Belief Hole



Conspiracy, the paranormal.. and brother fights. Three brothers explore, question and debate everything alternative from the average Bigfoot encounter to the fringiest of fringe conspiracy theories, challenging their own beliefs and often each other's sanity. Good humor, good drinks and good discussion.


  • 2.25 | Dark Fairies and Cloaked Creatures - Beyond Missing 411

    24/12/2020 Duration: 01h22min

    Thunderbirds, Mantis Man and Fairies, oh jeez! Strange and unexplained disappearances have become a fascination for folks interested in mysteries, the paranormal, and all flavors of the unknown- especially since David Paulides' “Missing 411” has come on the scene. But it may be interesting and helpful to consider some fantastic creatures and strange entities that have been encountered in the wilderness and wilds of national parks and elsewhere, where so many have disappeared. Fairies and other supernatural beings have been a scapegoat for countless abductions and unexplained deaths across cultures since mankind could first say “AHHHH!” Is there a reason that so many cultures corroborate descriptions of similar entities and hidden folk in their lore and mythology? Whether you’re a follower of the Faerie Faith, curious about 7-foot mantis people encounters, or are just open-minded enough to hesitate going into the woods at night, you may want to stick around for these stories. So, lock the doors, light a candl

  • 2.24 | Strange Listener Stories 5 - Glowing Forest Spirits, Walmart Wizards, and Secrets in the Ceiling

    11/12/2020 Duration: 01h19min

    If you doubt that there is still mystery and magic in the world, then all you need to do is crank the volume on yet another Strange Listener Stories episode! We’ve got glowing forest beings, Walmart wizards, and maniacal manifesting clown dolls.. just to name a few! So light a candle, put your phone on Do Not Disturb, and prepare to.. be disturbed. Also.. random-number-generating final destinations and Jon puts Jeremy back in the ceiling!

  • 2.23 | Secrets of Sound - Creation Vibration and Binaural OBEs

    27/11/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    Oh supernatural, magical sound! Can you hear it? The sound of reality itself? All things come from vibration, after all, and on this episode we pull out our tuning forks and align the Belief Hole to the frequency of ancient audio intrigue and astral awesomeness! From sonic scepter-wielding Stargate gods, to OBE inducing Binaural beats, to stone-slinging Tibetan monks, we rediscover the lost art of harnessing the power of sound to bend the universe to our will!.. With much thanksgiving ;) Also, cymatic madness, ladybug death threats, and Jeremy’s accidental astral abduction

  • 2.22 | Sea Monster Attacks and Devils of the Deep!

    13/11/2020 Duration: 01h23min

    Explore the eerie and uncharted waters of sea monster lore in our latest podcast episode. We dive into the chilling 1962 Pensacola Florida Sea Serpent Incident, recounted by Edward Brian McCleary, and navigate the mysterious waters of the 1899 Seneca Lake Monster Attack. The debate continues with a skeptical perspective from David Goudsward on the Pensacola Sea Serpent. Journey with us through historical accounts like Captain Hare's encounter with a behemoth at Trinity Shoal Lightship and Henry Milligan's Washington Times sea serpent story. We also ponder the intriguing question: Did dragons exist as misidentified dinosaur bones? This episode, enriched with trending topics like cryptozoology, historical mysteries, and marine biology, also previews an expansion into time slips and glitches in reality, while addressing the skeptical argument of the oarfish and exploring the 1413 Catalonian Map's giant fish tales. Join us for a deep dive into historical sea serpent corroboration, including the earliest North Ame

  • 2.21 | Dogman and Fear Eaters - Windows to Other Worlds

    29/10/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    What better time to tell some creepy tales of the modern-day werewolf: the dogman. With cryptid sightings increasing, we wanted to once again explore the potential reality of the dogman phenomenon through witness encounters as well as corroborated historical evidence, with some ancient artifacts thrown in for good measure. Almost never do we hear of an encounter where the dogman has harmed a human. The primary goal of these questionably-corporeal canine cryptids seem to be to elicit maximum fear from the victim before vanishing into the night. Could these creatures be simply feeding on our darkest energies produced during an extreme state of terror? And have these fear-eating, terror-tasters been engorging themselves on our fear, and the fright of our ancestors throughout recorded history? Join us as we answer all these questions to absolute and unquestioned satisfaction… as much as possible based on the evidence we’ve been able to gather. Hint…. THEY’RE REAL! Also.. fear vending machines, ancient space we

  • 2.20 | Missing 411: Glimmerman and other Invisible Creatures

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01h22min

    Explore the enigmatic world of the unseen in our latest podcast episode, where we delve into the mysterious phenomenon of the Glimmer Man and other invisible entities. We introduce the concept of the Glimmer Man (08:51), a Predator-like entity, and discuss the intriguing Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITEs) observed through Santilli telescopes (10:32). Delve into the attributes of these Predator-like invisible entities, including their translucence and distinct clicking sounds (14:30), and hear a spine-tingling story of an encounter with what could be an angel or a cloaked humanoid (17:09). The episode also speculates on the possibility of these phenomena being tests of secret cloaking technology (24:46) and references Invisible Aliens as reported in Fortean Times (26:49). In our Expansion Preview (30:36), we venture into New Orleans Lore and the Beast of the Bayou, adding a cryptid twist to the invisible phenomena. The episode also features a fascinating discussion about the mythical Ring of Gyges from Pl

  • 2.19 | Listener Stories 4 | Alien Abduction, Crawler Cryptids, Spirits and Magic

    30/09/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    As the leaves begin to shiver and thin, so does the veil between our world and others.. Let us guide you into an anomalous autumn with new and true Strange Listener Stories! From roadside run-ins with malformed beasts to ghostly jailhouse revenge, this episode creeps its way into the Halloween season with an unsettling grin;).  Also.. Secret House Guests, Abduction Discussions, and Jeremy's Bloody Socks Full

  • 2.18 | Secret Society Influence and Illuminati Infiltration

    17/09/2020 Duration: 01h34min

    Any conspiracy theorist worth his salt has experienced being the weird guy at the party, trying to recount some evidence to prove his perspective after maybe one too many bourbons, and then suddenly asked.. "so who are THEY anyway?" If you've been in this position, well fear not! On this episode, we're going to track the origins of the Illuminati and provide some evidence for its potential infiltration into the unsuspecting brotherhood of the Freemasons and alleged, continued influence in society today. We summon and analyze archaic letters from George Washington admitting his concern of the Illuminati corruption of early America before opening the closet to expose a couple skeletons of the Skull and Bones. Finally, we peer through the esoteric firelight of the Bohemian Grove and pull back the curtain on its creepy naked elite attendees, while analyzing evidence for its direct connection to the Bavarian Illuminati.  Also.. Jeremy 'gets by', Jon thinks snakes have arms, and Chris accidentally gets a demonic

  • 2.17 | Haunted Lighthouse Lore and Waters of the Occult

    03/09/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    At the edge of the world, one person stands to face the mysterious foggy abyss that is the sea. This is the isolating, maddening, treacherous job of the lighthouse keeper. And although automation has relegated much of this harrowing work to occupational history, there are many bizarre, creepy and mysterious happenings that make up the lantern-lit library of lighthouse lore. From first hand accounts of occult vandalism and ghostly restroom requesters at West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, to the classic and captivating ghost girl hauntings/ lost lighthouse keeper spirits of the Seguin Lighthouse, we explore the mystery and possible explanations behind the seemingly supernatural phenomena in the craggy mists of these iconic places, and discuss the kraken, fortean fog, and all matter of paranormal at the prosperous of landly existence. Join us, won't you? Also.. halloween decor preferences, Chris gets touched at night, and Trent Reznor is corpuscular

  • 2.16 ⎮Camp Creeply 1 - True Camping Horror Stories

    19/08/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    Camping- Is there a better summertime tradition? Of course not! Whether you’re backpacking with old friends or hunkering down in a cabin with strangers at summer camp, it's a unique human experience that's guaranteed to forge inescapable nostalgia. But at Camp Belief Hole, woodland monsters stalk the backpackers, and those strangers in the cabin with you.. aren’t quite human. Join us on us around the fire, as we tell true tales of kayaking witches, slime-throated dogmen, the buzz-kill that is Mosquito Man and everything in between! Also.. A pervy Mt. St. Helen's Ghosts, an Encapsulated Man-Cow's, and Jeremy's irrational fear of bears

  • 2.15 | Near Death Experiences (NDE), and Afterlife Adventures

    05/08/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    Near Death Experiences or the NDE may be one of the most thought provoking human experiences you can have.  Does the afterlife exist and does our consciousness go on after we die? Since the 1960s, serious investigators have collected tens of thousands of accounts of Near Death Experiences (or NDEs) from not only those who've claimed to have crossed the bridge to the other side and returned, but of families and healthcare workers who've witnessed and even partaken in these other-worldly experiences. So charge up your defibrillators and prep the epinephrine, as we prepare to flatline, Kiefer Sutherland-style, and venture into the land of the dead. Since the 1960s, serious investigators have collected tens of thousands of accounts of Near-Death Experiences (or NDEs) from not only those who've claimed to have crossed the bridge to the other side and returned, but of families and healthcare workers who've witnessed and even partaken in these other-worldly experiences. So charge up your defibrillators and prep t

  • 2.14 | Colonial Vampires, St Germain and Secret Societies

    08/07/2020 Duration: 02h21min

    There is a mysterious story embedded at the very heart of the founding of the independence of America. An unnamed figure who rises during fearful exclamations of doubt at the Continental Congress just before the legendary declaration was signed. He makes his fiery speech in favor of signing, the founders are inspired and encouraged, and the rest is history. Who was this mysterious figure? Was he part of a secret brotherhood, a hidden hand guiding mankind through history and affecting specific changes at key moments? Some say he was Count de St Germain, the legendary immortal galavanting through Europe and regaling kings and fellow nobles with his alchemical tells and hints at elixirs of life. Join us in the episode as we uncover alleged Freemason plots and Rosicrucian rites as described by Manly P Hall in the Secret Teaching of All Ages and the Secret Destiny of America. Then we trace accounts and writings of the supposed immortal St Germain in Europe, his connection to Benjamin Franklin, and his occulted

  • 2.13 | Creepy Clowns, Fear Eaters, Farmhouse Ghosts and | Strange Listener Stories 3

    16/06/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    These summer nights are alive with nocturnal secrets, and with them, the tails of never-ending strangeness that have always, and will forever, flavor our lives. We've heard the call of the Night Listener, and have come to share their confounding and terrifying experiences with you! Black Magic in India, Haunted homes with dark treasures, Strange creatures in the clouds, and more, all await you in.. the Belief Hole. Also... Black Magic Blood Manifestations, Ghost Heartattacks, and Bad Parenting with Clowns

  • 2.12 | Secret Space Programs and the Breakaway Civilization

    01/06/2020 Duration: 01h45min

    Is there a ‘Breakaway Civilization’ that’s been orbiting willy nilly around our planet for decades- using clandestine technologies to explore and colonize our solar system?! There is an ever-growing nebula of evidence and whistleblower testimony that cries yes! Bases on the Moon? Check. Silent, Black Triangles? Check. Presidential, extraterrestrial meetings? You know it! On this episode, we follow the incredible claims and evidence deep into the Belief Hole. So strap in, you star-stepping rocket jockey, and join us for a classified, exploratory mission! Also.. Brazilian Sky Battles, Pentagon Password Fail and Chris' Spaceship Loneliness

  • 2.11 | Shadows of Ancient Technology and Forgotten History

    17/05/2020 Duration: 01h38min

    What fantastical fragments of lost technology lie beneath the sands of time? What has already been discovered, yet remains cloaked in mystery?  Whispers of ancient nano-tech discoveries in the rivers of the Ural mountains?! Rumors of 20-ton, monster-made sarcophagi in narrow pyramid passageways?! Seemingly man-made nails, driven into Jurassic rock?! These mysteries (and more) we explore, on today’s Journey- millions of years deep into the ever-deepening Belief Hole! Also.. “Honey, have you seen my limonite concretions?”, the simulation exposed in the studio, and Chris is a courageous man!

  • 2.10 | Alien Abduction and Bent Heavens - Daniel Kraus Interview

    30/04/2020 Duration: 01h43min

    On this out of this world (sorry, i had to) episode, we dig into the concept of Paleo Abduction, with an 1892 case of alleged alien abscondence - the first published account! On the heels of this is an incredible mini-van twirling write-in of an extraterrestrial campground encounter, as well as a most compelling clip from Small Town Monsters documentary series, 'On the Trail of UFO's'! Then we top it all off with an intriguing interview with Daniel Kraus about his enthralling novel of Americana Abduction, 'Bent Heavens', as well as his future work with George A Romero's zombie legacy and its surprising connection with research into Haitian Voodoo practices. Also.. Jeremy's Alien Bump, UFO Flashlight Tag, and Dancing, Dream Skeletons at the Edge of Eternity! SPECIAL GUEST | Daniel Kraus | New York Times best selling author: Bent Heavens, The Shape of Water, Trollhunters, Rotters Daniel Kraus Website | EPISODE ART | Bryan King – ‘Abduction’ GET EXPANSION EPISODE: EXP 2.10

  • 2.9 | Terrorized by Gnomes - Horror of the Hidden Folk

    15/04/2020 Duration: 01h31min

    You might think 'Gnome'-body is scared of gnomes, right? Oh.. well you'd be dead wrong, my friend. All throughout the world, there are stories, legends and beliefs of the 'hidden folk'. Whether it be the Huldufólk of Iceland, the pointed-tooth, people-eating Nirumbee of the Crow in native North America, or your friendly fox-riding, forest protecting 'David the Gnome'-style Nisse of Nordic lore, these elemental-type others are just another reason to be reverent of nature, and in some cases, fearful to dim the flame of your campfire. Coming up on this episode, we recount some captivating and bizarre modern encounters with gnome-like creatures and other hidden folk and examine the potential reality and cultural connections of these folkloric beings. So, leave some food out for the fairies and some iron for the dwarves, and lets dig down deep to uncover the inner workings of the Hidden Folk. Also... Paracelsus Gnome Naming, Horse Hair Braiding, and Fiendish Fairy Shadow Theft

  • Skinwalkers, Witchcraft, and Monsters of the Southwest - Expansion Episode

    09/04/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    ** This is a Special Expansion Episode Release - More Available on Patreon! The mysterious winter nights continue with this probing exploration into the dark side of Native American witchcraft and lore. In this episode, we present real stories of skinwalker encounters- creatures turned from man to monster by the practice of a dark occulted magic, kept secret by the Navajo and other native tribes, for fear that to even speak the name ‘Skinwalker’ would invite a most grave and sinister retribution. So burn some sage, and keep the lights low as we respectfully but inquisitively conjure the dark magical mystique of the American Southwest in an effort to cast some light on the those things kept hidden: shapeshifters and Skinwalkers. GIVE US SOME LOVE: WEBSITE | PATREON | DIG DEEPER WITH US: View Full Episode Notes and Images Here: Timestamps 08:40 | The Skinwalker Leg

  • 2.8 | Giant of Kandahar and Skeletons of the Mounds

    30/03/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    Shadows of giants have darkened landscapes across the earth for millennia. From secret skeletons filling the forgotten mounds of the Americas, to controversial, contemporary accounts of Middle East battles with cave-dwelling behemoths, we explore the colossal lore that surrounds these timeless titans.. and the evidence that suggests the hidden existence of real giants! So grab your slingshots and dive into the Hole, because the Giants are coming.. and they're hungry! Also.. Nephilim Courtship, Strange Neighbor Behavior, and Jeremy's Swampy Lowland.

  • 2.7 | Listener Stories | Strange Creatures, UFOs, and Graveyard Ghosts

    16/03/2020 Duration: 01h40min

    Friends gather ‘round! Ready for some fresh eyewitness accounts to a smorgasbord of strange goings-ons?! Today, buried within the Belief Hole are tales of glitching black dogs, teleporting tear-drop UFOs, and bell-wielding graveyard ghosts - just to name a few ;)  So stoke the fire and pour a glass, because the Belief Hole is opening.. and she wants to tell you a story.. Also.. Jon’s motorhome monster,  hoverboard kisses, and how to embarrass your way out of a relationship.

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