Beyond A Dress Size With Dr. Ezinne Meribe

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 16:15:53
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This is not your regular fitness & nutrition podcast where we focus on depressing meal plans, eat this, don't eat that or how many hours you need to spend at the gym. My goal is to empower you to OWN and LOVE your body, to live life beyond the numbers ..on the scale, dress label or tape so that you can wake up everyday in a body you absolutely love and live in it fabulously!!!We will take out the guesswork on what living a healthy lifestyle really means, ditch the confusion and make it easy to embrace for the everyday woman.


  • Cece Olisa: Can I be Body Positive and still Lose Weight?

    22/03/2019 Duration: 45min

    Episode Summary Cece and I wade into what I would call a gray area in the body positive community, an area I myself have pondered on for a few months. After watching Cece’s video about a month ago where she shared her weight loss story and knowing she has always being vocal about body positivity, I knew we had to sit down for an episode.  Our goal is to shed more light on using the principles of Purpose Driven Self Care in a way that is empowering specifically for you without weight loss being the goal. Simply put, we can be body positive and not leave our health on the back burner. The two can and should go hand in hand. Favourite highlights   Plus size or not there are people who are unhealthy and healthy on every spectrum. My weightloss journey started with mental health, therapy, getting out of a bad relationship and a bunch of steps that had nothing to do with food. Two and a half years later, we’ve got some weight loss going on but that was the last change that happened. I will mode

  • Tiffany Ima: Choosing Mental Health over Crushin’ It

    15/03/2019 Duration: 42min

    Episode Summary On today’s episode, our guest Tiffany Ima shares her personal story and experience with depression and how this experience influenced her transition to becoming a certified personal trainer after  5 years of being a style blogger. Today, she uses her experience and expertise to teach creative women how to use exercise and self-care to manage depression and improve overall wellness.  We talk about choosing your mental health over popularity and what people will say regardless of how much you think you’ve put in and some very useful wellness tips that everyone can follow without it being another trigger for mental health.  Favourite highlights If this aspect of my life is causing me to spiral into depression every few months then I don’t want to be a part of it When you make yourself a priority - by putting yourself first, your creativity, productivity and impact multiplies. It is never the other way round Life beyond a dress size means that you love yourself enough to take c

  • Madey Adeboye: How You Age is a CHOICE!

    28/02/2019 Duration: 47min

     Episode Summary On the guest chair today is Madey Adeboye who not only runs a health food store but is also a living billboard of how the power of nutrition can influence your health. She shares with us how her immunity improved significantly once she took responsibility for what she was feeding her body.  The climax of this episode was the story of her over 75 year old Dad who is not even a nutritionist but understands the life changing power of regular body movement and optimal nutrition. His dramatic recovery following a gunshot wound astonished even the doctors taking care of him. All this Madey attributes to the nourishment he served his body from an early age.  Favourite highlights 1.Your body shows up for you when you need it ONLY if you treat it right. 2.At some point, you need to take responsibility for how you feed yourself and create your environment to support you. 3.How you AGE is a CHOICE and no one else can make that choice for you.  About our guest Madey Adeboye is a tra

  • Yetunde Shorters: Be Unapologetic about not Conforming

    21/02/2019 Duration: 48min

    Episode Summary As an expert in the PR industry our guest Yetunde Shorters understands first hand the relationship between body image (how we perceive our bodies) and its impact on fulfilling purpose. It is not a surprise that with the women she has worked Yetunde has seen them shy away from rebranding or building a personal brand because they assumed they needed to fix their appearance first but the expert in her knows exactly how to handle that. Yetunde shares that acknowledging and appreciating diversity in the bodies of women around can really help you OWN your own body confidence.  Favourite highlights 1.While it’s important that we are all seen beyond our size big or small, it is equally very important to see other people around us beyond their size, body shape and looks. 2.If you are your authentic self, it won’t matter what others think of you.  3.Be highly selective with people’s opinions: whose opinion matters most to you.  4.Negativity is not support. About our guest Yetunde Short

  • Patrice Washington: What Good is a Fat Bank Account with an Unhealthy Body?

    15/02/2019 Duration: 56min

    Episode Summary On today's episode, our guest Patrice Washington narrows in on Purpose Driven Self Care by reminding us that 'hitting your goals and reaching certain marks in your life is awesome but running yourself to the ground while at it. . . that is a NO NO'. You can't claim to have a big vision for your life but not be willing to take care of this vessel (your body) that will carry you there.  Patrice shares how she uses fitness as a pillar to build a wealthy life. Make no mistake though, wealth is not about the papers and coins you can accumulate.  Favorite highlights 1.Being physically fit is not about being skinny, it is not being any dress size, it's not the number on the scale because I looked relatively thin most of my life but I had been extremely unhealthy 2.We only get one body. What good is a healthy bank account with an unhealthy body? I’m definitely not working to spend all my  money on prescriptions I cannot pronounce one day. That is not the goal 3.“You’ve gotta make it h

  • I NEED to Fulfil Purpose: I won't be the Unfaithful Servant who Hid his Talent with Priscilla Nwosu

    31/01/2019 Duration: 34min

    On this episode of Beyond A Dress Size Podcast, our guest is Priscilla Nwosu who worked with us on one of our programs under Zinnyslifestyle.  We love how transparent she was with her story and journey. Not only did her health and energy improve, her love life did as well *wink*. She shares her transformation experience beyond the scale and her resolve to fight for her life while feeding her family in a way that not just nourishes them optimally but supports them to live long enough and well enough to fulfill purpose.  The truth is, there is no one out there who is willing to donate their life for yours and so if you are not taking responsibility for your life and health today, the only comfort you will get when life begins to slip from your fingers is - the not very comforting word 'SORRY'.  Love your body enough to nourish it optimally and take very good care of it. Don't settle, don't make excuses, keep fighting to win.    Be sure to share on your social media pages, tag your fr

  • Moving Your Body (fitness) should NEVER be about Weight Loss

    25/01/2019 Duration: 30min

     Episode Summary On today’s episode, the focus is on demystifying fitness, pulling down every barrier that stops us from engaging in regular physical activity and shining more light on how you can actually enjoy MOVING YOUR BODY AKA #BODYMOVEMENT. My goal is that at the end of the episode  You will let go of the fear that stops you from incorporating body movement into your lifestyle.  You will realise that fitness isn't about a specific routine or method of moving your body  You will embrace moving your body fearlessly and without judgement.  You will choose movements that appeal to you and your current season, not because everybody is doing it, not because you are seeking anyone's approval.  You will move your body everyday because you love it not because you want to change your body or pay penance for what you ate yesterday.  That you will embrace moving your body and never ever let go Favourite highlights Remember, regular body movement will look different on everyone b

  • What is YOUR pivot?

    18/01/2019 Duration: 41min

    Episode Summary  We are still in the month of January and with all the resolutions flying in the air, a lot of these messages are being masqueraded as health but all they really do is put the emphasis on losing weight and even when it is sold or advertised as wellness, more often than not it focuses on how many calories are on your plate and how long you can exercise - which to many people stands out as starvation and punishment - so as soon as you are signing up for the program, you can’t wait for the program to end so you can start eating again. Can you see how that is bound to fail already?  So instead of running round in circles, this episode looks at the CRUCIAL FACTOR, THE PIVOT.  How have you been putting the cart before the horse even at your own emotional expense?     Favourite highlights If you are working on taking better care of yourself in this new year, you can’t do it from a place of exhaustion whether physical or mental. Self care looks different for different people,

  • Everything will not be fine after Weight Loss featuring Remi Owadokun

    06/12/2018 Duration: 48min

    Episode Summary How many times have we assumed that by simply putting in effort to lose weight, that we would automatically have the brightest, 'awesomest' life. On this episode, Remi shares with us that merely cutting calories and exercising is truly not the 'snake oil' for all our problems. On this episode, Dr Ezinne and Remi explore the various reasons why most women struggle with weight loss and also the depression that follows almost immediately especially when you make short term weight loss goals. About our guest Remi Owadokun is highly sought after Thought Leader and Coach. She is a 4-time Amazon Best selling Author including the books; "How I lost 40kg - The journey that changed my life" and "Why You Are Still Fat" When Remi is not working with individuals to build a sustainable and profitable personal brand, or helping them design a healthier lifestyle, she is either helping small business connect with their audience through storytelling, assessing their current methods while working as Lead c

  • You don't need a Perfect Body for the Holidays featuring Chichi Eruchalu

    22/11/2018 Duration: 53min

    Episode Summary Tis that time of the year again when all the marketing and advertising is focused on reminding women especially that they need to fix their bodies to have a great time. I know we've all been impacted one way or the other. We plugged in this episode to help you work through the holiday season plus all that new year 'weight loss' resolution that the holiday anxiety gets you into but you never stick with. We are still on the recovery and empowerment through nutrition series but we want to make sure we are truly meeting your needs. We know right, it can really be frustrating to have a closet full of beautiful clothes that you cannot wear because they are not your size and you are unwilling to part with them. This episode will get you digging deep and asking yourself the hard but relevant questions. Lastly and should we say, most importantly, how to respond to negative comments and body bashing over the holidays. About our guest Chichi Eruchalu is a Business Strategist, Speaker, Author and Co

  • Do Not Confound Religion with Responsibility featuring Rayo Abe

    15/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Episode Summary How many times have we seen someone or maybe it was even you who was given a diagnosis (of course, make no mistake it's important to verify your diagnosis) but then what happens after this diagnosis is obvious and confirmed. Do you take responsibility and work with your doctor as you do your own research or do you ignore your doctor's recommendations and continue to live life like nothing has changed - AKA take responsibility for your health. After Rayo was diagnosed of being diabetic, she went home and decided in the characteristic 'Christianese' way that it was not her portion. So she continued to live like nothing had changed. It took a coma, one that she may not have made it out from to awaken her and make her realise that she had to choose between taking responsibility and using her religion as a crutch. Today, Rayo is alive and well because she had a second chance to make that choice. What about you? Are you taking responsibility? We hope this episode inspires you to take respons

  • Tolu Ajose: Not Everyone gets a Second Chance to Live

    20/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    Episode Summary No one ever looks forward to lying in a hospital bed, too ill to care for your newborn, too ill to care for your other child and worse till having to pull them out of school for two weeks because Daddy had to be by Mummy's bedside all day all night. Its easy to wish it away or hope your faith will pray it away but what if we could wish it away by paying our attention to how we feed ourselves? It is sad that when we talk about food, most people think about weight loss. On this episode with Tolu, we talk about her own near death experience and the fact she is alive today because she chose to take responsibility for her body. By paying attention to her body and how it reacts and responds to food, Tolu has not just saved her own life but is now an advocate helping other women live life fully. About our guest Tolulope Ajose is a dynamic, passionate and practical entrepreneur. She is an Industrial Chemist with special interest in Natural Food and Personal Care Products. Having gotten her life back

  • Help!! I still don't feel beautiful after losing weight

    06/09/2018 Duration: 30min

    Episode Summary Too often we embark on a program to see that scale move expecting that somehow the goddess of beauty will magically fall on us. Sadly, although your size may change, your body and its unique features will not change. So now you are lot smaller than you used to be and you are staring at the mirror but guess what - its still same old you. Listen up lady, your body is not the problem and neither has it ever been a problem. On this episode, I share my own expectations before, during and after my journey. Find out how I went through all the phases and most importantly 6 solid tips to help you cultivate your own sense of beauty starting today (and hold it tight) cos THAT IS SOMETHING NO ONE WILL HAND TO YOU. ------------------ Be sure to share on your social media pages, tag your friends, invite them to start listening and start a conversation with the hashtag #beyondadresssize and tag us too @beyondadresssize. ----------- Grab Dr. Ezinne’s FREE TRAINING on ‘How to Lose Weight and Never Gain it

  • Oby Bamidele: Self Acceptance is not Living in Denial

    22/08/2018 Duration: 52min

    Episode Summary Can I really love & accept my body and still take better care of it? Isn't it better to 'change' and 'fix' my body first before loving my body? Loving my body right now is like settling and I don't want to settle. This is a common rhetoric that plays in the heads of many women and I have heard it over and over again from the women I coach. On this episode, Oby shares how self acceptance was fundamental in her journey through recovering from an eating disorder, letting go of the hatred and loathing she carried for herself and becoming a counsellor today teaching women to love themselves - warts and all. About our guest Oby Bamidele is a mind-set coach, registered therapist in private practice, writer and speaker. She’s also a Christian, wife, mum and youth leader What's her thing? Helping people break out of their rut of conformist beliefs and inauthentic living, so they can find their unique purpose, live freely and happily She is big on sharing her story and encourages women to

  • Dr Cecily: I did not Lose Weight to Feel Beautiful

    09/08/2018 Duration: 49min

    Episode Summary  Dr Cecily's journey is a highly recommended resource for every woman in a bigger body who is struggling to embrace her body fully and still treat it right pursuing health and not thinness. Remember that health is not a destination, it is a continuous journey. If you put the focus solely on pursuing health, wholesome weight loss will be one of the many beneficial 'side effects' you will experience.  About our guest  Dr. Cecily A. Clark-Ganheart, MD is a Maternal-Fetal Medicine subspecialist. She completed her fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at MedStar Washington Hospital Center-Georgetown University. Aside from her clinical practice, she has taken an interest in health and wellness, particularly intermittent fasting and the nutritional benefits of eating a natural, human diet. Through her own personal experiences, she hopes to inspire others to seek a balance between natural and traditional methods for optimizing true health. You can connect with her on Facebook and Instag

  • Bonus Episode: My Journey To Life Beyond A Dress Size

    22/07/2018 Duration: 45min

    This is a raw unfiltered episode of me sharing my story as a guest on Soul Speak Circle. I talk about the days I did not want to wake up, the days I saw myself as ugly and the days I got angry and even more depressed about the fact that I could not exercise. I share great nuggets that have helped me to see life from a different perspective - Beyond A Dress Size and even though it took me recording this podcast from Instagram and fine tuning it to put in on here, I wouldn't have it any other way. It was too good not to share. As you listen, my hope for you is that from my story, you will look deep within to find your inner strength to live life beyond the numbers on the scale, the dress label or the tape. Our Favorite Highlights - There is a lot of hopelessness out there because what we are looking for really is not the number on the scale, what we are looking for is to feel worthy, loved, a sense of belonging and to finally feel accepted. - I am not your body goal, I don't want to be …..nobody is your bo

  • Ekene Onu: Unpacking The Weight and Taking Your Life Back

    05/07/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Episode Summary Ekene Onu who at some point was over 300 pounds before she started her journey with Refresh at Refreshwithekene will tell you categorically that when a woman starts to put on a significant amount of weight, it is to pad herself to push away the world and become invisible - there is something deeper she is trying to cover to hide her vulnerable parts. . . Unfortunately she does this almost always with food. We also talk about how pedophiles thrive & continue to operate even in our homes; these pedophiles are daddy's friends and mummy’s friends and by the time a girl has been violated over & over whether emotionally or physically, she gradually learns - sadly so - that her body must be the problem and its either she chooses to punish this body, hide it or just treat it with disdain and neglect. About our guest Ekene Onu defines reinvention. Several years ago she went through her own revolution, left a career in healthcare as a pharmacist and went back to study organizational & cha

  • Ending Body Shaming Starts With You - Angela Ukomadu

    21/06/2018 Duration: 36min

    Episode Summary On today’s episode with Angela Ukomadu, we talk about her experience working with Zinnyslifestyle and her previous experience at a gym where she was spending 3 hours daily and of course gaining more weight. We also touch a topic very dear to my heart; body shaming and how we use social media as a tool to pull other women down. The truth is what we say about other women's bodies is a reflection of how we feel about our own bodies and you never know what a woman is going through and how we are adding heaps of coal to the ongoing situation. About our guest Angela Ukomadu currently oversees the Reuters TV operations in Nigeria. Angela holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the Abia State University and a post graduate diploma in Education. She also holds a Certificate in Digital Journalism from the City University of New York, Post-Graduate School of Journalism and just recently became a Kiplinger Fellow. Our favourite highlights - You don’t need to spend 3 hours at the gym to be

  • Nikki Oluseye - STOP Apologising for what You Look Like

    06/06/2018 Duration: 58min

    Episode Summary On this episode I had the honour of sitting down with Nikki Oluseye and she shared with us on how we can take care of our bodies as women in a way that empowers us beyond - the ideals of what society expects us to look like and beyond weight loss. I love how Nikki said emphatically, This is about all bodies . . . period. That is exactly what Beyond A Dress Size speaks for . . not smaller bodies, not bigger bodies ALL BODIES. About our guest Nikki Oluseye is the owner/creative designer of Velvet Queen Shapewear LLC, a lingerie brand with shaping in it to heighten, titillate and elevate the status level of the women who wear it. By breaking out of the norm of blacks, whites and nudes and stepping into the waters of vibrant color combinations with lacy frills, Velvet Queen creates a sexy, bold yet elegant look with a luxurious feel to women all over the world. Nikki also serves as a Snr. Business Analyst and Project Manager in the Information Technology and Health Information industry, with a su

  • It was No Longer about how Small I was with Ifeyinwa Aniedobe

    23/05/2018 Duration: 41min

    Episode Summary On this episode I had an amazing conversation with one of my clients - Ify Aniedobe who worked with me on our 21 day Shape Up Challenge 2 years ago. My favourite part was when she said, ‘don’t stop living life just because you are yet to lose weight”. Its amazing how much we miss out on as women when we put the overall focus on pursuing thinness. About our guest Ifeyinwa Aniedobe is currently the Director of Operations at Dobes Oil Ltd. She holds a BSc. in Petroleum Geoscience, University of Ghana, Legon and a Diploma in Natural Skincare Formulation from the School of Natural Skincare, Bristol, UK. Ify is about to launch her own skin care line for which she credits her Zinnyslifestyle experience. Our favourite highlights - I lost several nights of creativity and good energy looking for the next fastest weight loss solution, bound by food rules and pursuing thinness. - On my way to losing weight, I learnt how to love myself no matter what size I was. - Whatever size you are in now - you

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