES Free Speech!

    18/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    After losing his CNN hosting gig, Don Lemon was supposed to enjoy a soft landing at X/Twitter, where he was given the opportunity to host a whole new show. But that didn’t happen after a tense interview with Elon Musk during which Lemon applauded the X CEO for promoting free speech by adding Lemon’s show but criticized him for NOT censoring what Lemon termed “hate speech.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why it’s a bad idea for tech industry billionaires to decide what speech should and should not be allowed. Plus segments on the January 6 committee withholding evidence exonerating Trump and rocker Neil Young coming crawling back to Spotify. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Mike MacRae and Dr. Robert Malone. And a phone call from Al Pacino!

  • Ben Shapiro Wants You To Work Until You Die!

    15/03/2024 Duration: 58min

    Online commentator Ben Shapiro is NOT a fan of Social Security. In fact, he believes that the concept of retirement itself is outlandish, and people should continue working as long as they are physically capable of doing so. And they certainly should not begin getting payouts from the government at age 65, he says. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how Shapiro not only gets the retirement age in the United States wrong (it’s 67), but that he is clearly so cloistered in his elitist, professional managerial class bubble that he has no conception of what it’s like for people who do actual physical labor to work well into their elder years. Plus segments about the recent suspicious “suicide” of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett and Candace Owens’ recent schooling of Chris Cuomo over the former CNN host’s Putin Derangement Syndrome. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss.

  • Robert DeNiro Reveals TERMINAL Trump Derangement Syndrome On Bill Maher Show

    13/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    In case you’re unaware that Robert DeNiro hates Donald Trump, the Academy Award-winning actor went on Bill Maher’s show to explain that Trump is really bad and that another Trump presidency would represent a “nightmare.” Yet as Maher points out, Trump is winning in polls and gaining — a reality that DeNiro has no answer for. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the way our media platforms the least-informed like DeNiro to talk about Trump even though he can’t even explain why he hates Trump so much. Plus segments on Krystal Ball and Ryan Grim on Breaking Points going all-in on supporting Joe Biden and Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff’s victory speech being disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters.

  • Biden Spreads PURE Lies & Misinformation At State Of The Union!

    11/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    Joe Biden delivered his much-anticipated State of the Union address, and not surprisingly the lies, duplicity, warmongering and pure service to the ruling class were all on display. Biden even opened to bipartisan applause in calling for pushing the pointless, horrific Ukraine War as a means of “deterring” Putin. And the rest was no better. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how little Biden addressed actual problems being faced by the vast majority of Americans. Plus segments on the New York Times’ phony “leak” about the CIA and Ukraine, and MSNBC’s hosts mocking voters who care about immigration.

  • The Intercept RIPS OFF The Grayzone’s Reporting On NYT Hamas Rąpe Hoax Story

    08/03/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    As the New York Times “reporting” on allegations of widespread sexual violence during Hamas’ October 7th attacks falls apart, The Intercept is taking credit for exposing The Times. One problem? As The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal explains, The Intercept repeated the same allegations, and then later ripped off reporting exposing the Times from The Grayzone and other outlets. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Blumenthal about how The Intercept — and Democracy Now — operate as intermediaries between truly independent media and traditional corporate media. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Hillary Supporter!

  • MSNBC Says Rural Voters Are Destroying Democracy!

    06/03/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Political pundits Thomas Schiller and Paul Waldman recently appeared on MSNBC with Mike Brzezinski to explain what a threat to democracy is posed by rural voters. These Trump supporters are racists, misogynists, anti-immigrant and violent, the pundits argue, and need to be dealt with. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how Schiller and Waldman undermine their own argument by identifying the pain rural America has experienced and that Trump has exploited. Plus segments on the January 6th journalist recently arrested by the FBI and Jon Stewart’s efforts to “both sides” the Israel-Hamas conflict. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Due Dissonance hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss!

  • Breakthrough Cancer Treatment Using Keto Diet! w/ Dr. Thomas Seyfried

    04/03/2024 Duration: 01h16s

    Dr. Thomas Seyfried has been researching cancer treatment for decades, and he says the underlying theory for how we treat cancer — based on the premise that cancer is a genetic disorder — is all wrong. Instead, cancer is a mitochondrial disorder that is much more effectively treated by starving the cancer cells of the specific nutrients that they need to survive and grow. Jimmy talks to Dr. Seyfried about the history of cancer treatment, how his research led to his conclusions and all the problems underlying our traditional approach to cancer treatment. Plus a segment on Boris Johnson demanding $1 million before granting an interview to Tucker Carlson.

  • Anderson Cooper PANICS When Guest Brings Up Gaza Slaughter!

    01/03/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Former Democratic Congressional candidate Nina Turner recently appeared on CNN with Anderson Cooper, and as soon as she tried to bring up the devastation wrought on the Palestinians Cooper and the other panelists fought over who got to interrupt her more immediately. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Cooper’s desperate efforts to talk about the politics of Biden’s support for genocide without discussing the actual slaughter underway in Gaza. Plus segments on Michigan Democratic voters demanding a change in Middle East policy in exchange for their votes, a UN expert’s insistence that Israel is unequivocally committing genocide, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico’s announcement of an investigation into the COVID vaccines and former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s discovery that banks run the world. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus phone calls from Joe Biden and Al Pacino!

  • EPIC Taylor Lorenz vs Libs Of TikTok Debate Over Teaching Gay Sex In Schools!

    28/02/2024 Duration: 59min

    Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz sat down with the online influencer who goes by “Libs of TikTok” for a confrontational discussion about using images of explicit sex as an educational tool in elementary schools and a range of other topics. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss just how poorly Lorenz comes across during this unbelievable conversation. Plus segments on the New York Times’ feverish backpedaling after hiring a non-journalist and former Israeli intelligence agent to pen a lie-filled front page story about alleged Hamas rapes during the October 7th attacks and an Alaska Airlines’ flight attendant’s recent invasion of Jimmy’s privacy on a flight home from Seattle.

  • “Disgusting Subways Are The ‘Price Of Freedom’” – Jon Stewart

    26/02/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    During a recent Daily Show broadcast, Jon Stewart criticized Tucker Carlson for favorably comparing Russian subway stations’ cleanliness to what one typically sees in American cities, in particular New York. The filth and squalor on display in the New York subway system, Stewart says, is the “price of freedom” — the kind of freedom Russians don’t enjoy. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to podcaster Mel K about how Stewart has gone from a critic of neoliberalism and neocons to an ardent advocate for the military industrial complex. Plus segments on MSNBC’s craven lies to protect Joe Biden and ESPN host Stephen Smith going off on New York City’s plans to give $53 million to migrants in the city.

  • Kevin O’Leary Demolishes CNN Host Over Trump Verdict!

    23/02/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    A New York court has ruled that Donald Trump must pay a $355 million fine over allegations that he committed real estate fraud. As Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary pointed out during a CNN spot, however, the laws that Trump allegedly broke are routinely flouted by every developer in New York City, which is why the state’s governor, Kathy Hochul, felt compelled to reassure business interests that only Trump would be targeted with this extraordinary type of prosecution. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how New York is exhibiting all the corrupt traits of a third world country. Plus segments on Stephen Colbert’s meltdown over the multiple criminal and civil cases Donald Trump is facing, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters slapping down of U2 frontman Bono over the latter’s pushing of pro-war propaganda couched in peace-loving language and Trump’s recent comments suggesting as President he would renew efforts to steal Venezuela’s oil. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus calls from Jake Tapper

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