Beyond A Dress Size With Dr. Ezinne Meribe

Bonus Episode: My Journey To Life Beyond A Dress Size



This is a raw unfiltered episode of me sharing my story as a guest on Soul Speak Circle. I talk about the days I did not want to wake up, the days I saw myself as ugly and the days I got angry and even more depressed about the fact that I could not exercise. I share great nuggets that have helped me to see life from a different perspective - Beyond A Dress Size and even though it took me recording this podcast from Instagram and fine tuning it to put in on here, I wouldn't have it any other way. It was too good not to share. As you listen, my hope for you is that from my story, you will look deep within to find your inner strength to live life beyond the numbers on the scale, the dress label or the tape. Our Favorite Highlights - There is a lot of hopelessness out there because what we are looking for really is not the number on the scale, what we are looking for is to feel worthy, loved, a sense of belonging and to finally feel accepted. - I am not your body goal, I don't want to be …..nobody is your bo