Real Wealth Real Health

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 22:19:05
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Wealth and health are pillars of life. They drive thoughts, action, and behavior. The meaning of real wealth and real health are personal. Redefining these terms for ourselves and our unique lifestyle and desires leads to personal freedom.Join me for inspiring conversations with passionate people who've redefined wealth, health, success, and happiness. They live in alignment with inner meaning and their deep, driving desires. They live like they mean it, and they define their lives on their own terms!


  • Vanessa Petronelli - Embodying The Magnificent Self

    07/11/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Vanessa Petronelli is a spiritual coach and a trance channeler who works with influencers, celebrities, and thought leaders. This wasn’t always her path; she learned to navigate, surrender and step into her purpose, guided by Spirit, to become her ‘Magnificent Self’. And, she knows that her evolution is an ongoing journey, which she shares with rare candor and clarity. Vanessa and I connected in late 2018. I had hit a plateau in my personal-spiritual development, and I needed support from someone embodied, experienced, articulate, grounded, and strong. I had an innate kind of knowing, this intrinsic feeling that I was going through a transition, and I needed support to make the crossing. I had been doing a lot of my own unraveling, as I call it, since late 2016. I had no idea that I reached out to Vanessa right before some of the most challenging and intense months in my evolutionary process. I couldn’t have predicted or even imagined what I’d go through: saying adieu to Barrington, a retreat I was co-facilit

  • Journey Within - Renaming the Podcast

    07/06/2019 Duration: 21min

    This podcast is getting a new name - Journey Within: Insights On The Soul's Path.  With lots of changes - very positive ones - in my personal and professional life, I've decided to rename this podcast, and all the previous content, and spin off 'Real Wealth Real Health' into a podcast about financial empowerment, wealth building and financial health. You can sign up to get notified of when it launches, at  As a 20+ year business woman, executive, entrepreneur and investor, I have a lot to say on the topics of finance, investing, wealth-building and financial wellness. Yes, that's a real term and an important one in a day and age where more and more people (including those making 6 figures) are living paycheck to paycheck, can't get out of student loan debt, and have almost given up on the idea of owning a home.  More than ever, we need to empower ourselves financially, take control of our material lives, while we also do our inner work. Within and without are symbi

  • Paulette Gloria Harwood - Gracefully Guiding Women Through Divorce

    30/04/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    Paulette Gloria Harwood is a wise, courageous woman who has turned one of her most painful experiences into a source of strength for others.  Paulette is a certified divorce coach as well as an experienced yoga teacher, yoga teacher trainer, author, speaker and unshakeable essentialist! We connected over the Goalcast video and I knew that her wisdom and heart could be helpful to so many women who are considering, or in the middle of, a divorce.   As Paulette says, "I was completely clueless about the process heading into it ... terrified of making mistakes and bad decisions. I was very concerned about how the divorce would affect and impact my children and our relationship. I felt powerless. I was afraid about my future. Suddenly I felt alone and isolated, I had no idea who my real friends were. My friends were our friends and “would they take his side?” “Would the children blame me?” I was even distant with my family. They seemed judgmental like I should stick it out, stay together for the children

  • Aurora Heinemann - Healing with Grief & Strategies for Living With Depression

    10/04/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Today's episode features my soul sister and dear friend, Aurora Heinemann. Aurora is an entrepreneur, single Mom, and loving guide to many people who attend her yoga studio, classes and teacher trainings. Aurora found yoga when she was in the midst of a deep depression many years ago and she's been using yoga and other practices, especially awareness and mindfulness, to manage depression that can arise, especially during tough times. We first connected through Master Frenchie Mamma, Karen Perkins, years ago in a Frenchie Rescue Organization. As many know, I lost Barrington last November 2018 to a tumor after 10 months of discovering it. Sadly, Aurora also lost her beloved pet Sophie only a month earlier and Karen lost her incredible girl, Jelly Bean a few months before that.  This is not a sad conversation, though! We must see grief with new eyes and feel it in our hearts because it has the capacity to deeply heal.  Aurora and I talk about this in depth in this inspiring and uplifting episode! I hav

  • Personal Insights - Getting On The Path

    28/03/2019 Duration: 35min

    Another episode with personal insights as well as a reading of the blog post, 'Getting On The Path'. It's been an intense few weeks for many, and I've been experiencing and integrating physical discomfort from illness, as well as emotional discomfort when another wave of the viral video came, and this time I personally received very hateful and even violent comments and messages.  However, I understood the larger spiritual nature and purpose of this period, what I am being called to look at and to face, and the choice and decision I'm making to not back down. I cannot, no matter how unpleasant or hurtful the comments, let the darkness get the better of me. Instead, I am redoubling my efforts of standing in my truth and living in my truth. I'm fortunate to have a network of both friends and family, and especially Andrew, whom I can turn to for support when certain moments threaten to drag me under. This experience of the last few weeks with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, culminating around the Full Moon la

  • George Hoffmann - Fate, Family And Finding One's Self

    11/03/2019 Duration: 47min

    From a young age, George Hoffmann was driven to seek his own interior, mental stability. He was inspired to seek answers, solutions and treatments to his fear of "losing his mind". His need to understand the workings of the brain led him to explore the workings of the mind and consciousness through many spiritual practices, theories and experiences all over the World. An avid practitioner of multiple contemplative and meditative practices, George has traveled the World seeking - and finding - himself.  Eventually, on his journey, he found his life's purpose at the place where his search started - with his family. George is the CEO and Co-Founder, along with his Father, Geoffrey Hoffmann, of biotech company Network Immunology, which is focused on discovering and developing novel therapies for inflammatory diseases. In other words, they are optimizing the immune system and they are on the cutting edge of the technology that could change the game for animals, especially our furry friends, and humans. In our

  • Personal Insights - The Truth About Mistakes

    26/02/2019 Duration: 29min

    This is a combo of personal insights and a reading of my post, 'The Truth About Mistakes'. This is about mistakes: how we perceive them, how that perception can affect our sense of self-worth and confidence, and how a shift in perspective can go a long way in digging ourselves out from under the ego’s shame-pile. I talk about the way I held myself in shame of making mistakes related to everything about the first marriage. And I explore the ways I shifted out of that detrimental and destructive conditioning or thought-pattern.  I also touch on the way that shame and silence are used together for very unconscious and dark reasons, as more Vatican scandals and human trafficking rings are being discovered and, hopefully, brought to justice. How we look at our own dark places - our own unconsciousness, and bring that to light with compassion, and without judgment, helps us to stand tall in the 'Who I Am'.  And today, more than ever, we must align to our heart's truth, stand in our truth, speak our truth

  • Personal Insights - Working With Fiery Energies & Channeling Anger

    14/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    When we feel the fire, when we are triggered, and when we're enraged, we can easily get caught up in the emotion and energy coursing through our bodies.  Lately there has been some fiery energy that is calling us to sit with it, feel it and channel it into creative action, freedom, movement. This energy is asking us: Where can we trade FEAR for COURAGE? Where can we trade REACTION for AWARENESS? Where can we trade DISCOMFORT for FREEDOM? Where can we trade RAGE for EXPRESSION? In this episode I talk about a recent experience where I consciously chose how to channel a large amount of angry energy, what I felt, what I  noticed, and how I got through it. There is so much power in emotion, if we know how to harness it for our empowerment and advancement, rather than get caught up or trapped by it.  We have an opportunity to choose our reaction and our action in every moment. We have the choice to love ourselves. We have the choice to give ourselves what we want and what we need.  With a Mars-U

  • Kat Hargreaves - The Wisdom of Creative Expression

    05/02/2019 Duration: 57min

    Creative expression. What does it mean? How do you express your creativity? How do you express your innate Self? And, how do you show up in the world? Kat Hargreaves is passionate about designing the human experience. She is inspired by nature, innovation, and the exploration of play as a means to express genius, and Self.  As a Quantum Coach, PlayMonster and High Priestess of the play temple, ARKO, Kat believes that embodied innovation is in experimentation and that play leads to an infinite field of opportunities.  In our real, raw conversation, we get into what it means to hold onto identity, how we shut down our creativity in order to gain approval, what nature has to teach us about ourselves through its governing principles, and what it means to experience the power of Yes! Sacred YES. Links & Info: --- Support this podcast:

  • Personal Insights - GoalCast Viral Video & Full Moon Eclipse in Leo

    19/01/2019 Duration: 32min

    The year began with a bang - a partial solar eclipse on the 5th that opened a 2-week eclipse 'portal' of insights, disruption and opportunities to see what has been holding us back. Asking us "How do you want to show up?" and "What and how will you contribute your unique values, passion and purpose to this world?" Leading into the full moon, blood moon and supermoon Leo eclipse on the 20/21st, this week brought major upheaval thanks to a viral video of my TruthTeller talk. With over 6 million views and 65K+ shares, I've had a lot to think about, and many lessons to review about what I've been healing, what I've learned and how I want to contribute in all that I do.  I've been initiated into my journey through the heart and the work of seeing so clearly all the pain, shame, blame, guilt and judgment I've harbored toward myself. These next few days bless me - and all of us - with the opportunity to finally, fully let go of anything that's holding us back from shining our true, heart-centered and heart-driv

  • Dominic Petty - Mastering the Mind & Bringing Healers Online

    24/10/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    The power of the mind is a big subject. Energy and energy medicine are big subjects. How do we work with these quantum tools to improve our experience of life? Ask Dominic! Dominic is a coach and trained as a theta healer, working with subconscious paradigms and energetic fields. He recently launched a new online business called, where you can get connected with a healer - and his/her specific expertise - to support you in life. I've been working with various healing modalities over the past 18 months, which have been fundamental to my big life shifts and to improve my overall well-being, state of mind and energetic field. Energy and energy healing are fascinating and rapidly-evolving modalities being backed by science and quantum physics more and more each day. The conversation flows back and forth about our experiences and understanding about the fields, modalities like theta healing, NLP (neuro-linguistic-programming) and so much more. There's a wealth of information for those who like

  • Nichole East - The Challenges That Wake Us Up to Meaning

    30/09/2018 Duration: 01h41min

    Nichole is fiery, fierce, and mission-driven. In the past few years, her life's journey has led her to shift her focus to her own wellness - mental and physical. She's been on a journey to lose the weight that was hiding her true self. She's lost over 80 pounds and recently was inspired to share her personal path - struggles, swear words and all, on her Sweatin & Swearin account. As far back as I've known her, when Nichole puts her mind to something, she goes for it and gets it. Our conversation takes us through her struggles and the challenges of losing weight, staying motivated, and also of the shifting focus - from externally-oriented career motivation to an internally-focused commitment to being healthy and happy. We cover our parallel journeys of awakening and spirituality and the mental mind-games we play with ourselves around business, expectations, and monetization! So much good stuff! Links & Info: --- Support th

  • Personal Insights - The Acceptable Identity

    23/09/2018 Duration: 33min

    After two weeks being in a yoga psychology training, which caused a delay in publishing this episode, I come to terms with what it means to be compassionate with myself, to let it be ok to miss the exactness of the publishing date, and what I learned watching my mind create stories around the 'meaning' of not delivering on time. This solocast is about the internal struggle I've been having, relating to how my acceptable identity, i.e. the ego, keeps me in a state of fear and anxiety. Specifically in relation to the 'admitting' of my deep passion for astrology versus the same passion I have for depth psychology. Why is one ok and the other not ok? This weekend is also Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, leading into a Full Moon in Aries on Monday, so what can we do with the energies of balance, equanimity and harnessing this opportune time to release? To add fuel to the Aries fire, solar flares are also messing with our energy! --- Support this podcast:

  • Personal Insights - End of the Summer's Rite of Passage

    09/09/2018 Duration: 32min

    This summer has been intense. It's brought us face-to-face with issues, situations, mindsets, behaviors, relationships, places and attitudes that we needed to stare down, declare our completion, and then our release. It's been a three-month journey through our fears and the edges of our limitation - and our potential. I found clarity around my sense of purpose, and even more broadly - my being. WHO am I? Finding this clarity requires deep introspection and broad perspective from tools like archetypes, symbolism, astrology and mythology. I was inspired to write a post about the Goddess Warrior in honor of the women's circle and the retreat to Bali coming up in November. And in honor of my embodied archetype. With the New Moon in Virgo bringing the wormhole and the rite of passage to a close, we can all use a little ritual and a lot of intention, to set ourselves up for our most empowered purpose. --- Support this podcast: https://an

  • Ari Beers - From Runway Model to Conscious Entrepreneur

    28/08/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    Ari Beers is the embodiment of the Warrior Goddess archetype. She came into her own power after leaving a life that many would consider glamorous - she was an "it model" - all the rage in the fashion industry. But she was dying, within. She made a courageous decision and left - in pain, without a plan. But, she had heart. And faith that there was more to life than what she had known. She was right. Her journey led her across 3 continents and multiple Eastern healing modalities, to a PhD in holistic medicine. Today, she is a beloved yoga and wellness leader based in Venice, CA. Ari and I are joining forces through Anahata Conscious Living Institute to bring you the first Warrior Goddess Retreat in November & many more conscious offerings. On the personal insights front, I review my wedding weekend, the meaning of commitment, the effects of the Pisces Full Moon and stepping into our life's purpose - now. Links & Info: --- Support th

  • Heather Schwarz - Finding Strength Through Challenges

    17/08/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Today's episode features an interview with Heather Schwarz who is one of the first women founders in the real estate financial technology industry as far back as 2011. She has forged herself through intense personal and professional challenges, balancing work and family life, and more recently, committing to the importance of her own wellbeing, her self-care, and her inner peace. Heather's insights, stories, wisdom and attitude about life, succeeding and thriving will inspire you to find the jewel in the challenges of your life! I also introduce a new format with brief personal insights before the interview. This week talking about going through the Lion's Gate portal and eclipse, stepping onto our most empowered path and dealing with 'daggers of rejection' as I build community with my women's circle. Links & Info: Heather: Divine Feminine Friday Moon Circle: --- Support this podcast: ht

  • Nicole Rodrigues - Hustle with a Conscience

    06/08/2018 Duration: 59min

    Energy is everything! Nicole Rodrigues epitomizes a growth mindset. Her life and career is a testament to believing in yourself, giving yourself a dream, and taking action to achieve that dream. She is "The Secret" applied to real life. And she hustles hard to be a single-mom, CEO of an award-winning boutique PR firm in LA, as well as running non-profit showing kids how to achieve their dreams. In this episode, Nicole and I discuss the importance of heart & soul, and why this matters for success. Doing the right thing, being in alignment, having integrity, and the importance of learning and planning have all been factors that Nicole uses to run her business. She gives amazing advice about getting where you want to go; identifying your raw talent, honing your skills, learning from mentors and modeling success from others. And she says, 'Go for it!' Links & Info: IG - NRPR Group - Young Dreamers - --- Support thi

  • Personal Insights - My Control Issues & Full Moon Eclipse

    26/07/2018 Duration: 25min

    Today's episode is another personal insights solocast. Mercury turns retrograde today and we're in the energetic portal of this huge full moon and the longest full lunar eclipse of the century, happening on the 27th. I've been doing a ton of inner work through writing my book, which has been deep and ongoing since early June. A lot of things buried in my subconscious and memories I have not revisited in many years have been showing me about my motivations, perceptions and why I made some of the decisions I made. Since the book is based on my public speech about 'Digging My Soul Out From Under My Ego', you can imagine what's been coming up! In addition to resolving some of the past by bringing it to light, I've also faced even deeper issues around control and fear. These are huge. They are universal, though they express differently for each of us. I thought I was over my need to control, but as it turns out, I'm not, though I am more aware of the malware in my psyche now! --- Support this podcast: https:

  • Ran Wei - Leaving the Dream and Transitioning into Purpose

    15/07/2018 Duration: 50min

    Ran is a communication coach passionate about bringing uncommon people onto common ground. After leaving 'the dream' in the world of Wall Street finance to join a 'dying' tech company - Twitter - in Los Angeles, she worked in brand strategy and led Twitter Women, where she fully applied her passion for helping women, in big ways. In many ways, Ran and I have similar backgrounds, which made this conversation so fun and like a mirror across time. Ran has an incredible perspective and clarity on effective communication. It's the basis from which she founded 'project: presence' to empower women to lead with confidence and communicate with purpose and intention in all areas of their lives. Her optimism, high energy, and high vibes, which were looked down upon during her time in finance, are exactly the fuel that makes her so effective and successful. She owns it, stands in her power, and is a beacon to other women to be themselves, always. Links & Info: --- Support this pod

  • Joe Fairless - The Ripple Effect of Living a Meaningful Life

    04/07/2018 Duration: 44min

    What would you do if you controlled $300 million in real estate? Who would you be? If you're Joe Fairless, you'd invest in a meaningful life and create a ripple effect that leaves everyone you touch better off for having met you. That's Joe's philosophy since evolving himself out of advertising and into real estate investing, podcasting, (his show is Top 5 in the business category and the longest-running daily real estate show in the world) and philanthropy. From teaching real estate on the side to where he is today, Joe credits his empathy and capacity to see both sides with being able to connect with thousands of people and make an impact on their lives. There's so much inspiration in this conversation - the 'get a life perk' at work, sampling experiences, reviewing your biases, giving back first, choosing to be great instead of big, death clocks, ditching phones, integrating life, and Joe's meaning of wealth. Links & Info: --- Support this podca

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