Mind Matters

Processing Speed: Why Some Kids Are Faster Than Others



Dr. Ellen Braaten joins Emily to discuss processing speed and why it’s important. They also talk about when it’s not so important, and why it varies so much from child to child. They discuss the impact it has on intelligence testing scores, and ways to help kids increase their processing speed. Dr. Braaten is coauthor of the book Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up. This episode is brought to you by the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa, at www.belinblank.org. With programs and resources to support neurodiverse students and their families. ABOUT THE GUEST -  Dr. Ellen Braaten is the Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) at Mass. General Hospital and the Track Director of the Child Psychology Training Program at MGH/Harvard Medical School. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Braaten received her M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Colorado, her PhD in Psychology at Colorado State University, and completed her internship train