The Jimmy Dore Show



Hosted by award winning comedian Jimmy Gore, this is an irreverent and humorous take on todays headlines and hypocrites.


  • Kyle & Krystal DESTROYED By Briahna Joy Gray Over Democratic Simping

    15/09/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Bad Faith Podcast host Briahna Joy Gray recently sat down with Breaking Points host Krystal Ball and her husband to discuss the question that has been roiling the online left for a decade or longer — are Democrats really any better than Republicans? Gray refused to concede that the Biden administration’s alleged “accomplishments” require that leftists vote for him as a means of stopping Donald Trump. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and The Miserable Liberal Stef Zamorano discuss Kyle and Krystal’s heel turn to MSNBC Lite. Plus a segment hosted by Jimmy with Craig "Pasta" Jardula and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger talking about California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent admission that he got COVID all wrong. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Biden and Al Pacino!

  • Cornel West Does 45 Minute Commercial FOR JOE BIDEN!

    08/09/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    If Dr. Cornel West hopes for his Green Party presidential bid to take off, he’s going to have to appeal to a wide swath of the voting public, including disaffected Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents. Whether he can achieve that objective by constantly beating the drums for trans rights and about white supremacy was a key bone of contention during his recent interview with Jimmy Dore. Jimmy argued in favor of an electoral strategy based on a solid foundation of economic justice while Dr. West said he would never stop talking about white supremacy and trans rights. Plus a segment with Craig "Pasta" Jardula and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger on the Washington Post admitting that Joe Biden is a serial liar. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from President Biden and Barack Obama!

  • GoFundMe Sides With WAR MACHINE– Silences Grayzone!

    01/09/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Independent media outlet The Grayzone recently conducted a fundraiser on GoFundMe to help support the publication’s investigative journalism team. But after collecting more than $90,000, The Grayzone publisher Max Blumenthal received an email telling him that for reasons that remained obscure, the funds would not be disbursed. Jimmy and Max discuss this effort to stifle independent journalism and the similar experience faced by the Canadian trucker protesters and African journalist Simon Ateba. Plus a segment with Craig "Pasta" Jardula on retired British nurse instructor and YouTuber's investigation into the revolving door between industry and government. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo!

  • No Money For Maui Without MORE Money To Ukraine First!

    25/08/2023 Duration: 57min

    The devastating fires in Maui will require billions in funds to facilitate the island’s recovery. And while Congress is currently negotiating relief funds for Hawaii, there’s also the pressing need for additional billions in military spending to Ukraine. Which is why the debate over sending money to Hawaii is being tied to twice as much money being sent to Ukraine. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss reports that FEMA is running out of money just when Hawaii is in desperate need. Plus segments on the U.S.'s involvement in the recent ouster of Pakistani leader Imran Khan and Alex Jones' prediction about the imminent return of COVID restrictions. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!

  • BOMBSHELL: Ivermectin Is Now OK To Treat COVID! – Says The FDA

    18/08/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Now that the pharmaceutical industry has made its hundreds of billions from vaccines, and despite an all out smear campaign the agency itself participated in, the Food & Drug Administration has approved the drug Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID. So it turns out that, according to the FDA, it’s OK even if you’re not a horse for you to take Ivermectin to treat your COVID. That’s what you call a win-whinny.  Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why Ivermectin had to be so severely demonized during the early days of the pandemic but now can be approved in such a cavalier fashion. Plus a segment on all the terrible jokes late night night comedians made about taking Ivermectin, which has now been approved by the FDA to treat COVID. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Alec Baldwin!

  • Absolute Proof Joe Biden Involved In Hunter’s Dirty Business Deals!

    11/08/2023 Duration: 58min

    Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner Devon Archer recently testified to Congress behind closed doors about international deals he and Hunter were involved in and whether Joe Biden had any participation. Even though the mainstream media is spinning the testimony as exonerating the President, the reality is that Hunter was clearly trading on his father’s name and that Joe actively involved himself in his son’s business. Jimmy and The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula discuss the weight of evidence suggesting President Biden helped and benefited from his son’s influence peddling schemes. Plus segments about a new poll showing a majority of Americans no longer support Ukraine War funding and out-of-touch elitist Joy Behar wondering why Joe Biden isn't more popular. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden!

  • The REAL REASON For Trump’s Latest Indictment Explained!

    04/08/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Donald Trump has been indicted yet again, and this time it’s not about secret payments to a porn star or mishandling of classified documents. No, this indictment is over Trump’s alleged involvement in fomenting the January 6 “insurrection” and other various efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the indictment and whether the various legal campaigns against Trump are collectively oriented at ensuring he can’t run again in 2024.  Plus a segment with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talking about what's REALLY destroying the middle class in America. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Vince Vaughn!

  • “Dems Are A TRILLION Times Better Than Republicans” Says Kyle Kulinski

    28/07/2023 Duration: 56min

    There’s much debate on the left as to how much better, if at all, Democrats are compared with Republicans. Kyle Kulinski’s not engaging with that debate, however, as he forcefully recently asserted that black people tend to vote blue because Democrats are “one trillion times better” than Republicans. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Revolutionary Blackout Network’s Nick Cruse about Kulinski’s assessment and why he may be overstating the case by a factor of a trillion. Plus a segment on Houston Police ongoing harassment of volunteer workers feeding the homeless. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from George Clooney!

  • What Cornel West SHOULD’VE Said To Anderson Cooper About Ukraine!

    21/07/2023 Duration: 59min

    Green Party presidential candidate Cornel West recent appeared on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show and the two sparred over the Ukraine War. Specifically, Cooper rejected Dr. West’s comparison of the United States’ invasion of Iraq to what Russia has done in Ukraine and did in Chechnya.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss West’s handling of Anderson Cooper and whether Cornel is ready for prime time. Plus a segment on The Intercept's Ryan Grim's manipulative efforts to discourage third party voters. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Chuck Schumer!

  • The Dumbest Smear Job Of RFK jr. Yet!

    14/07/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Reason, the magazine directed at libertarians, recently published a video titled “Why Are So Many Libertarians Suddenly Fond of RFK Jr.?” In the video Reason contributor Liz Wolfe wildly smears RFK Jr. as – predictably enough – anti-vaxx while insisting the Democratic presidential candidate is wrong about wanting to protect Social Security and Medicare and take on the oligarchy and the deep state. As Jimmy points out, Wolfe repeatedly uses misleadingly edited videos, announces RFK is wrong without citing how or why and generally doesn’t seem to understand libertarianism, not to mention how to make a cogent, coherent argument. Plus a segment on the blatant duplicity Biden and Democrats are engaging in to try to persuade young people to vote for Democrats over a student debt relief plan they have no intention of following through on. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Joe Biden and Jake Tapper!  

  • Joe Rogan Challenges Pro-Vaxx Doctor To Debate RFK Jr.!

    23/06/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Elon Musk and Joe Rogan touched off a firestorm over the weekend as they pushed prominent vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez to debate Democratic candidate and noted vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Rogan's popular podcast. Rogan offered Dr. Hotez $100,000 to the charity of his choice if he agreed to debate Kennedy on Rogan's program after Hotez slammed a recent interview Kennedy had on Rogan's program as "awful" and "nonsense,” but Hotez refused, saying he didn’t want to participate in an exchange that would get turned into “the Jerry Springer show.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Dr. Hotez’s reasons for refusing and what might happen if this debate did take place. Plus a segment on the latest undercover investigation from former Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe, this time revealing the disturbing truth about global investment firm BlackRock. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!

  • Here’s Why Cornel West Switched To Green Party In Presidential Campaign

    15/06/2023 Duration: 58min

    Progressive activist and academic Cornel West grabbed headlines recently when he announced he would be running for President under the People’s Party banner. Now West has had a change of heart and will instead be running for the nomination of the Green Party. And, as if on cue, he is already being roundly excoriated by Democrats as a secret right-winger who will throw the election to Donald Trump. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with journalist and author Chris Hedges, who helped persuade West to make the switch, about what a Cornel West presidential campaign could accomplish. Plus a segment on the baseless accusations against Russia for destroying the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin and President Joe Biden!

  • What Does It Mean To Be A “Brave” Comedian Today?

    09/06/2023 Duration: 57min

    Writer, actor, director and standup comedian Mike Binder recently penned an article asking the rhetorical question: why has the standup industry been so thoroughly de-fanged in recent years to become so thoroughly pro-establishment? Gone is the bravery of Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor and George Carlin, he says, as comedic voices of dissent today have become the exception and can be numbered on one hand. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Binder about the state of comedy, and the few truth-tellers who have been willing to push back against the COVID narrative in particular. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chris Christie and Vince Vaughn!

  • “Your Organization Is A CIA Cutout” – Grayzone Reporters School National Endowment for Democracy VP

    02/06/2023 Duration: 56min

    Leslie Aun, VP of Communications and Public Engagement for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) recently called Max Blumenthal and Alex Rubenstein of The Grayzone to dispute their characterization of the NED as a “CIA cutout,” although she admitted she didn’t know what the term “CIA cutout” means. In response the two journalists educated Aun about her organization’s sordid history and many of the ways the NED has served the interests of empire but with the sheen of “democracy” to protect its image. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Max about the surreal conversation and whether he felt Aun was genuinely ignorant of the subject matter. Plus a segment on a recent Israeli Freedom of Information Act request revealing that there have been zero Israeli deaths from COVID among healthy Israelis under 50. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and dual GOP Presidential contenders Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis!

  • Jimmy Dore Added To Ukraine Government’s Kill List!

    26/05/2023 Duration: 58min

    The notorious Ukrainian “kill list” that identified the Zelensky regime’s opponents like Aaron Maté, Scott Ritter, Roger Waters and even Henry Kissinger has added a new name: Jimmy Dore. The list is ostensibly maintained by an independent group, but an investigation into funding reveals that the Ukrainian government is behind the effort, as well as U.S. and NATO cutouts. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with The Grayzone reporter Max Blumenthal about the individuals named on the list who have been assassinated and what being added means for Jimmy. Plus segments on a new poll showing a majority of Americans do not believe in Russiagate but do believe the intelligence agencies are interfering in domestic elections. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Harrison Ford and Joe Biden!

  • Russiagate Was A Hoax! Says Justice Dept’s Durham Report

    19/05/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    John Durham has issued his report on the Russiagate investigation, and the results are scathing, despite what many mainstream media outlets would have you believe. Durham found no evidence supporting allegations of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, but rather that the FBI broke the law in pursuing the case and that the entire Russia-Trump connection was ginned up by the Clinton campaign in 2016. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Pushback host Aaron Maté about the ongoing Russiagate hoax that won’t die no matter how many times and ways it’s debunked. Plus a segment on the attacks from MSNBC's Joy Reid and The View's Sunny Hostin on Anderson Cooper over the CNN Trump Town Hall. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo!

  • Trump Sexual Assault Case Is A Pure Democratic Hit Job

    12/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    Donald Trump has lost the civil case of sexual assault brought against him by E. Jean Carroll, and will now have to pay her $5 million, pending appeal. But did you know that this case could only be brought thanks to a recent amendment to New York statutes pushed by Democrats and Carroll herself and without this legislative “fix” the statute of limitations for the lawsuit would have run out? Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether this rape case is more about preventing Trump from running in 2024 than the triumph of justice. Plus a segment featuring U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s recent appearance on CNN with Erin Burnett where he perpetuated already-debunked lies about mask effectiveness in fighting COVID. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and the duo of Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden!

  • “Mehdi Hasan Is A Sewer Rat” – Norm Finkelstein!

    05/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    The recent dust-up between MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi has mushroomed to the point where elected officials are now calling for Taibbi’s arrest for allegedly lying under oath during his recent Congressional testimony. Author and academic Norman Finkelstein labels Hasan a “sewer rat” for misrepresenting the extent of Taibbi’s ostensible “errors” in the Twitter Files and challenges him to correct the record. Guest host Aaron Maté speaks with Finkelstein about Hasan’s reporting on the Twitter Files as well as his contribution to labeling the Labour Party’s Jeremy Corbyn an antisemite. Plus a segment dedicated to the demise of hipster empire apologist media outlet Vice News. Also featuring Mischa Paullin, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from President Joe Biden!

  • The REAL Reason Tucker Carlson Was Fired By Fox News!

    28/04/2023 Duration: 01h22s

    Top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been abruptly fired from his choice primetime show on the cable network. Carlson has consistently been the only voice on cable news calling out the war machine, criticizing his fellow media commentators for doing advertisers’ bidding and rejecting claims from Big Pharma. And now he’s gone! Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to special guest Jimmy Dore about the silencing of Tucker Carlson. Plus a segment dedicated to the passing of singing legend and civil rights hero Harry Belafonte. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and President Joe Biden!

  • BOMBSHELL! Jamie Dimon Is Part Of Jeffrey Epstein’s Web Of Corruption!

    21/04/2023 Duration: 58min

    JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is being forced to testify in a civil suit about his connection to late financier/sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. As journalist Whitney Webb explains, the sordid ties between not only Epstein and Dimon, but also many of the biggest names in the growth of the financial service sector over the past 40 years, along with the government and organized crime, reveal an unprecedented web of corruption and sleaze. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Webb about the details of this story she’s uncovered in her reporting. Plus a segment with Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of The Duran on the 200 additional U.S. troops recently deployed to Taiwan. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Alec Baldwin!

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