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Personal Insights - GoalCast Viral Video & Full Moon Eclipse in Leo



The year began with a bang - a partial solar eclipse on the 5th that opened a 2-week eclipse 'portal' of insights, disruption and opportunities to see what has been holding us back. Asking us "How do you want to show up?" and "What and how will you contribute your unique values, passion and purpose to this world?" Leading into the full moon, blood moon and supermoon Leo eclipse on the 20/21st, this week brought major upheaval thanks to a viral video of my TruthTeller talk. With over 6 million views and 65K+ shares, I've had a lot to think about, and many lessons to review about what I've been healing, what I've learned and how I want to contribute in all that I do.  I've been initiated into my journey through the heart and the work of seeing so clearly all the pain, shame, blame, guilt and judgment I've harbored toward myself. These next few days bless me - and all of us - with the opportunity to finally, fully let go of anything that's holding us back from shining our true, heart-centered and heart-driv