Mind Matters



The Mind Matters podcast features discussions with leaders in the fields of psychology, education, and beyond, with an emphasis on gifted/talented and 2e (twice-exceptional) children and adults. Mind Matters explores parenting, counseling techniques, and best practices for enriching the lives of high-ability people.


  • Talking to Your Children

    15/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    Talking to kids can be uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be. The basis of every conversation is trust, so once you build a comfortable and trusting rapport, healthy conversations will follow. But what is a healthy conversation? Today, Rebecca Rolland, author of The Art of Talking to Children, is here to talk about the hows, whys and whens of talking to kids. It’s all straight ahead on episode 150. Thank you to the Belin-Blank Center for sponsoring this episode. Head to our new merchandise page to get your swag just in time for holiday gift-giving! ABOUT THE GUEST - Rebecca Rolland is a speech pathologist, writer, and speaker who is passionate about using the power of conversation to cultivate creativity, further personal development, and enhance relationships. She has been published online at Psychology Today and USA Today, and offers professional development services, as well as coaching for both kids and adults.

  • The Power of Positivity and Unique Thinking

    01/12/2022 Duration: 33min

    On episode 149 we continue moving the world toward a more positive view of neurodivergence and its impact on society. We also talk about reimagining established thought processes, and using the plasticity of the brain to move toward compassion for self and others. We bring in the perspective of a neuroscientist, Dr. Nicole Tetreault. She’s the author of the book Insight into a Bright Mind: A Neuroscientist's Personal Stories of Unique Thinking, and she joins Emily Kircher-Morris for one of the final episodes of 2022. Here’s a link to the Neurodiversity University, where you can find info on our first two courses, Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students, and Foundations of Dyslexia for Educators. We’ll be adding courses for parents, mental health professionals, and more as we enter 2023, so look for more information along the way. And, join our Facebook group here! ABOUT THE GUEST - Dr. Nicole Tetreault is a neuroscientist, meditation teacher, international speaker, and author of the book, Insigh

  • Processing Speed: Why Some Kids Are Faster Than Others

    23/11/2022 Duration: 34min

    Dr. Ellen Braaten joins Emily to discuss processing speed and why it’s important. They also talk about when it’s not so important, and why it varies so much from child to child. They discuss the impact it has on intelligence testing scores, and ways to help kids increase their processing speed. Dr. Braaten is coauthor of the book Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up. This episode is brought to you by the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa, at www.belinblank.org. With programs and resources to support neurodiverse students and their families. ABOUT THE GUEST -  Dr. Ellen Braaten is the Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) at Mass. General Hospital and the Track Director of the Child Psychology Training Program at MGH/Harvard Medical School. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Braaten received her M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Colorado, her PhD in Psychology at Colorado State University, and completed her internship train

  • Does Personality Impact Neurodiversity?

    17/11/2022 Duration: 36min

    Today we talk with Dr. Alex Vuyk, a Professor of Psychology at the Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción in Paraguay. We discuss the Big Five Personality Model, the influence of personality on neurodiversity, and much more. Also, join our Facebook group to be part of the conversation, and get even deeper “into the weeds” on this and other subjects. This episode is sponsored by Bridges Academy Online, a high school education for twice-exceptional students. Find them at bridges.edu. ABOUT THE GUEST - Dr. Alex Vuyk is a Professor of Psychology at the Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción in Paraguay. She has pioneered gifted education research, practice, and advocacy in Paraguay, and founded both the Aikumby Center for Giftedness and Creativity and REDPAC Paraguay to assist both gifted students and professionals working with high ability students. Dr. Vuyk holds degrees from the University of Kansas and Emporia State University. Her research interests include social-emotional developme

  • Occupational Therapy for Neurodivergent Kids

    10/11/2022 Duration: 32min

    Occupational therapy. What you think it is, and what it actually is, might be completely different. Keri Wilmot joins Emily Kircher-Morris for a conversation about how occupational therapy can and does help neurodivergent kids and adults, and as the Toy Queen, Keri talks about how toys and play can be valuable tools. ABOUT THE GUEST - Keri Wilmot is an occupational therapist, toy expert, Dallas blogger, and parent, who shares popular toy reviews, tips, and toy unboxings. Keri is a full-time pediatric occupational therapist. With more than 20 years of clinical experience, professionally Keri specializes in working with infants, young children and their families by promoting developmental milestones in clients’ homes, in the public school system, and in the community. Keri is also the co-founder of ToyQueen.com. This online resource reviews toys, games, attractions, events, movies, experiences, and baby products for their developmental qualities. She's also the author of Wired Differently: A Teacher’s Guide to

  • Books For “Kids on the Fringes”

    03/11/2022 Duration: 30min

    There’s no doubt you remember a book from your childhood that changed your life, or at least had a profound effect on you. On episode 145 we talk with Jamie Sumner, who writes middle grade novels that feature kids on the fringes, including Roll With It and The Summer of June. We talk about why books affect us and how we can harness the positive impact to help along our neurodivergent kids and students. Be sure to check out our continuing education course called Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students. It's also now available for independent study to teachers, parents, or anyone who wants to know more about twice-exceptionality. If you’re an administrator and want to utilize it district-wide, click this link and we’ll get in touch and answer your questions about the course, or about our newest course, Foundations of Dyslexia for Educators. All of the details are at www.Neurodiversity.University. ABOUT THE GUEST - Jamie Sumner is a critically acclaimed author whose passion is to celebrate the grit

  • Adult Diagnosis ADHD

    27/10/2022 Duration: 29min

    Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult brings many questions to mind: What did I miss? What would my life be like if I had been diagnosed as a child? How can I adapt to the new diagnosis, or should I adapt at all? Sarah Snyder-Castañeda is the host of the Adulting With ADHD podcast, and she joins Emily Kircher-Morris to talk about ADHD as an adult. It’s episode 144, and our final special episode during ADHD Awareness Month. Be sure to check out our continuing education course called Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students. Here’s the link to pre-order the course for independent study at a 20% discount! If you’re an administrator and want to utilize it district-wide, click this link and we’ll get in touch and answer your questions about the course, or about our newest course, Foundations of Dyslexia for Educators. All of the details are at www.Neurodiversity.University. ABOUT THE GUEST - As the brains behind Adulting With ADHD, Sarah Snyder-Castañeda’s career went from striving to thriving within

  • Girls and ADHD

    20/10/2022 Duration: 35min

    Generalizations about ADHD haven’t done girls any favors. ADHD often manifests very differently in girls than in boys. What causes parents, educators, and even doctors, to view the symptoms of ADHD differently with girls? We know that masking, and even variations in environments, often cause symptoms to be missed. How is that happening? And, the pandemic has impacted male and female ADHDers. What is that impact? Joining us is Stephen Hinshaw, a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley, and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UC San Francisco. ABOUT THE GUEST - Stephen P. Hinshaw is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UC San Francisco. His focus is on developmental psychopathology, child and adolescent mental health (particularly ADHD), and the use of clinical trials to understand underlying mechanisms. He also actively investigates mental illness stigmatization and attempts to reduce such stigma. Hinshaw has aut

  • Understanding ADHD Children

    13/10/2022 Duration: 34min

    Parents often believe they know their children, when in reality they haven’t made the effort to really understand them. That understanding can be even harder when adding ADHD into the mix. Dr. Sharon Saline is a clinical psychologist and author of the book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew. She talks with Emily Kircher-Morris about how to go about understanding your child better, and how ADHD can complicate the relationship. It’s part of our special ADHD Awareness Month series. This episode is sponsored by the Belin-Blank Center, at the University of Iowa. Belin-Blank has programs and resources to support neurodiverse students and their families. Find out more at www.BelinBlank.org. ABOUT THE GUEST - Sharon Saline, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist and the author of the award-winning book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life, and creator of The ADHD Solution card deck, which specializes in working with neurodiverse children, teens, adults

  • Taming (and Embracing) the ADHD Beast with Eric Tivers

    07/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    October is ADHD Awareness Month, and we’re spotlighting it with a special series of episodes. On #141, Eric Tivers from the ADHD Rewired Podcast joins us to talk about his journey, diagnosis, support, advocacy, and more. It’s a fascinating discussion you need to hear. ABOUT THE GUEST - Eric Tivers is a licensed clinical social worker, coach, podcaster, speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur who specializes in ADHD, and has worked extensively with individuals on the Autism Spectrum. He’s the host of the ADHD reWired podcast, currently at 449 episodes and counting, and the #1 rated ADHD podcast on Apple Podcasts. You can support our podcast and receive subscriber-only benefits at www.patreon.com/neurodiversity

  • Two Conversations About Dyspraxia

    30/09/2022 Duration: 35min

    We are joined by two guests, Keri WIlmot and Rosemary Richings, both of whom are dyspraxia experts in their own right. Rosemary is dyspraxic, and Keri is an occupational therapist. We look at the condition from both perspectives, and talk about accommodations, diagnoses, and more. Also, if you’re an educator, we have a great continuing education course called Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students. Here’s the link to pre-order the course for independent study at a 20% discount! If you’re an administrator and want to utilize it district-wide, click this link and we’ll get in touch and answer your questions. All of the details are at www.Neurodiversity.University. ABOUT THE GUESTS - Keri Wilmot is an occupational therapist, toy expert, Dallas blogger, and parent, who shares popular toy reviews, tips, and toy unboxings. Keri is a full-time pediatric occupational therapist. With more than 20 years of clinical experience, professionally Keri specializes in working with infants, young children and t

  • Depression and Suicide in the Neurodiversity Community

    26/09/2022 Duration: 31min

    On episode 139, as part of Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, we address depression and suicide among neurodivergent people. We talk about intervention techniques that can help parents, teachers, or anyone who interacts with neurodivergent people to understand and support them through trauma, depression, and suicidal ideation. We are joined by Kelsie Bacon, a licensed clinical counselor and play therapist who works with young neurodivergent people to help them feel connected and supported. Also, if you’re an educator, we have a great continuing education course called Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students. Here’s the link to pre-order the course for independent study at a 20% discount! If you’re an administrator and want to utilize it district-wide, click this link and we’ll get in touch and answer your questions. All of the details are at www.Neurodiversity.University. ABOUT THE GUEST - Kelsie Bacon, LCSW-S, RPT, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker serving the Albuquerque, NM area. She

  • Sorting Out Sensory Awareness

    15/09/2022 Duration: 35min

    Many people don’t realize they’re neurodivergent until adulthood, after dealing with sensory sensitivities their entire lives. Robert Jason Grant joins us to talk about the various types of sensitivities, how to identify them, and how to cope with and accept them. We also dispel some popular myths, and talk about one of the lesser-known senses, interoception. Also, if you’re an educator, we have a great continuing education course called Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students. Here’s the link to pre-order the course for independent study at a 20% discount! If you’re an administrator and want to utilize it district-wide, click this link and we’ll get in touch and answer your questions. All of the details are at www.Neurodiversity.University. ABOUT THE GUEST - Dr. Robert Jason Grant is a licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Registered Play Therapist Supervisor, and Advanced Certified Autism Specialist. He owns and operates the Robert Jason Grant Ed.D AutPlay Therapy Cli

  • Ask Me Anything #2 with Emily Kircher-Morris

    08/09/2022 Duration: 20min

    We take questions from people in the Neurodiversity Podcast Advocacy and Support Group on Facebook, and Emily answers them. This is our second AMA, and you’re invited to take part in future ones. Look us up on any of our social media channels for details and to find out how to participate. Here’s the link to pre-order Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students for independent study. Anyone can take the course, and if you register now you’ll receive 20% off the tuition. You can support the podcast at www.patreon.com/neurodiversity. The Neurodiversity Podcast is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and you’re invited to join our Facebook Group. For more information go to www.NeurodiversityPodcast.com Thank you for caring about neurodivergent people.

  • Mentoring Tweens Through Transitions

    25/08/2022 Duration: 32min

    As parents and educators prepare for the start of the new school year, middle schools everywhere are welcoming a new crop of excited, nervous, and sometimes unprepared kids. On episode 136 we talk about the middle school transition, and the changes parents can expect to see as their kids adapt to their new surroundings. Guest Phyllis Fagell is the author of Middle School Matters, and she joins us with ideas and advice. (This conversation is also featured in episode 38.) Here’s the link to pre-order Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students for independent study. Anyone can take the course, and if you register now you’ll receive 20% off the tuition. ABOUT THE GUEST Phyllis Fagell is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Professional School Counselor and journalist. She has worked in both public and private schools with students in grades K-12, focusing on middle school for the last several years. She currently works full time as the school counselor for Sheridan School in Washington

  • The World is (almost) Ready For Neurodiversity

    18/08/2022 Duration: 37min

    Acting differently, speaking differently, or following different social rules, doesn’t make someone less human or deserving of respect. On episode 135, Dr. Barry Prizant joins Emily Kircher-Morris to talk about his work moving the world of neurodiversity forward, and how we can continue advancing society toward equality and respect for everyone, regardless of their wiring. Also, here's a link to our continuing education and professional development course for school district gifted/twice-exceptional programs. It's a 15-hour, 6-module course called “Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students,” by Emily Kircher-Morris. Learn more and get it for your district at Neurodiversity University. Join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/neurodiversitypodcast ABOUT THE GUEST - Barry M. Prizant, PhD, CCC-SLP is among the world’s leading authorities on autism and neurodevelopmental conditions, and is recognized as an innovator of respectful, person- and family-centered approaches for autistic and n

  • Sensory Sensitivities, Parenting, and Neurodiversity

    11/08/2022 Duration: 33min

    With neurodiversity comes a host of extra effects, sensitivities, and challenges. Parenting a neurodivergent child can require a willingness to reconsider your perspective and sometimes even change your environment, in order to help ease stress and anxiety. Jen Malia, author of TOO STICKY!, is here to lend her perspective as both a parent of neurodivergent kids, and as a neurodivergent person with her own sensitivities and challenges. Also, here's a link to our continuing education and professional development course for school district gifted/twice-exceptional programs. It's a 15-hour, 6-module course called “Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students,” by Emily Kircher-Morris. Learn more and get it for your district at Neurodiversity University. Join our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/neurodiversitypodcast  You can support the podcast and receive subscriber-only benefits at www.patreon.com/neurodiversity ABOUT THE GUEST - Jen Malia is the author of TOO STICKY! Sensory Issues with

  • Let’s Talk Executive Function with Seth Perler

    02/08/2022 Duration: 31min

    Helping neurodivergent kids with executive function issues is tricky. You have to use the correct strategy for their personality, and they need to ‘buy in’ to getting the help. We talk with executive function coach Seth Perler about different approaches to solving neurodiversity’s executive function problem on episode 133. If you want to join us for TEFOS 2022, click here to sign up! Also, here's a link to our continuing education and professional development course for school district gifted/twice-exceptional programs. It's a 15-hour, 6-module course called “Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students,” by Emily Kircher-Morris. Learn more and get it for your district at Neurodiversity University. ABOUT THE GUEST - Seth Perler calls himself a renegade teacher turned executive function coach & 2e coach. He helps struggling students navigate their educational landscapes, and helps them “disrupt” and improve their educational experience. Seth specializes in executive function issues and twice-excep

  • Beneath the Surface of Giftedness (encore)

    21/07/2022 Duration: 29min

    Giftedness is complicated. By itself, it can be difficult to find curriculum, activities, or hobbies that will consistently engage gifted kids. How do you find the “Goldilocks Zone?” Jim Delisle and Emily Kircher-Morris talked about it, and we’re bringing you that conversation again because it’s as pertinent now as ever. Beneath the Surface of Giftedness, on episode 132. Also, here's a link to our continuing education and professional development course for school district gifted/twice-exceptional programs. It's a 15-hour, 6-module course called “Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students,” by Emily Kircher-Morris. Learn more and get it for your district at Neurodiversity University. ABOUT THE GUEST - James Delisle, PhD, was a professor of education at Kent State University (Ohio) for 25 years and was selected by faculty and students there as a "Distinguished Professor", the University's most prestigious teaching award. Jim has worked on behalf of gifted children and teens for nearly four decades. T

  • Removing the Roadblocks of Dyslexia

    14/07/2022 Duration: 34min

    A word many experts use to describe dyslexic people is “misunderstood.” Teachers often don’t catch the signs, parents often don’t know the best ways to advocate for their kids at school, and amidst all of that confusion, the child can feel completely misunderstood. Emily Kircher-Morris talks with Jill Stowell, author of Take the Stone Out of the Shoe, about tearing down barriers and building communication. Also, here's a link to our continuing education and professional development course for school district gifted/twice-exceptional programs. It's a 15-hour, 6-module course called “Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students,” by Emily Kircher-Morris. Learn more and get it for your district at Neurodiversity University. ABOUT THE GUEST -Jill Stowell, M.S. is the founder and executive director of Stowell Learning Centers where she and her team have helped thousands of children and adults eliminate their struggles associated with dyslexia, learning differences, auditory processing, or attention challen

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