Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue



Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue (NAMS) is a growing and vibrant Messianic Jewish congregation in Macon, Georgia, serving all of the Middle Georgia area. Our congregation is a diverse community, comprised of families from many nations, tribes, and tongues (Revelation 7:9). Therefore, obviously, many are not from a Jewish background. And while we are a Jewish synagogue, committed to the Jewish traditions, teachings, and lifestyle exemplified by our ancestors, our vision is to practice an inclusive Messianic Judaism for All Nations; a restoration of the faith of the earliest communities of Yeshua-followers; a window into the Judaism of the Messianic Era in which King Messiah will reign.


  • Lessons From Jethro

    27/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    A parashah named Jethro? From the Beverly Hillbillies? No! Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses! Why is one of the most important Torah portions—the portion that records the giving of the Ten Commandments—named after a pagan priest of Midian? Who is this man, Jethro and can we learn anything from him? Join Rabbi Damian in this unique teaching as he peers into the wisdom of Jethro and brings us ten lessons we can learn from Jethro. Don't miss it!

  • Tu Bishvat - I Am A Tree Indeed

    20/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    A tree relies on earth, water, air, and sunlight to thrive. Is one system more critical to the tree than another? Which one of these environmental elements actually enable the tree to produce fruit? The Torah says that man is a tree. How so? Join Rabbi Damian for this special Tu Bishvat message that digs into the heart and soul of man to find out what helps him to put forth the fruit he was designed to produce.

  • Reconciled By Silver And Gold

    13/01/2019 Duration: 33min

    When the Children of Israel left Egypt the Torah tells us that they asked the Egyptians for silver and gold at the request of the LORD. Why was it important that the Egyptians gave the Israelites silver and gold? Was it simply to help to kick start their economic condition or was there something deeper going on? Join Rabbi Damian as he delves deep into the psychology of forgiveness and reconciliation that allowed the Israelites to truly be free from the power of their oppressors.

  • Half Empty or Half Full? The Power of Perspective.

    07/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    Is your glass half empty or half full? Our perspective can determine where we are in God’s story and whether we play the role we tasked with. Moses had doubts but came to realize Hashem's absolute authority. On the other hand, Pharaoh had a false perception of reality. He believed the gods were under his control and he was apathetic to the suffering of his people. Even though Pharaoh saw the glass as half full, it turned out not to be to his advantage. Our perspective has the ability to not only affect us, but the people around us—our family, our friends, our community, and those we mentor. Be sure to join Lance Slater as he shares a timely message on this important topic: Half Empty or Half Full? The Power of Perspective.

  • Who Am I?

    30/12/2018 Duration: 40min

    There's something about leaving one year and entering another. The secular year is changing from 2018 to 2019 and people around the world are making New Year's resolutions to try and be a better person. Who are you and what is your purpose? Are you able to fulfill your purpose? When God called Moses he didn't believe he was the one for the task. He asked the LORD, "Who am I?" But then he became one of the greatest leaders in history. What changed to allow Moses to live up to the potential that God saw in him? God asks each of us, "Who are you?" Why did the Creator of the Universe put you here on earth and can you really live up to that challenge? Join Darren Huckey as he explores this question and more in this intriguing and timeless message.

  • Dad, You’re Doing It Wrong!

    24/12/2018 Duration: 30min

    When Joseph brings his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, to receive a blessing from his father Jacob crosses his hands, giving the blessing of the firstborn to Ephraim, the younger son. This upset Joseph and he attempted to correct his father. Why does Jacob give the blessing of the firstborn to Ephraim, what lesson does Joseph have to learn from his father, and what does all of this have to do with us? What lesson can we learn from Jacob and how can that lesson transform our lives? Join Rabbi Damian in this transforming message from Parashat Vayechi, the last portion in the book of B'reisheet!

  • The Price Of Potential

    16/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    Why does Hashem choose certain people for His purposes? What is the common factor between these people? It seems like everyone Hashem chooses, whether Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, or Yeshua … that choosing comes at a high price. The Jewish people have been chosen by God, yet they continue to pay a high price for that calling. Is it worth it? Or should we feel as Tevia felt—that God should choose someone else for a while. Join Rabbi Damian as he explores these themes in “The Price of Potential.”

  • Andy, Anti - , Antiochus, And An Answer

    09/12/2018 Duration: 40min

    What do Andy Stanley, Antisemitism, and Antiochus IV have in common? This latest message from Rabbi Damian! Does Andy Stanely have the solution to a world filled with non-Christian and post-Christian sentiment? How does Andy Stanley's theology work to uphold the decrees of the Antiochus IV against the Jewish nation? Does Messianic Judaism have anything better to offer in a culture that does not care anything about the Bible? You don't want to miss this powerful conclusion to the last few months of teachings that show how the seeds of Replacement Theology can sprout horns, grow legs, and turn into an uncontrollable beast when left unchecked. Join Rabbi Damian as he exposes the Adversary's deception among followers of Yeshua today.

  • Antisemitism Part 3 - The New Face Of Antisemitism

    18/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    Modern Antisemitism EXPOSED: Why do so many intelligent, well-educated people believe Zionism to be a problem that needs solving? Why do many Christians and even entire Christian denominations denounce Israel and support the Palestinians who are hell-bent on Israel’s destruction? Is Israel really an apartheid state? Is there really discrimination against Arabs in Israel? Why is Israel constantly condemned on a global level for defending itself against terrorists, but millions of people rally to support the Palestinian terrorists who are murdering innocent Israelis? If you are searching for truth, you need to hear the facts and not propaganda. Join Rabbi Damian in this powerful and exposing conclusion to his series on Antisemitism and share the truth with the world.

  • Antisemitism Part 2 - Origins Of A Unique Hate

    11/11/2018 Duration: 41min

    Historically, the Jewish people and the Jewish religion have attracted followers and participants, but not without stirring the backlash of Antisemitic hate and violence in its wake. The Jewish people have been hated for a number of reasons. In Part 2 of our series on Antisemitism, Rabbi Damian gives us a brief history of Antisemitism and how it has morphed over the centuries. He explains how prejudice against the Jewish people has stemmed from misunderstanding, deception, and lies, with all of it stemming from Satan himself. Educate yourself on the truth of Antisemitism and the lies that have been created to support it in this revealing teaching by Rabbi Damian.

  • Antisemitism Part 1 - That Ancient Serpent

    03/11/2018 Duration: 35min

    Antisemitism is not new, but it’s renewing itself in new and creative ways. Parents dressing their children up like Adolph Hitler, Jews are being blamed for anything and everything, violence is escalating. With the recent murders at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburg we see it at an all time high in the United States. Yes, many people have rallied around the Jewish community in response to this heinous display of evil. But will anyone stand up next week or next year? Will we even remember the tragedy that unifies us today? Join Rabbi Damian for the first part of this chilling look at the rise of Antisemitism and the role of Yeshua's disciples to go against the tide of evil in our world.

  • Becoming An Influencer In A World That Needs You Now

    28/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    God promised Abraham that his descendants would be "as the stars of heaven" (Genesis 22:17). Is that promise merely in regard to quantity? Or is there a qualitative aspect of this promise? Can two pieces of kosher meat be soaked together in a salt bath or do they need to be soaked individually? How does this halachic (legal) argument related to the promise to Abraham, the teachings of Yeshua, and our responsibility to "make souls" like Abraham did? Find out the answers to these questions in this eye-opening look at the life of Abraham from Rabbi Damian in Parashat Vayeira (Genesis 18:1–22:24)!

  • Lech Lecha: Do It For You

    20/10/2018 Duration: 30min

    Why does life bring with it trials and tests? Are tests for God or for us? If they are for us what do they accomplish? Do they increase our faith? If so, why do we need more faith? So that we can undergo greater testing? Is it an endless cycle or is there a greater purpose for testing? Join Rabbi Damian as he wrestles with this honest question about the testing of our faith using the life of Abraham as the framework for understanding God's purposes.

  • Noah - Forerunner Of Redemption

    14/10/2018 Duration: 49min

    The pattern of redemption is found over and over within the Holy Scriptures. The story of Noah is one of the earliest patterns of redemption in Scripture. However, it may not be what you have typically heard. The Scriptures tell us that Noah found favor in the eyes of God. Why is this important and how does it foreshadow the ultimate redemption through Yeshua? Did Noah understand Ephesians 2:8–9 better than most followers of Yeshua today? Join Lance Slater in this insightful look into Parashat Noach and the pattern of redemption we are given through it.

  • Did God Really Say?

    07/10/2018 Duration: 42min

    When the serpent tempted Eve in the Garden, he succeeded by asking, "Did God really say … ?" Today, popular preachers and teachers are asking similar questions and casting doubt on the value of the Torah in the life of Yeshua's disciples, "Did God say the Scripture is to be obeyed?" Should we have concerns about popular teachers adding or subtracting to the Word of God to fit a particular theology? Does the New Testament teach that the Torah has been no bearing in the life of Yeshua's disciples? Or is this merely another deception of the serpent? Join Rabbi Damian in this passionately delivered message intended to address the serpent's deceptive voice in today's theological war on Torah.

  • Stay A Little While Longer

    30/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    At the end of Sukkot we celebrate a relatively unknown festival of the eighth day called Shemini Atzeret. What is the day of Shemini Atzeret all about? What is the lesson we are supposed to learn from this day the Scriptures speak virtually nothing of? What is Hashem speaking to us through it? Join Rabbi Damian in this intriguing exploration of Shemini Atzeret.

  • Happiness Is Simple

    22/09/2018 Duration: 15min

    The biblical festivals aren't like other holidays. It's easy to be happy when you get gifts, eat chocolate, and hunt for eggs. But what is true happiness and what do the biblical festivals have to teach about it? Join Rabbi Damian in this brief Sukkot message.

  • Shabbat Shuvah - How To Repent

    16/09/2018 Duration: 30min

    Yom Kippur approaches. This last Shabbat was Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of Return, or the Shabbat of Repentance. The haftarah portions (Hosea 14:2-10; Micah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27) were a call to repentance. But what does it truly mean to repent? Many today teach that disciples of Yeshua have no need to repent. Is this true? The prophet Hosea says that we are to "take with you words." What does this mean? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this engaging message from Rabbi Damian. You don't want to miss out on a proper understanding of this topic before Yom Kippur.

  • Acts Of The Apostles- Part 10 - The Same Ruach - Part 4

    08/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    Moves of the Spirit How is the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) connected to the High Holy Days? How does the Ruach move us to fulfill our mission and purpose in life? What events happen today that may not find meaning until years later? There is meaning in the events of our lives if we can open the eyes of our souls to see them and everything that happens is for a purpose. Join Rabbi Damian in this very personal conclusion to the mini-series, "The Same Ruach?", within our greater study of The Acts of the Apostles.

  • Acts Of The Apostles- Part 9 - Same Ruach Part 3

    02/09/2018 Duration: 39min

    Where The Spirit Leads What is the purpose of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)? Why do we need the Ruach? What is it supposed to accomplish in our life? What are the promises God has given regarding the baptism of the Ruach? What is the ultimate proof that we have been immersed in the Ruach and where should it lead us? Do the promises and examples we see in the Scripture witness to what is taking place in the Charismatic movement of the 21st century? Join Rabbi Damian as he digs deep into the concept of being baptized with the Holy Spirit according to the biblical model, a profound message that will challenge all disciples of Yeshua.

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