Amber On Podcasts



Welcome to Amber on Podcasts: The podcast that reviews podcasts! I used to be a totally different person, then I lost everything and pretty much thought I was going to die alone and broke. But then, I started listening to podcasts, and then more podcasts, and when those podcasts ran out I found new podcasts. Podcasts saved my life by giving me the tools to the answer the questions about my lifes vision, joy, and meaning. Podcasts are life-giving and this is where Im going to tell you all about them. Also, James Altucher is my hero, I love all things NPR (especially Kris Boyd), and Guy Raz is the dopest pod-host in the game. Booyakasha!


  • 003: Humanity & The Internet feat. Tristan Harris

    11/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    On this episode, Amber discusses what happens when we live by our smartphones vs. accessing our smartphones. With each click, you are telling them exactly what keeps you there. The world is not so big if all you see is what has been filtered and curated for you by people whose sole purpose is to keep you actively engaged. Our thoughts throughout the day come from the screens we are constantly checking. Website:

  • 002: Tim Ferriss & The Bunny Ranch feat. Alice Little

    11/01/2018 Duration: 26min

    On this episode of Amber on Podcasts, Amber discusses Tim Ferriss' interview with Alice Little, sex worker at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. Who goes to the Bunny Ranch and what are they looking for? Why you should be talking about sex, having sex and keeping your eyes open! Website:

  • 000: WTF is Amber on Podcasts?

    11/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    Introducing Amber on Podcasts, hosted by Amber Camille Liggon, former bougie business executive and ego-maniac turned altruistic knowledge seeker. Amber has one life mission: to do more good, for more people, most of the time. Website:

  • 001: Why I Only Say "F***k yes!" & How To Superpower Your Brain feat. Jim Kwik

    10/01/2018 Duration: 21min

    On this episode of Amber on Podcasts, Amber discusses the great James Altucher's interview with Jim Kwik, brain superhuman. Want to learn faster, better and more efficiently? This one's for you! Why choosing yourself is the best decision you'll ever make. The most popular learning technique in Hollywood - used by Will Smith and Bill Clinton. What it means to only say, "F***k yes!" Website:

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