Love & Guts



Hello and a gigantic welcome to Love and Guts,This podcast is brought to you by me, Lynda Griparic, a naturopath and nutritionist with an avid interest in all things digestive health and the intelligent communication systems that exist in the body, such as  the brain and gut...Love and Guts is an evolving podcast channel where we explore all things mind-set, brain and digestive health and so much more...This platform is designed to speak to those who value living a full and magnificent life. The content may challenge you and we may get a bit whacky but never too bio-hacky as I like to keep things practical and accessible to all.No doubt you will hear of tools and strategies that you'll want to apply pronto and that's awesome but please remember that the information on this podcast channel is NOT designed to replace the advice from your health practitioner.If you do not have a health practitioner, however would like to get some support with your health challenges or goals get in contact.


  • Dr Julie Greenberg | Acne; Everything You Need To Know

    08/03/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    #196 Dr. Julie Greenberg is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Registered Herbalist RH(AHG) who specializes in integrative dermatology. She is the founder of the Center for Integrative Dermatology, a holistic clinic that approaches skin problems by finding and treating the root cause. Dr. Greenberg holds degrees from Northwestern University, Stanford University and Bastyr University. She lectures at naturopathic medical schools and speaks at conferences across the U.S. on the topics of hair, skin and nails.  Dr. Greenberg is the Program Chair for the Naturopathic & Integrative Dermatology Series on, a 20 course CE program for doctors that discusses evidence-based alternative approaches to treating dermatological conditions. In this episode we cover How common is acne? Are we only seeing it in teenagers? Why can acne occur in perimenopausal/menopausal individuals and even neonates The different types of acne What drives acne How is mTOR pathway involved and what is the influence of the gut D

  • Alana Gardini | Supporting Your Babies Learning And Development Through Movement

    01/03/2021 Duration: 01h11min

    #195 Alana Gardini is a specialist paediatric physiotherapist at All About Physio Nerang on the Gold Coast. Alana graduated in 2005 from The University of SA and in the years following has developed a love for providing physiotherapy to children of all abilities. She particularly enjoys working with children with Cerebral Palsy, having gained expertise in this specialist field through a wide range of post-graduate training and more than 10 years of experience in specialist disability services, public hospitals and private practices. Alana has worked alongside paediatricians, rehabilitation specialists, occupational therapists and speech pathologists both nationally and internationally.  She is trained in Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT), orthotic provision, gait assessment, equipment prescription and hydrotherapy. She has a strong understanding of human movement, and a keen interest in the relationship between the sensory and motor systems. Alana wholeheartedly believes that ‘play’ is the key to helping a ch

  • Dr Whitney Hayes | Treating SIBO And Other Digestive Disorders In Children

    21/02/2021 Duration: 58min

    #194 Dr. Whitney Hayes is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist located in Portland, OR. She has a great passion for treating imbalances in digestive health. She’s been treating patients for over 10 years with a focus on digestive disorders, including IBS, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, microscopic colitis and especially SIBO. Her favorite patients to treat are pediatric cases with digestive imbalances. She’s a member of the GastroANP and is currently volunteering her time with a group of other ND doctors on the GastroANP to write a board certification test for Naturopathic Gastroenterology.   

  • Dr Anne Hill | Craniosacral Therapy For SIBO, Mental Health, Postpartum And Beyond

    15/02/2021 Duration: 01h11min

    #193 Dr. Anne Hill has been practicing holistic health since 1994.  She initially trained as and maintained a practice as a clinical herbalist and craniosacral therapist and then went on to receive her medical degree in 2003. She currently practices in Portland, Oregon as a licensed Naturopathic Physician. She specializes in general family practice, environmental medicine, endocrinology, and chronic infectious disease.   Dr. Hill has been an educator as long as she has been a physician, holding private seminars as well as guest teaching and lecturing on medical topics at various institutions across the United States as well as on line. In her free time Dr. Hill enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, listening to podcasts and hiking in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two children and her basenji. In this episode we cover What craniosacral therapy is The communication pathways of the microbiome-gut-brain complex  How it applies to craniosacral treatment The two-way relationships between the gut microbio

  • Dr Rosalba Courtney | Functional Breathing For You And Your Child

    08/02/2021 Duration: 58min

    #192 Dr Rosalba Courtney (DO, PhD) is an osteopath, researcher, author and teacher. Rosalba has a PhD on the topic of dysfunctional breathing and breathing therapy and has published widely in the scientific literature and contributed to textbook chapters. Rosalba is passionate about both the art and science of breathing. She believes that breathing combined with movement, mind-body techniques, other health practices has enormous potential as a tool to heal the mind and body. She is actively involved in ongoing research on broad topics related to breathing and health. Rosalba has developed a system called Integrative Breathing Therapy based on the models and tools she developed during her PhD and subsequent research. She has trained health professionals from many disciplines including physiotherapy, psychology, speech and language pathology, osteopathy and integrative medicine in the theory and applications of breathing therapy for their field.  She is currently developing her first online certification course

  • Lisa Fitzpatrick | How To Reconnect With Your Pelvic Floor

    01/02/2021 Duration: 01h16min

    #191 As a women's health physiotherapist, author, yoga teacher and teacher trainer, experienced keynote speaker and founder of Sacred Women’s Business Coaching, Lisa believes that when women tap into their feminine wisdom, the feminine shift restores balance and equality and helps to heal our troubled world. She lives in a subtropical paradise near Byron Bay. In this episode we cover Why many women are disconnected or experience dampened sensation in the pelvic floor How this may present for someone Ways we can elevate our awareness of these areas How certain ways we move could potentially cause harm How to protect the pelvic floor in a yoga class Causes of Painful sex and how PFP can help How the pelvic floor can be impacted during peri menopause And so much more    

  • The Best Of 2020 | Dawn Whitten |Introducing Solid Foods To Baby

    25/01/2021 Duration: 01h12min

    #190 In this episode we extinguish the confusion on when to begin introducing solid food to your baby. I had to get Dawn Whitten back on the cast. If you have yet to listen to my first conversation with Dawn please do. Back in episode 64 I Dawn and I delve into the world of breast milk and the breast milk microbiome. It’s a goodie and one that I’ve listened to a few times already. Judging by the downloads, you guys found this one valuable too.  Let me refresh your memory on who Dawn is; Dawn Whitten is a Naturopath, Western Herbalist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Researcher and Educator. Passionate about protecting and nurturing the microbiome of the next generation, Dawn has a broad base of clinical experience with a focus on women’s health through pregnancy and beyond, as well as infant and toddler health. She has been in clinical practice for 16+ years. Dawn has been published in the peer-reviewed literature and has contributed to clinical textbooks (Including the Breastfeeding chapt

  • The Best Of 2020 | Mona Morstein | Gall Bladder Health - Saving The Gall Bladder From Surgical Removal

    18/01/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    #189 Dr. Mona Morstein has been a naturopathic physician for thirty-one years. She graduated from and did a residency at National College of Naturopathic Medicine.  She was Chair of Nutrition, Gastroenterology professor and Clinical Supervisor at a naturopathic medical school.  She now has her own clinic, Arizona Integrative Medical Solutions, in Tempe, AZ. Dr. Morstein has a busy gastrointestinal focused medical practice. She has been on all three SIBO SOS Summit series and has done numerous webinars/lectures on SIBO and other gastrointestinal conditions.  Dr. Morstein is recognized as an expert on diabetes. Her 560 page book “Master Your Diabetes: A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach to Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes,” is an in-depth, evidenced based, educational book for both patients and physicians.  She is the founder and Executive Director of the Low Carb Diabetes Association, a 501c3 education non-profit. I have wanted to get Mona on for some time now as I have seen many of her lectures and just love

  • The Best Of 2020| Patrick McKeown | Reach Your Full Potential With Buteyko Breathing

    11/01/2021 Duration: 01h18min

    #188 Patrick Mckeown is the President of Buteyko Professionals International. He is also a member of the Management Board and the Advisory Faculty of the International Academy of Breathing & Health. Patrick was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and later studied in the Moscow clinic of the founder of the Buteyko Breathing Method; the late Professor Konstantin Buteyko. He was honoured to be awarded a Diploma in the Buteyko Method by Professor Buteyko. Patrick’s current professional affiliations include being a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (UK), a Member of the Physiological Society (UK), a Member of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, a Fellow of Buteyko Professionals International, and a Fellow of the International Academy of Breathing & Health. In this episode we cover The principles of buteyko breathing Why we want to avoid over breathing and losing too much carbon dioxide Some of the protective mechanisms that the body creates (in the form of disease) to limit the loss of C

  • The Best Of 2020 |Tara Nelson | How To Identify And Treat Thyroid Dysfunction

    04/01/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    #187 Tara Nelson, is a West Australian-based naturopath with over 24 years of clinical experience. After many years of seeing primarily thyroid conditions in her clinic, Tara went into researching for herself and further education in order to improve her clinical outcomes in her complex thyroid patients. Tara has developed a six-week online practitioner thyroid training program to further educate practitioners in thyroid health, and thyroid case mentoring for practitioners, a practitioner affiliate program and runs an online thyroid recovery program. Tara has completed extra studies in the AIP dietary and lifestyle approach, which she utilises with many of her thyroid and other autoimmune patients. Tara is on a mission to bring awareness and education to the public and practitioner community alike, about the importance of thyroid health on a deeper level. In this episode we cover Why the big increase in thyroid disorders The main triggers of thyroid dysfunction The interplay between cortisol and the thyroid

  • Lynda, Guy & Ava Lawrence | Reflecting on 2020

    28/12/2020 Duration: 43min

    #186 Today I am sharing a conversation I had with my husband Guy Lawrence to wrap up 2020. I’ll let the podcast do the talking but I do hope that you get something out of our conversation, even if its only to enjoy our musings. Show notes Guy Lawrence - Let It In podcast Leah Hechtman - The Reproductive Microbiome  

  • The Best Of 2020 | Kiran Krishnan | The Role Of The Gut Microbiome In Immune Homeostasis

    21/12/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    #185 Kiran Krishnan, a research microbiologist that has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 18 years. He comes from a university research background having spent several years with hands-on R&D in the fields of molecular medicine and microbiology at the University of Iowa. Kiran established a Clinical Research Organization where he designed and conducted dozens of human clinical trials in human nutrition. Kiran is also a co-founder and partner in Nu Science Trading, LLC.; a nutritional technology development and research company. He is a co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Microbiome Labs. He is a frequent lecturer on the human microbiome at medical and nutrition conferences. He is an expert guest on national and satellite radio, has appeared in several international documentaries, and has been a guest speaker on several International health summits as a microbiome expert. He is currently involved in 16 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human mi

  • Kim Anami | Vaginal Orgasms And How To Avoid Being Undersexed Aka FUKME

    12/12/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    #184 Kim Anami is here to infuse more passion into your life and bed. She is a holistic sex + relationship coach, writer and speaker. Her work is a spiritual synthesis of over two decades of Tantra, Taoism, Transpersonal psychology, philosophy and a host of quantum growth-accelerating practices she uses to propel clients into higher stratospheres of connection, intimacy, energy and creativity. Her musings on life and love have graced Playboy, Elle, Marie Claire, Shape, The Sunday Times (UK), The Daily Mail, GQ and national talk shows from E! Network to CNN and NPR.  She divides her time between Bali and Los Angeles and a host of beaches in between, where she not only lives and surfs, but lifts objects with her vagina. You can follow her globetrotting and weight-lifting vagina and adventures on Instagram with the hashtag: #thingsiliftwithmyvagina, her sex education videos on YouTube, her podcast Orgasmic Enightenment and can check out her online all-things-intimacy programs at:  In this episod

  • Bonnie Harris | How To Connect With Your Kids And Why They Push Our Buttons

    05/12/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    #183 Bonnie is a parenting and child behavior specialist. She has designed and taught parenting workshops and counseled parents for more than twenty five years. Her master’s degree in Early Childhood Education is from Bank Street College in New York City. Bonnie founded The Parent Guidance Center in Peterborough, NH in 1990, now The River Center, dedicated to parent education, support and community connections.She has written two books, When Your Kids Push Your Buttons and Confident Parent, Remarkable Kids, speaks and teaches internationally and has appeared on many television and radio programs and podcasts. Bonnie lives in NH with her husband and is the mother of two grown children and three grandchildren.   In this episode we cover:   The importance of connection with children vs. the traditional way we have brought up kids with reward and punishment  The difference between personal boundaries and setting limits Why its so easy for parents to have their buttons pushed Why children push our buttons

  • Leanne Mitchell | Autism Spectrum Disorders And The Gut Microbiota

    29/11/2020 Duration: 58min

    #182 Leanne is a Microbiome Coach at Microba, an Accredited Practising Dietitian and qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist.  Leanne has a passion for gut health, with a particular interest in the gut-brain interactions in gastrointestinal disorders, mental health and neuro-developmental conditions.  She is currently conducting a clinical trial investigating the gut-brain connection in children with autism as a part of her PhD through the University of Queensland.  Leanne is herself a a mum of two boys with autism and improving their health and happiness, and being able to pass this knowledge on, is a key driver for her work. In this episode we cover What is Autism and how does it affect the lives of people living with it The difference between adhd and asd What are the risk factors, what is known about the “causes” of autism What is the gut-brain or microbiome-gut-brain axis What alterations are observed in the gut microbiome of children with ASD (bacteria and metabolites How can testing the gut microbiome be be

  • Dr Tania Dempsey | The Link Between Covid -19 And MCAS

    22/11/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    #181 Dr. Tania Dempsey is an expert in chronic disease, autoimmune disorders and mast cell activation syndrome. Dr. Dempsey is sought after internationally for her knowledge of chronic immune dysregulation, and has attracted patients from Israel, England, Thailand and France. Dr. Dempsey uses integrative medicine to get to the patient's root cause(s) of their illness.  Her purpose is to understand why people get sick and to help patients understand their body and why it fails them when it does. Dr. Dempsey received her MD from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and her BS degree from Cornell University. She completed her Residency at NYU Medical Center/ Bellevue Hospital and then served as an attending physician at a large multi-specialty medical practice in White Plains, NY, before opening Armonk Integrative Medicine. Dr. Dempsey specializes in autoimmune disease, MCAS, and chronic illness.  She is a staff member of Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut. She is also a member of the Instit

  • Dr. Allison Siebecker | SIBO - Updates And Tough Cases

    13/11/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    #180 Dr. Allison Siebecker, nicknamed “the Queen of SIBO”, is a naturopathic physician, award-winning author, clinician and educator, whose integrative curriculum and protocols, along with her free educational website,, have been instrumental in modern Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) treatment and awareness. She is instructor of Advanced Gastroenterology at NUNM, as well as former medical director and co-founder of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health, the SIBO Symposiums and the GI Conference at NUNM. She serves on the IBS faculty for the GI Health Foundation and on the Continuing Education board for the Gastro ANP. Dr. Siebecker has specialised in the treatment of SIBO since 2010 and is a SIBO patient herself. In this episode we cover Why ascertaining whether SIBO exists matters? The difference between SIBO and IBS What’s new in SIBO Key tips and strategies for SIBO treatment - Including caveats or lesser known things to be mindful of Problems, challenges with the interpretation of

  • Dr Julie Greenberg | The Gut - Skin Connection, Leaky Skin And How To Heal Chronic Skin Disease

    08/11/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    #179 Dr.Julie Greenberg is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in integrative dermatology. She is the founder of the Center for Integrative Dermatology, a holistic dermatology clinic that approaches skin problems by finding and treating the root cause. Dr. Greenberg hold degrees from Northwestern University, Stanford University and Bastyr University, and she received advanced clinical training at the University of Washington Medical School Dermatology Clinic and at Seattle Children’s Hospital Pediatric Dermatology Center.   She lectures at medical schools and speaks at conferences across the U.S. on dermatology.

  • Debbie Cotton | The Mucosal Barrier And Immunity : It’s Fascinating Role

    02/11/2020 Duration: 01h15s

    #178 Debbie is a naturopath, herbalist and integrative psychotherapist, a mother, a lover, a gardener, a forager and general nerd. She is a busy clinician and lecturer in the health sciences for over 15 years both in Australia and the UK.  Her work centres on what it is to be human, and how relationships (human, natural and microbial) shape who we are. She currently works for Invivo Healthcare UK as a part of the a part of the Clinical Education team and the Product Development team, where she spends her time helping to educate clinicians in an ecosystem approach to their clients and working in research and development. In this episode we cover The importance of the mucosal barriers throughout the GIT system and their role in immunity The importance of host-microbiome reactions and how host markers such as sIgA and beta defensins help determine our interplay with microbes The bacteria involved in the mucosal balance The importance of syntrophy, and what patterns we commonly see when things start to go in the

  • Dr Farshid Sam Rahbar | Considerations When SIBO Persists Or Relapses

    26/10/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    #177 Dr. Farshid Sam Rahbar is the founder and medical director of Los Angeles Integrative Gastroenterology & Nutrition. As an acclaimed gastroenterologist, Dr. Rahbar combines his experience, knowledge, and highly-advanced techniques with the art of functional medicine. He provides patients with an all-encompassing and comprehensive approach to gastrointestinal health. Dr. Rahbar attended the University of Tehran in Iran and completed his residency training at St. Mary’s Hospital in New York, one of the most prestigious and well-known medical facilities in the world. In 2009, Dr. Rahbar founded LA Integrative Gastroenterology & Nutrition, where he combines Eastern and Western medicine to create a unique, “whole-person” approach to caring for the body, designed to optimize and improve a patient’s health. At LA Integrative Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Dr. Rahbar has won several awards, including a Patient’s Choice Award. Only about 5% of physicians receive this special award. A Patient’s Choice Aw

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