Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue

Shabbat Shuvah - How To Repent



Yom Kippur approaches. This last Shabbat was Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of Return, or the Shabbat of Repentance. The haftarah portions (Hosea 14:2-10; Micah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27) were a call to repentance. But what does it truly mean to repent? Many today teach that disciples of Yeshua have no need to repent. Is this true? The prophet Hosea says that we are to "take with you words." What does this mean? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this engaging message from Rabbi Damian. You don't want to miss out on a proper understanding of this topic before Yom Kippur.