Belief Hole

2.20 | Missing 411: Glimmerman and other Invisible Creatures



Explore the enigmatic world of the unseen in our latest podcast episode, where we delve into the mysterious phenomenon of the Glimmer Man and other invisible entities. We introduce the concept of the Glimmer Man (08:51), a Predator-like entity, and discuss the intriguing Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITEs) observed through Santilli telescopes (10:32). Delve into the attributes of these Predator-like invisible entities, including their translucence and distinct clicking sounds (14:30), and hear a spine-tingling story of an encounter with what could be an angel or a cloaked humanoid (17:09). The episode also speculates on the possibility of these phenomena being tests of secret cloaking technology (24:46) and references Invisible Aliens as reported in Fortean Times (26:49). In our Expansion Preview (30:36), we venture into New Orleans Lore and the Beast of the Bayou, adding a cryptid twist to the invisible phenomena. The episode also features a fascinating discussion about the mythical Ring of Gyges from Pl