Marcus And Sandy Off The Air



What do Marcus and Sandy talk about after their show ends on Star 101.3 in San Francisco? Listen and find out how they really feel about pop culture, news, and each other.


  • EP 32 Marcus has a bedtime Dad fail and he’s losing it!

    23/08/2017 Duration: 17min

    Taylor Swift released her new album today! We got details on our blog. Sandy got super annoyed on FB the other day because of what a guy commented on her “Date Night” photo. Why can’t guys just ever ask you out rather than ‘beating around the bush”, it’s frustrating! Marcus thinks that it’s not that guys don’t come forward, it’s just not the guys Sandy wants… Marcus is having a really difficult time putting his 3-year-old to sleep, he explains how he is losing his mind having to go through this EVERY night.

  • EP 31 Did you see the solar eclipse?

    21/08/2017 Duration: 09min

    We went on our roof at work to watch the eclipse and it was awesome! We had our glasses and the best part was that we were able to share the moment with our co-workers that we don’t see often. Marcus has plans for the next total eclipse already. Bonnie Tyler, the song ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ is literally winning this past week. She was on a cruise, her single sales went way up, and we are not mad at it!

  • EP 30 If you trim the bushes it makes the deck look bigger… Get it?

    18/08/2017 Duration: 20min

    Sandy went to her friend’s house yesterday who just had a baby and she just can’t with kids! More and more people are going to the ER with injuries from shaving their what?! This turns into an argument about ‘special scissors’ for down there, is there such a thing? This gets awkward fast. Marcus asks the question ‘where do you manscape’? We go over Chris Cantwell (a White Nationalist) ‘Dating tips’ and he is one negative jerk! Oregon is the PLACE to see the solar eclipse; it happens at 10:17a Monday morning!

  • EP 29 Marcus considers... An organized bike ride?!

    17/08/2017 Duration: 22min

    We are obsessed with the solar eclipse so we have lots to say about that. It’s all going down Monday at 10:17a and we plan to watch it on our work roof. Sandy is considering a 545 mile bike ride from SF to LA and Marcus confessed that he thought about joining a bike ride as well, but his participation would be for different reasons. How much money do you need to have saved by age 40 to retire by 60? We have the answers!

  • EP 28 Sandy now thinks a ‘wave’ on FB is flirting… Is she losing it?

    16/08/2017 Duration: 08min

    It’s National Tell a Joke Day and Marcus has been telling dumb dad jokes all day to Sandy; Sandy is trying to like them. Sandy is crushing on a comic guy she worked with over the past weekend and even had a dream about him. Does he like her? Is waving on FB considered flirting? Marcus tells a cute pre-wedding photo story that made our day check it out on the blog PSA: don’t take selfies with a gun in a strip club, especially if you are on probation.

  • EP 27 Eggplant emoji themed podcast…

    15/08/2017 Duration: 14min

    We talk all about d****. Marcus shares stats on a survey about the things women care about more than ‘size’ and Sandy shares her opinion. She thinks men only have a couple other qualities that are more important than size; but she is willingly to compromise. Marcus is super feminine; his biggest attribution is his cooking skills. Marcus tries to explain that being feminine as a male isn’t gay. Sandy just wants to go back to d*** talk. This local craigslist ad about ‘making an eclipse baby’ literally made our day, we read it for you ( check it out on the blog for yourself)!

  • EP 26 Sex Robots; you can buy before you try!

    14/08/2017 Duration: 18min

    Bieber DM’s gym about a girl in one of their posts and she denies him by posting pics of her and her boyfriend… Check it out on our blog ( ) The comments on her post though… they are the BEST! Speaking of comments Marcus gets irritated with people who do nice things for ‘Likes’. You can now try out sex robots before you buy; what does this exactly mean? Marcus get owned by his 3 year old every day. Sandy is so thankful she doesn’t have kids. Sandy thanks people for coming to her comedy show over the weekend; she had a blast!

  • EP 25 Marcus lost at “credit card roulette” last night…

    11/08/2017 Duration: 12min

    Marcus tells his story about the exclusive shoe party he went to last night and how he got stuck paying for the entire dinner bill after playing “credit card roulette”. The problem was… he’s the ONLY one that isn’t a “silicon valley baller”. We have the best tinder profile EVER on our blog (! You have to check it out. All we can think about is taking a nap! Fridays are rough after a long week. Sandy is performing at Rooster T’s in Sunnyvale all weekend go check her out!

  • EP 24 Sandy says eating S’mores is like getting a hug from God

    10/08/2017 Duration: 14min

    It’s National S’mores Day and Sandy is losing her mind! We asked listeners today to let us know where to get the BEST S’mores in the Bay Area, so if you have a place leave a comment! This life coach guy who gives relationship advice made a video about “how to answer back guy’s dumb texts” and Sandy thinks his answers are super irritating. Marcus tries to be the devil’s advocate but it doesn’t work so well… Do you think the guy in the photo with Taylor Swift that is allegedly touching her butt is guilty? We will talk about it more tomorrow so tune in!

  • Ep 23 Sandy thinks Marcus’ new hobby idea is dumb.

    09/08/2017 Duration: 14min

    Sandy tells her story about ‘hollering’ at two guys in the past two weeks and she feels empowered. Marcus thinks men should always be the first to make a move. Is he wrong? We both never have time to do ‘adult things’ like clean the house or install a smoke alarm… Does this happen to everyone? We just get so tired! Marcus thinks he finally discovered what his new hobby should be… Sandy thinks it’s a dumb idea. We also talk about camping and ask where’s the best place to go in the Bay Area to camp?

  • EP 22 These 2017 Sex Robots might make you rethink relationships!

    08/08/2017 Duration: 05min

    We are so excited about Prosecco doughnuts; alcohol AND doughnuts?! Sex robots are the new thing and they look really real (check them out on the blog)! Sandy would feel like she hit rock bottom if she got one. Marcus tells Sandy about the ‘Microsoft Office Games’ where people actually compete against each other. What’s your preference when drinking? We have a few random guests that gave us their preference. August 21st is when the solar eclipse hits, and the conspiracy theory is that mid-September the world will end.

  • EP 21 Sandy has a friend who has such big ta-tas she can hide beer cans under them

    07/08/2017 Duration: 22min

    Game of Thrones had the BEST episode ever last night! Sandy had coffee for the first time in over a year last weekend… We both had pretty epic weekends! Sandy went to Tahoe with her girlfriends and Marcus went to CA Great America with his family and everything was for FREE; food and all! Marcus ran out of money to have a b-day party this year but he is already planning his 45th next year! Have you heard of the Ta-Ta Towels? We tell you about them and then we just go to another level about boobs.

  • EP 20 The 90’s… When Marcus was relevant.

    04/08/2017 Duration: 18min

    Aaron Rodgers has a trick for the paparazzi! Sandy talks about interviewing Ed Sheeran and shares her favorite parts. If you want to see the full interview, here’s the link Marcus shares 90’s interview stories of who was the best to interview and who was the worst. We read an article that told us to stop taking THESE type of vacation photos and this is what we think about THAT.

  • EP 19 Marcus Got C***blocked By Beanie Babies One Time…

    03/08/2017 Duration: 09min

    We talk about a conspiracy theory relating to Uber… Speaking of cars, you don’t even want to know what Marcus’ car smells like, YUCK! Most random story of the day was ‘why Wendy’s is the only fast food chain to serve baked potatoes’? Marcus tortures Sandy and tells her why but all it does is make her hungry. Sandy hit on a guy and his dog yesterday in the Financial District. Question of the day: More vacation or a raise? What would you choose? We definitely don’t agree on our choices!

  • EP 18 Sandy’s Awkward Experience with an In-Home Nurse

    02/08/2017 Duration: 18min

    Don’t ever use the hair dryer that the hotel provides! We’ll tell you why… Marcus tells Sandy about the worst threesome story EVER! Sandy talks about her experience with the nurse that came to her house yesterday to take her vitals for her life insurance policy. Marcus had a negative experience at a wine bar he went to a couple days ago. It’s awesome when people are talking crap about you in another language and you speak that language… Click this link to see the video we mentioned

  • EP 17 The worst thing your ex could say to you…

    01/08/2017 Duration: 17min

    We talk “breadcrumbing”; “ghosting’s” cousin. Sandy’s ex fling told her something he should have kept to himself AND that wasn’t even the worst part! Marcus went to the movies alone yesterday and got drunk in the theater. Today Sandy has to get a physical for the new life insurance policy she signed up for and she had to stop eating at 10a… Sandy will be interviewing Ed Sheeran tomorrow so if you have any questions for him please leave them in the comment section!

  • EP 16 Sandy Feels Self-Conscious After Mom Makes Weight Comment

    01/08/2017 Duration: 22min

    Man-cleavage is making a comeback. Something that Sandy's mom said over the weekend that reminded her why she's so self-conscious. Marcus geeks out over the upcoming full solar eclipse and then realizes he'll never be able to see it. Plus, we talk about a guy who tries to use a fence as an ATM (yes, you read that right) and the dumbest things WE'VE done when drunk.

  • EP 15 Should Sandy try Ayahuasca?

    28/07/2017 Duration: 18min

    Every day it seems to be some kind of National Food Day, and we think it just gives us a reason to be a fatty… Today, National Milk Chocolate Day, you’re welcome. By the way, wine and chocolate doesn’t ALWAYS go together; Marcus explains. But on another note, eating something super fatty and drinking champagne is delicious!! Marcus just tried a whiskey shot in a bone marrow luge, he loved it! Marcus starts giving random facts about food and drink… Sandy gets depressed by his info. Sandy is going back to Mexico with her friend and her friend wants to try the drug Ayahuasca but Sandy doesn’t want to participate at all! Sandy’s weekend consists of doing nothing and she’s stoked and Marcus will be taking his daughter to Thomas the Train.

  • EP 14 The 'Wife Look'... Every Woman Has One.

    27/07/2017 Duration: 08min

    How lazy are people getting? Well, apparently really lazy and so are we because we love this new team up with Lyft and Taco Bell called ‘Taco Mode’. You can have your driver literally stop by Taco Bell before you hit your destination; we’re in. We hate doing laundry, Marcus is wearing his LAST clean shirt, and Sandy just hides her dirty laundry. Marcus wants perfect calves like his trainer; he’s man crushing. Sandy is exhausted and just wants to relax; she’s hit a wall and believes that being able to relax is not just a want but a NEED. Marcus internet shamed a neighbor on the app ‘Nextdoor” and the guy apologized! We also discuss the ‘wife look’ and how every woman has one!

  • EP 13 Facebook friending Etiquette

    26/07/2017 Duration: 18min

    Facebook friending etiquette is confusing, do you send a message when you add a friend or just add them? Sandy is super excited about the deal she got on a weekend in Vegas (you won’t believe how much she spent, or didn’t spend)! She is planning to stay at the Mandalay and there happens to be a bartender she liked who works there. She spent most of her time today FB stalking him. Marcus is just really irritated that nobody says hello on the street anymore!

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