Dr. Rhadi Ferguson Nice & Easy



Quick motivational messages from one of the best coaches and speakers of our time. 2004 Olympian, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson


  • How To Identify Knowledge Gaps in Newaza: Enhancing Groundwork Skills in Judo

    19/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.coachingandteachingjudo.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson presents practical strategies for judokas to identify and elevate their groundwork skills. Embrace the multifaceted approach of video analysis, cross-training, and physical conditioning assessment for a well-rounded Newaza proficiency. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • How To Identify Knowledge Gaps in Tachiwaza: A Guide for Judo Practitioners

    18/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.coachingandteachingjudo.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson provides a comprehensive guide for judokas to identify and bridge knowledge gaps in Tachiwaza. From analyzing sparring sessions and seeking feedback to participating in competitions and studying Judo theory, his practical strategies empower practitioners at all levels. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Embracing the Basics: The Vital Role of Fundamentals Review in Judo and BJJ for the Year

    17/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.coachingandteachingjudo.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson underscores the importance of a Fundamentals Review in Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). Exploring the vital role of revisiting core techniques, building a strong foundation for advanced skills, correcting bad habits, and fostering continuous learning. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Synergy of Teaching and Coaching in Judo: Embracing a New Year of Growth and Excellence

    16/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.coachingandteachingjudo.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson delves into the nuances of coaching, offering insights that extend beyond the mat. With a wealth of experience in judo and BJJ, his transformative approach transcends techniques, focusing on strategic mindset development and personal growth. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • My Take on Coaching and the Powerhouse That Is Dr. Rhadi Ferguson

    15/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    http://www.IWantToWorkWithYou.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson delves into the nuances of coaching, offering insights that extend beyond the mat. With a wealth of experience in judo and BJJ, his transformative approach transcends techniques, focusing on strategic mindset development and personal growth. Tune in to unlock the secrets of success with a coach who's a true powerhouse.

  • The Indispensable Edge: The Unmatched Benefits of Dr. Ferguson's Mentorship

    14/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.IWantToWorkWithYou.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson explores the transformative power of coaching, unlocking potential in judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Gain insights into a holistic approach, technical mastery, and strategic mindset development. Don't miss out on the wisdom shared! Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Bruce Lee: A Tale of Mastery Through Coaching

    13/02/2024 Duration: 01min

    http://www.IWantToWorkWithYou.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson delves into the martial arts legend Bruce Lee's journey. He reflects on his personal connection to Bruce Lee and emphasizes the transformative power of continuous learning and adaptation. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Coaching Journey of Michael Jordan

    12/02/2024 Duration: 01min

    http://www.NewazaMindshift.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson highlights Michael Jordan's coaching journey with Phil Jackson, showcasing how the right coach can transform natural talent into true greatness. As we prepare for our judo deliberate practice coaching program, remember that the journey to greatness can be amplified with the right guidance. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Untold Story Behind Champion Serena Williams

    11/02/2024 Duration: 01min

    http://www.NewazaMindshift.com – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson delves into the inspiring journey of a tennis legend - Serena Williams. This story underscores a fundamental truth: behind every great athlete stands a great coach. As we shape our judo deliberate practice coaching program, Serena's narrative serves as a beacon, showcasing the potential for greatness with the right coaching. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Unvarnished Truth About Success, Sacrifice, and the Serious Business of Judo

    10/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    http://www.CoffeeWithRhadi.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson unravels the unvarnished truth about success, sacrifice, and the serious business of judo. This isn't a feel-good tale; it's a hard-hitting account of turning Olympic-sized dreams into reality. Driven by strategic investment rather than mere sacrifice, Rhadi challenges the comfortable norm and extends an invitation to the Deliberate Practice Coaching Program. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Sacrifice vs. Investment: A Perspective Shift in the Pursuit of Excellence

    09/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.CoffeeWithRhadi.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson emphasizes the crucial distinction between 'sacrifice' and 'investment.' Sacrifice implies loss, while investment is a strategic allocation of resources for future benefits. Shifting to an investment mindset empowers a positive, growth-oriented approach to personal and professional development, fostering motivation and fulfillment. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Understanding the Key Distinctions: Sacrifice vs. Investment

    08/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    http://www.CoffeeWithRhadi.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson distinguishes between 'sacrifice' and 'investment’ in the pursuit of personal and professional growth. He highlights five key differences. Understanding these distinctions is essential for fostering a positive, proactive mindset and making meaningful progress in various aspects of life. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Crucial Difference Between Sacrifice and Investment: A Champion's Perspective

    07/02/2024 Duration: 02min

    http://www.CoffeeWithRhadi.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson emphasizes the crucial difference between sacrifice and investment in the pursuit of greatness. Drawing from his Olympic journey, he rejects the notion of sacrifice, framing every effort as a purposeful investment—time, energy, and focus directed strategically toward meaningful goals. To be truly great, he advocates viewing actions as investments, not sacrifices, fostering a mindset of exponential gain and fulfillment. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • 3 Essential Focus Points When Patience Wears Thin: A Reflection on Galatians 6:9

    06/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson reflects on maintaining patience inspired by Galatians 6:9. Key points include focusing on the bigger picture, trusting the process, and persisting despite weariness. Integration involves reflecting on past successes, seeking community support, and renewing one's spiri —a call to active, courageous patience. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Hardest Exercise Ever! Exercising Patience

    05/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson discusses the rarity of patience in our fast-paced world, framing it as a mental muscle that requires exercise. Despite societal pressures for instant results, he emphasizes the profound benefits of patience, offering practical tips like mindfulness and gratitude. In a world focused on physical fitness, He encourages the often-overlooked exercise of patience for improved well-being and resilience. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Leading With Love and Guiding with Kindness: A Heart-Centered Approach to Life and Leadership

    04/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson promotes a heart-centered leadership style that prioritizes love and kindness. Leading with love focuses on empathy, vulnerability, and serving others, while guiding with kindness emphasizes compassionate communication, intentional actions, and support. These approaches, applicable in all aspects of life, create positive ripple effects, fostering loyalty, cooperation, and shared purpose. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Navigating the Path to Forgiveness after Divorce or Severed Relationships

    03/02/2024 Duration: 04min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson navigates the challenging path to forgiveness after divorce or severed relationships. He emphasizes recognizing shared accountability for a more equitable closure. The forgiveness process involves acknowledging emotions, seeking understanding, owning one's part, learning from the experience, expressing forgiveness, releasing grievances, practicing self compassion, and creating new boundaries. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • The Hardest Practice That I've Ever Had In My Life: The Practice of Forgiveness

    02/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson explores the profound challenge of forgiveness. He delves into the struggle, misconceptions, and the liberating power of forgiveness. Real forgiveness offers profound rewards, leading to inner peace and freedom. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Choosing Your Battles Wisely: The Art of Letting Go for Relationship Harmony

    01/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson advises on choosing battles wisely in relationships. Assessing the stakes, considering the emotional cost, and letting go when necessary are crucial. Strategies include prioritizing relationships, practicing empathy, agreeing to disagree, clear communication, and setting boundaries for a harmonious and enriching life. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

  • Reflecting Before Reacting The Crucial Pause in a Fast-Paced World

    31/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    http://www.EnhanceOrDestroy.com  – In this podcast, Dr. Rhadi Ferguson underscores the significance of reflecting before reacting. The brief pause, essential for emotional intelligence, offers benefits like improved decision making and reduced stress. Mindfulness and emotional regulation are pivotal, providing a thoughtful approach in a society often driven by quick responses. Enjoy the listening journey. Stay tuned and stay awesome!

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